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Realistic or Modern Highschool Is Cruel

Jamie parked his car and got out he grabbed her. He pushed her against his car firmly bit enough to hurt her."hmm what you want from me. I said I protect you from my sister. You made the choice to get out of my damn car when I said I was tired and had my sister to deal with.I came back because you are my girlfriend or were because I may not fucking know any more especially with this attitude.you want me I am here if not then should of never gotten involved. And if your going to bring up the fact my family has money every time we are in an argument then you shouldn't even be with someone like me. Now get your ass in the car. I am taking you home got it. Text me when you decided what you want now get in."He says and lets her go.

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson winced at his words, and from being pushed against the car. She quickly climbed into the car and tried holding back tears. The drive was silent, and felt like forever. She wanted him, but she clearly wasn't enough for him. Poor, broken, good...

Hudson pulled her knees to her chest, she'd lost two people special to her in just a year. "I don't want to lose you..." she said quietly to Jamie, but not looking at him.
Jamie drove her home at top speed he parked outside her house. "This time I am telling you get out. Unless you made up you're mind about what you want. Hudson I am not your typical guy and I never will be. Deal with me as I am or find some nice prick Jock.I will give you 3 days to decide.don't be expecting me in school for the next 3 days. "He said and grabbed his cigarette lighting up.

Irish Ice Queen
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"I dont want a prick jock... I learnt my lesson from them... I like you're different. I just need to be wanted to be able to want back... I love you Jamie..." she climbed out of the car as tears poured down her cheeks. She hated him seeing her cry. She stepped back from his car, glanced up at him once but jogging inside, up to her room and sat on her bed. she silently cried as she curled up on the bed, not bothering to change. Just messing up her hair, kicking off her shoes, and taking off her jewelry.
Jamie sighed and slammed his fists on his wheel. He sighed and got out. he kicked his tire. And ran to the tree below her window. He climbed up and into her room."Hudson, I love you too okay your my girl. But you drive me and I am sorry okay. I don't say that very often."he said and looks at her. He walked closer to her and sat in her bed"Hudson? Babe?"he asked.

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson glanced at him and frowned slightly "I don't like losing people Jamie..." she sat next to him "I already lost my mom... thst was hard... I hadn't said I love you to a boy in my life... unless it was Kyle or daddy... I don't know what id do if you dropped me..." she sniffled and looked at her knees. "I'm like this because I lodt someone who was my air. I'm not normal because I lost her." She said said quietly.

Hudson never told anyone about her mom, how close they were, how hurt Hudson was when her mom died, or how messed up Hudson became after her loss.
Jamie sighed and pulled a hand through his hair. He pulled him close and kissed her."babe I am not leaving you, He am just tired and well if your twin was psychotic and trying to kill me I think you be worried as well. I am sorry about your mom we lost both our parents I know how you feel okay my love"he said. "Trust me this isn't normally me. I am not a nice guy, but I been trying for you cause I love you."Jamie said.

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson nodded she kissed him again, "no more talking" she whispered and kissdd him again, wrapping her arms around his neck gently.
(Can't post much my birthday and I am working. )

Irish Ice Queen
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(Yup nothing says happy birthday like having to work and oo eye's thats fun good luck )

Irish Ice Queen
((Back people, sorry about that.))

Elroy took a glance around the party. The house was rocking from the music and dancing. He chuckled. There was a shitload of people crammed into the moderate-sized dwelling. He reached beside of him, suddenly taking a hold of Celia's hand. Taking a firm yet relaxed grasp, he leaned back and spoke to her loud enough to be heard over the music, "Just kinda stick close to me! I've never seen this many people here." Elroy immediately took the perimeter of the living space, going around the dancing crowd. He towed into the drinks section, which someone had been keeping stocked. "Here's the snacks table, but we have stuff in the kitchen too if you get hungry enough. Want a drink?" He offered, already fixing himself a soft drink in his red solo cup.

Party Overview

Time: About 7 o'clock, little later.

Estimated people: At least 100.

The party's in full swing, with people inhabiting both the inside and outside of the house. Police are unlikely to show up but it's currently a possibility. Alcohol is very present so far and drugs are slowly making an exhibition to the scene.
Jamie chuckled. "Sorry babe I have to go get my sister to a facility. I just didn't want to leave anything like that. I dont know how long the drugs will last."he said.He kissed her gently and hugs her.

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson made a pouty lip, but kissed him once more. "Do you want me to come? Help with anything?" She asked shyly, not wanting to make him upset st all.
Jamie shrugs." If you want my dearest."he says and sighed. He ran his hand through his hair.He kissed her "come on pumpkin. "

Irish Ice Queen
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( kissed her on pumpkin xD ) Hudson shrugged and stood up, changing into a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top, "I think ill stay..." she hugged him tightly, "just be careful okay?" She asked quietly. "If you wanna come back, my window will be open" she smiled softly and pressed a small kiss to his lips.
(Yeah sucks.)

"Okay, bye love you babe."he said and kissed her. He walked to her window and climbed down to his car. He drove off and sighed. He wasn't ready for this.

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson layed down in her bed under the covers. She wasn't tired at all, so she put on some music and curled up, pulling the covers to her chin and closing her eyes.
Celia blushed brightly when Elroy grabbed her hand. She let him lead her to the refreshments. "N-nothing a-alcoholic, p-please..." she said as loudly as she dared above the noise. She was more afraid of someone making fun of her stutter than she was of not blending in. She looked around before turning back to Elroy with a smile.

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