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Realistic or Modern Highschool Is Cruel

((We're continuing on with the party, feel free to join in when ever)).

Six o'clock finally rolled around. The rest of the day up until that point had gone without any additional drama. Elroy's brother hadn't returned but that was of no concern. As the sun began to sink below the horizon, final preparations were made. Alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic drinks were put out. The lights were dimmed a bit and even some blue and purple party lights were enabled. giving the inside of the house a nice aura. The music was turned on and cranked up to a moderate volume. It'd be cranked up later on. Slowly, the partyers began to stream into the farm property, and then funneling in and around the house. Elroy greeted his company, and most of his family joined in on the festivities. Alcohol and drugs were busted out immediately. The music roared, and Elroy grabbed himself a drink in a red solo cup. He bopped his head along with the music, talking and buzzing around the party. Though, his eye was always on the lookout for Celia. Her appearance at the party would mean the most to him.
Celia pulled up to the farm, surprised to find that so many people were already there. She rolled back her shoulders and took a deep breath. With one last glance in the mirror, she checked her hair, makeup, and clothing. When she stepped out of the car, she was immediately glad she'd chosen wedges over heels. She walked up to the house, her heart pounding in her chest. For a split second, she debated turning around and going back home. It was too late. She was already standing on the porch.

:devil: ))
It was relatively early in the party but about 3/4th's the county was at the farm. Bonfires were lit, people were already drunk. It was going to be a long night. Elroy had taken down a few drinks but nothing enough to affect him. He carried his red solo cup around as if it were a golden chalice with diamonds encrusted in it. Taking the occasional sips, he made his way around the party and talked to everyone he knew. There were few people that he didn't know by name. He stopped and danced twice, but was mostly on the move. Keeping his eyes on the windows, he noticed a car that he didn't know pull up to their farm. Just because he didn't know the car didn't warrant any suspicion or wonder in him; there were tons of cars in the valley that he didn't know. However, the type of car clearly wasn't one that would be drove around in the valley. It was an outsider. Outsiders never came to their neck of the woods. It clicked in his mind that it was probably Celia. A shot of anxiety went through him upon the realization. His thoughts were confirmed when a girl his age came from the vehicle. From inside the house, he watched as she approached, taking note of her hair and outfit. Damn, he thought to himself. Elroy hadn't been the only one that noticed she seemed out of place; one of the party-goers outside questioned Elroy's relative on who the girl was. "That's Elroy's city girlfriend," the relative said with a chuckle. Elroy kept quiet and walked out onto the porch to greet her once she got up to the porch. He opened the front door with a smile. "Hey, glad you came," he pronounced, lifting his cup up to his lips take a swig.
Celia looked up when she heard Elroy's voice. She smiled softly, "H-hey... I-I f-feel r-really o-overdressed..." She looked at the other people at the part, shifting uncomfortably as she played with the hem of her shirt. After a minute, she looked back up at him. "S-so..."
Elroy smiled as she spoke, only breaking eye contact once to check her out again. He chuckled when she expressed her feeling of being overdressed. That wasn't something overtly hard to do, considering what some of the people were wearing. "You look great, trust me." There was a moment of awkward silence, which was interrupted by her. "Come on in, I can show you around a bit." Elroy turned and held the door open for her.
Celia blushed when he complimented her before following him into the house. She looked around, already feeling a bit anxious around all the people.
Brianna was caught again, her father was extremely angry and looked like he wanted to hit her, all because she was wearing jeans, her father did not hit her rather pushed her into her room and locked the door, she was lucky this time, she wished her mother was still alive and hoped her first day of school would be good tommrow.
Jamie went down."Hudson, babe come to bed your worrying me." He said and held out his hand to her."cime in babe.Lacey will be okay out here."He says

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson looked at Jamie and shrugged "can we go to a party or something?" She raised an eyebrow. She wanted to get drunk and relax. She remembered a boy named Elroy was having a party, so going would be fun. "Uhmmm Elroy is having a party? " she suggested and left the shed with Jamie. She hugged him as soon as they stepped outside
Jamie shrugs. "Sure lets go get ready."He walked up and showered. He dressed and waited on her.He texted Jasmine and Eva. He was worried about his sister. He sighed when he didn't get a reply. What was he going to do. He had to keep Hudson safe and get his sister help.

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson showered quickly, and dressed in (attachment at the bottom), she quickly fixed her hair and makeup. Walking out of the washroom she saw a worried look on Jamies face. She slowly walked over and set her hands on his chest, "just relax" she whispered and pressed a kiss to his lips. She quickly deepened it.

Her outfit -
Jamie pulled her closer and locked his lips with her."okay come on babe let's go. I have an idea."He said. He got up and grabbed his keys. "Let's go baby."He said

Irish Ice Queen
She took his hand and walked out to his car, a grin on her lips. She wanted to have fun tonight, so she would have fun tonight. The nightmare would keep her up, so she might as well stay up anyways. She quickly made her way to the passenger side of the car and climbed in, crossing her legs.
Jamie drove them to the party. He parked and sighed."babe I am gonna go if you want to stay. I am seriously okay, but it is the shitting middle of the night and I don't want to go to some no name party especially since I don't care about popularity and getting my psychotic twin in rehab."Jamie said."so sorry" he said and waited for her decision. Jamie hated unknown parties.

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson raised an eyebrow "why didn't you just say you didn't wanna come...?" Asked a bit of sadness hinted in her voice. But she just shooknher head and looked at her knees, "I hsd a nightmare... im scared ill have it again if I fall asleep..."
He shrugged. "Okay go I will see you at school."Jamie said annoyed. He waited for her to get out, when she did he sped off. He went home and started on his sister's smoothie with knock out pills. He waited for Eva to get home.

Irish Ice Queen
Hudson stood there in a but of shock that he had just kicked her out of his car. A frown puckered her lips and she just stood there hurting. Shw had no ride home and forgot her phone at home which was how manh miles away considering the party was on a farm. She teared up and looked around the farm, she knew one person, but she didn't want to talk. She started walking home, alongside the highway.
Jamie sighed he felt bad about leaving Hudson like that. He sighed leaving a note for his sister eva to drink the smoothie. He drove along spotting Hudson m shr turned his car infront of her. "Come on hop in I will take you home.I am sorry this thing with eva is bugging me and I think I took it out on you. Plus I am tired and need sleep."He says and ran his hand through his hair. "Plus I need your help I drugged my sister and need help getting her into rehab."He said

Irish Ice Queen
"Why would you need my help." She said slightly angry, she crossed her arms, rubbing them slightly to keep warm. "Thought you'd see me at school." She said a bit harshly. She kept walking without looking at him. "You have a huge house with a huge bed. You could be sleeping, but you're busy driving beside me in the middle of the night after dropping me off and abandoning me at a party without a ride back, in the freezing cold. Im fine walking 15 miles." She was hurt

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