• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern Highschool Bites {Character Sheets}



|| Descriptors ||
Full Name: [Given name]
Nickname(s): [Is there another name they go by?]
Gender: [...this is obvious]
Age: [Years since exit of the womb?]
Grade: [What grade are they enlisted in? If not a highschooler, don't worry about this.]
Alignment: [Moral Compass]
Appearance: [What do they look like? Realistic or Realistically-Drawn preferred]
Attire: [What do they normally wear?]
Height: [How high do they go?]
Weight: [How much on the scale?]
Eye Color: […]
Hair Color: […]
Distinct Features: [scars, markings, etc.]
Sexual Orientation: [What way does the ocean flow?]

|| Persona ||
Personality: [3 lines minimum ; you can list if you want]
Skills: [What are they good at?]
Likes: [What do they enjoy?]
Dislikes: [What don't they enjoy?]

|| In-Depth ||

Biography: [Backstory, you know the idea. At least a paragraph.]
Classes: [Only applies to students.]
Strengths: [3 minimum ; you can list]
Weaknesses: [3 minimum ; you can list]

|| Other ||
Parents: [You know, if you want your character to have parents . . . ]
Siblings: [Doesn't have to apply to you.]
Car: [If applicable]
House: [What does their residence look like?]
Theme: [If they walked into a room, what would play?]
Extra: [Anything I missed?]
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|| Descriptors ||
Full Name: [Given name]
Nickname(s): [Is there another name they go by?]
Gender: [...this is obvious]
Age: [Years since exit of the womb?]
Grade: [What grade are they enlisted in? If not a highschooler, don't worry about this.]
Alignment: [Moral Compass]
Appearance: [What do they look like? Realistic or Realistically-Drawn preferred]
Attire: [What do they normally wear?]
Height: [How high do they go?]
Weight: [How much on the scale?]
Eye Color: […]
Hair Color: […]
Distinct Features: [scars, markings, etc.]
Body Type: […]
Sexual Orientation: [What way does the ocean flow?]

|| Persona ||
Personality: [3 lines minimum ; you can list if you want]
Skills: [What are they good at?]

Hobbies: [What do they do in their spare time?]
Likes: [What do they enjoy?]
Dislikes: [What don't they enjoy?]

|| In-Depth ||
Biography: [Backstory, you know the idea. At least a paragraph.]
Classes: [Only applies to students.]
Strengths: [3 minimum ; you can list]
Weaknesses: [3 minimum ; you can list]

|| Vampire Abilities ||

Abilities: [I'll let you be creative here, but I can still deny you.]
Weaknesses: [You must meet a requirement of, at least, four weaknesses relating to vampires. Weaknesses are: Silver, Decapitation, Mistletoe, Holy-related Objects, Having to be invited inside (if doors and windows are closed), Garlic, the Sun, Fire, Bloodlust, Running water, or a Stake through the heart.]
Vampire Eye Color: [Purple, Red, an Orange-Gold, Black, or Blue.]
Fang Size: [13mm , 15mm, or 17mm.]
Number of Fangs: [All 4 Canine teeth? Two Canine Teeth? Canines and Molers?]

|| Other ||
Parents: [You know, if you want your character to have parents . . . ]
Siblings: [Doesn't have to apply to you.]
Car: [If applicable]
House: [What does their residence look like?]
Theme: [If they walked into a room, what would play?]
Extra: [Anything I missed?]
|| Descriptors ||
Full Name: [Given name]
Nickname(s): [Is there another name they go by?]
Gender: [...this is obvious]
Age: [Years since exit of the womb?]
Grade: [What grade are they enlisted in? If not a highschooler, don't worry about this.]
Alignment: [Moral Compass]
Appearance: [What do they look like? Realistic or Realistically-Drawn preferred]
Attire: [What do they normally wear?]
Height: [How high do they go?]
Weight: [How much on the scale?]
Eye Color: […]
Hair Color: […]
Distinct Features: [scars, markings, etc.]
Body Type: […]
Sexual Orientation: [What way does the ocean flow?]

|| Persona ||
Personality: [3 lines minimum ; you can list if you want]
Skills: [What are they good at?]
Hobbies: [What do they do in their spare time?]
Likes: [What do they enjoy?]
Dislikes: [What don't they enjoy?]

|| In-Depth ||
Biography: [Backstory, you know the idea. At least a paragraph.]
Classes: [Only applies to students.]
Strengths: [3 minimum ; you can list]
Weaknesses: [3 minimum ; you can list]

|| Werewolf Abilities ||
Abilities: [I'll let you be creative here, but I can still deny you.]
Weaknesses: [You must meet a requirement of, at least, four weaknesses relating to werewolves. Weaknesses are: Silver, Decapitation, Mistletoe, Holy-related Objects, Electricity (can prevent transformation), Phases of the Moon (an inexperienced wolf may have trouble during any moon; during a full moon, all werewolves are compelled to transform and become more aggressive and bloodthirsty), Wolfsbane, Fire, Bloodlust (for the inexperienced), Sensory Overload, or Alpha inflicted attacks can slow healing, Lunar Eclipse (werewolves become powerless), Hecatolite can disrupt the werewolf transformation.]
Bitten or Born: [Were they bitten or born a werewolf?]
Rank: [Alpha, Beta, or Omega?]
Werewolf Eye Color: [Red - Alpha , Orange-Gold or Silver Blue - Beta or Omega]
Werewolf Form: [I'll allow up to two transformations, excluding Homid.)

|| Other ||
Parents: [You know, if you want your character to have parents . . . ]
Siblings: [Doesn't have to apply to you.]
Car: [If applicable]
House: [What does their residence look like?]
Theme: [If they walked into a room, what would play?]
Extra: [Anything I missed?]
|| Descriptors ||
Full Name: [Given name]
Nickname(s): [Is there another name they go by?]
Gender: [...this is obvious]
Age: [Years since exit of the womb?]
Grade: [What grade are they enlisted in? If not a highschooler, don't worry about this.]
Alignment: [Moral Compass]
Appearance: [What do they look like? Realistic or Realistically-Drawn preferred]
Attire: [What do they normally wear?]
Height: [How high do they go?]
Weight: [How much on the scale?]
Eye Color: […]
Hair Color: […]
Distinct Features: [scars, markings, etc.]
Sexual Orientation: [What way does the ocean flow?]

|| Persona ||
Personality: [3 lines minimum ; you can list if you want]
Skills: [What are they good at?]
Likes: [What do they enjoy?]
Dislikes: [What don't they enjoy?]

|| In-Depth ||
Biography: [Backstory, you know the idea. At least a paragraph.]
Classes: [Only applies to students.]
Strengths: [3 minimum ; you can list]
Weaknesses: [3 minimum ; you can list]
Weapons: [What did the government equip you with?]

|| Other ||
Parents: [You know, if you want your character to have parents . . . ]
Siblings: [Doesn't have to apply to you.]
Car: [If applicable]
House: [What does their residence look like?]
Theme: [If they walked into a room, what would play?]
Extra: [Anything I missed?]
|| Descriptors ||
Full Name: Meadow Lynn
Nickname(s): Mea, Meadow
Gender: Female
Age: Nineteen
Grade: Graduated
Alignment: Meadow is kind to all living things, instead of taking her animalistic rage out on mortals she simply takes it out on wild animals such as deer.
Attire: Meadow frequently wears clothes of black coloring, she isn’t particularly picky yet her fashion sense is tasteful. Jeans and a hoodie seem to be her ideal choice almost always.
Height: 5 foot 4 inches
Weight: 126lbs
Eye Color: Blue and Brown
Hair Color: Auburn
Distinct Features: She has a tattoo on her ribs in Greek, she also has a scar above her eyebrow and another above her upper lip.
Body Type: Slender
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
|| Persona ||
Personality: Meadow is kind and dislikes any conflict, she is a respectful and resourceful young woman. She has become incredibly skilled in the art of stealth, given that she prefers to hide rather than fight.
While she despises fighting, Meadow finds herself putting herself in harms way to protect those weaker than her. She refuses to allow others hurt if she can help them, and often suffers for it.
• Stealth
• Hunting
• Running
Hobbies: In her spare time Meadow enjoys exploring the forest, reading or curled up in her apartment watching tv. She isn’t the most interesting woman werewolf, yet she enjoys simplicity.
• Simplicity
• Reading
• Peace
• Quiet
• Nature
• Confrontation
• Humidity
• Rude people
• Pain

|| In-Depth ||
Biography: Meadow was born to a human mother, and a Werewolf father. Her mother and her twin brother died during birth, causing Meadows father to not only resort to alcoholism but he also blamed Meadow for the deaths.
She was raised in fear of her alcoholic father, until one day when she was sixteen. Her father was belligerent drunk, and threatened Meadow. He ended up pushing her down a flight of stairs, this caused Meadows first transition. Her anger and pain caused her to morph into a beast. She climbed the stairs faster than her father could force a morph, and she slashed open his skin like a hot knife and butter.
When she came too, her father was alive yet fading quickly. She tried her best to save him, yet in the end he died as well.
Meadow was never found out and moved to live with her Aunt, she was treated much nicer yet was never allowed to show what she was to them. She frequently snuck out just to wander the forest in her lupus form. She has never wanted to harm another person, and takes her rage out on deer and elk mostly.
Classes: N/A
• Stealth
• Speed
• Hearing
• Intelligence
• Her smaller Size
• Her need to protect those weaker than her
• She isn’t particularly the strongest

|| Werewolf Abilities ||
Abilities: Her hearing, eyesite and reflexes are dramatically enhanced.
Weaknesses: Lunar Eclipse, Silver, Fire, Sensory overload and Wolfbane
Bitten or Born: Born
Rank: Omega
Werewolf Eye Color: Orange - Blue
Werewolf Form: Homid - Lupus

|| Other ||
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: Deceased
Car: Nissan Altima
House: A small two bedroom apartment, enough space for her.
Theme: “Rubiks Cube” - Athlete
Faceclaim: Sarah McDaniel
Voiceclaim: Sarah McDaniel
Quotes: “The roughest precious created Diamonds.”
Extra: Meadow seems to be in her own world.

Name: Isabelle Leclair (she was born Louise Villeneuve, but she's changed a couple of times through the years)
Nicknames: Lizzy, Belle
Gender: Female
Age: 116 (says she's 17)
Grade: Junior
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. She doesn't go out of her way to harm others, but she's not above doing questionable things to get what she wants. She also only hunts humans, claiming it's because their blood makes her stronger but it's really because it has a better taste.
Sexual orientation: Lesbian
Species: Vampire
coded by: lorde

Attire: X|X|X|X
Height: 5'7
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Distinct Features: Bite mark in her neck
Body Type: Slim





Personality: Isabelle is a fun and outgoing girl, with a large amount of confidence and charm that seems to radiate through whatever room she's in. She believes life should be lived at it's fullest, with no worries or troubles to care about. Despite this, she's not a wild person, or one who doesn't think before she acts. A true product of her time, she always cares about maintaining her class and grace, even while doing things most would shy away from. She's also an extrovert, who enjoys spending time with others and likes forming friendships. She's known for being quite a flirt, despite the fact she doesn't like committed relationships, or commitment of any kind. Mostly because she's afraid of loosing people she's close to due to their lack of immortality.

She's a very ambitious person, who wouldn't stop at anything in order to get what she wants. She's incredibly cunning, manipulative, and a terrific liar. So good, in fact, that she often lies out of habit instead of necessity. Isabelle is an incredibly proud person, who takes great joy in boasting about her accomplishments and tends to consider herself better than others because of them.
Skills: Acting, lying, running, hunting
Hobbies: Theatre, filmmaking, dancing
Likes: Movies (she still calls them moving pictures), theatre, human blood, french, partying
Dislikes: The sun, hunting animals, sports, boredom, school

in depth—

Born in France during the the 1920's to an incredibly poor family, Isabelle (then Louise) spent her youth being stepped on by the powerful. The ones who believed their life was worth more than hers simply because they were able to flaunt their pristine white skin and beautiful diamonds shining on their immaculate clothing. With her parents struggling to pay the rent and provide for Isabelle and her four siblings, she decided to get a job, to help both her family and herself in those horrible times. It wasn't easy, but she was able to become the assistant of a renowned jazz singer, whom she admired deeply. The woman taught her to read, write, dance, and how to sing- claiming it was because she saw Isabelle as a daughter. When she turned 16, Barbara told her she wanted to take her on tour, to show her off in clubs and bars and get recognition. And the ambitious Isabelle, eager to escape from her life of poverty and convinced she was destined for something greater, accepted. Unbeknownst to her, the woman was a vampire, who only wanted her to turn her and have someone to help her until the end of times.

Isabelle was resentful towards the woman after being turned, but she remained by her side. After all, she was the only person she knew who could help her become the stage sensation she was certain she was destined to become. Especially with the popularity of films and the starts that worked in it, a life meant for someone like Isabelle. The woman helped her adapt to her new life as a vampire, enough for Isabelle to forgive her for turning her in the first place. After a few years, the pair gained a lot of recognition, and Isabelle was finally offered a small role in a movie. This, however, brought its fair share of problems. While being in the public eye was fun, it also meant people were more involved in her life than their own, and they started to suspect her weird mannerisms an began to notice things like the fact she only seemed to go out at night, always refused food in social gatherings, and never seemed to age. She eventually caught the eye of a vampire hunter, who managed to break into the house she shared with her mentor with plans to kill them both. He found Isabella's friend first, and ended her life by sticking a wooden stake into her heart while she slept. Alarmed by her screams, Isabelle ran into her room and found the hunter. Fortunately, he was busy with her friend to notice her; making him an easy kill for the furious Isabelle. Who was, for the first time, on her own.

After that, she decided to leave the spotlight forever. Faking her own death and changing her appearance to be able to find work without being recognised. She worked as an actress and performer in small, underground theatre groups, until WW2 arrived and the Nazis invaded France. She stayed in Paris during the occupation, only so she could follow a Nazi-only diet, but left after the end of the war due to the state of a weakened France and an destroyed continent. Isabelle immigrated to Canada, where she was able to learn English while being able to live with others who knew French. During the 70's, she met a beautiful woman, Ella, whom she fell deeply in love with. Gay marriage wasn't legal then, but they began living together as a couple nonetheless. Despite knowing her girlfriend was a vampire, Ella didn't seem to mind and swore she only cared about who Isabella was on the inside, not who she ate or how sensible she was to the sun. It was a nice but doomed relationship, a fact Isabelle discovered as Ella aged as every day went by and she remained the same. After Ella died due to a stroke in the early 2000's, Isabella moved to the United States, eager to escape from Canada to leave the memories of her pain behind. She eventually reached Oregon, where she was caught by the cops after a party she'd been in had been interrupted by the police. They questioned her, and upon learning she was underaged and lived on her own with no family to help her, forced her to go to a foster home and enrol in the local high school.
(I know this is long, but you cant go through 116 years without having so many important moments).
Honors English
AP World History
French III
Physical Education (she was allowed to only work inside, due to her "highly sensitive skin")
Financial Literacy
Electives (Dramatic Arts II)
Strengths: Good liar, charismatic, fast runner
Weaknesses: Physically weak, hot-headed, resentful
Vampire Abilities: (based on European folklore) Immortality, enhanced senses and speed, faster healing, mind control (works better on humans), illusions (can make others see things)
Weaknesses: [You must meet a requirement of, at least, four weaknesses relating to vampires. Weaknesses are: Silver, Decapitation, Mistletoe, Holy-related Objects, Having to be invited inside (if doors and windows are closed), Garlic, the Sun, Fire, Bloodlust, Running water, or a Stake through the heart.] Decapitation, Silver (burns her skin), wooden stake, the sun (will kill her after half an hour. She can walk outside as long as the sunlight doesn't hit her skin), garlic .
Vampire Eye Color: Red
Fang Size: 15mm
Number of Fangs: 2 canine teeth


Parents: Her biological parents are long gone, but she's now living with foster parents; John and Gwen Clarke.
Siblings: She used to have 3 siblings, but they're all dead. She lives with her "foster siblings" , twins Adam and Abel, who are both 14 and freshmen in the local school.
Car: Black ford taurus
House: House
Theme: Ain't it Fun - Paramore
Faceclaim: Taylor Lashae
Voiceclaim: Melanie Laurent English|French
Quotes: "I don't need sunlight- I'm already in the spotlight"
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|| Descriptors ||
Full Name: Emmeline Hawkins
Nickname(s): Her friends usually call her Em. A lot of the school’s faculty will just call her Hawkins so they don’t mix her name up with one of her siblings’.
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12
Alignment: Chaotic good

Attire: Once the weather gets chilly she frequently wears oversized wool sweaters plucked freshly from her dad’s closet. Otherwise she likes long sleeve tee shirts. Leggings and jeans are fairly common for her. For shoes, it’s either a pair of work boots or sneakers. She always wears her glasses.
Height: 5’10
Weight: 150lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Distinct Features: Her face and shoulders are covered in freckles. She has a light scar on both of her palms that was caused by rope burn. She has some scars on her knees from childhood antics.
Body type: Slim and strong
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, leaning more towards girls lately.

|| Persona ||
Personality: Emmeline is a happy, go lucky girl. She’s very kind and charming. She loves to joke around with her friends, and she loves to tease them. She’s very talkative and loves to make friends with as many people as possible. She’s a bit cocky and sometimes overly self-confident and occasionally overestimates her own abilities. She’s loud, brash, and reckless. She doesn’t think twice to tell her friends that she loves them. She’s an incredibly loyal.
-Lab practicals
-Athletic from playing sports
-Learning, especially science
-When people are too picky
-Activities that involve sitting still
-Explaining herself

|| In-Depth ||
Biography: Emmeline grew up in a close knit, large family. Her mom, Kathleen, is a doctor at the local hospital, and her dad, Jack, is a fisherman. She is kid 6 of 9, so her house was always chaotic growing up. When she was 12, Em was involved in a car accident. Her oldest sister was driving and she had passed away in the accident. Since her sister’s passing, Em has been striving to be as perfect as possible, trying to make up for the loss of her sister to her parents. She was involved with pretty much every activity under the sun as a kid. She ended up sticking with dance, soccer, competitive sailing, and softball. With the support of her family, she is gearing up to go away for college next year.
Classes: AP English, Psychology, Organic Chem, AP Calculus, French III, Physical Ed, Dramatic Arts II, Lunch.
-She’s fairly strong
-Some first aid knowledge from being a life guard over the summer
-She’s not very patient
-Takes things personally
-Constantly needs to be right

|| Other ||
Parents: Jack and Kathleen Hawkins.
Siblings: Emmeline is one of nine. She has five brothers and two sisters. Em is number six in the birth order. Her oldest sister passed away when Emmmeline was younger.
Car: She finally saved enough money up to buy a used 2002 Jeep Liberty.
House: The Hawkin’s household is fairly sizable, considering the amount of kids that once lived there. A few of Em’s older siblings have moved away to start their own lives, she still lives with 4 of her bothers and sisters. The house is situated close to the coast, and is easily recognizable due to it’s bright red front door, that contrast against the navy exterior with white trim.
Theme: Crystals- Of monsters and men
Faceclaim: Luca Hollestelle
Voiceclaim: Grace Van Patten
Quotes: “Honestly, living as a hermit swamp witch doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea.” “You know- I say trust me I’m a doctor way too often for someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.”
Extra: She has 3 dogs. An Irish Wolfhound named Phineas Gage, a German Shepherd named Moose, and a Caucasian Shepard named Virchow.
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|| Descriptors ||
Full Name: Ana-Maria Desmarias
Nickname(s): Annie
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Attire: cute and light flowy dresses over tights with some brown boots. When training she wears all black under armor.
Height: 5’3
Weight: 120
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blonde
Distinct Features: she has a brand on her upper back that she received when she was five.
Sexual Orientation: bisexual

|| Persona ||
Personality: kind to everyone though she doesn’t always remember who she’s talking to. She has a stubborn streak and hates to be bosses around, she also would rather pretend like she didn’t know something then start a fight. Loves her family and friends and would do anything for those she’s loyal to.
Skills: knife throwing, first aid, sewing, hand to hand
Likes: making clothes, crocheting
Dislikes: sitting still, people bossing her around.

|| In-Depth ||
Biography: The Desmarias where once a proud head family of hunters, until Annie’s great aunt fell in love with a creature she was supposed to hunt and they ran away together. After that the Desmarias were all but excommunicated and forced to start from the ground up once again. Because of this Annie’s parents are strict teaching their children the way of the hunters and even branded their children with the house sigil to forever remind them who they are.
-Juniors Honors English
-AP world history
-Physical Education
-French 3

public speaking
Strengths: knife throwing, hand to hand, communication
Weaknesses: Having to decide in difficult situations, long distance, balance
Weapons: a set of silver throwing knifes and a set of holy throwing knives.

|| Other ||
Parents: Mother- marguerite
Father- Marcus
Siblings: older brother- Remy
Car: Toyota Echo
House: A modest house adorned with flowers, as if the flowers would distract from how plain the residence was.
annie house.jpg
Faceclaim: Emily Kinney
Voiceclaim: Emily Kinney
Extra: [Anything I missed?]

(Please let me know if this goes against what you had set up for hunters)
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  • Full Name: Hanah Solo
    Nickname(s): Red
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14
    Grade: Freshman
    Alignment: neural
    backup Hanah.jpg
    Attire: old ragged shirt and old shorts.
    Height: 4'4"
    Weight: 80lbs
    Eye Color: Green
    Hair Color: Red
    Distinct Features: old and new scars and bruises that when asked she says she felt.
    Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

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[div class=text]Full Name: Augustus Altaïr Chappelle

Nicknames: August , Auggie , Auguste , A

Gender: Male

Age: 240 ; looks 17

Grade: 12th ; Senior

Alignment: August acts on a set of good morals and abides by human law; he isn't one to act rash on humans.

Appearance: X | X | X | X

Attire: C | C | C | C

Height: 186cm

Weight: 77kg

Eye Color: Honey Hazel

Hair Color: Dark Brown with strands of lighter brown

Distinct Features: Freckles across the bridge of his nose and spreads to his cheeks , A scar—about a foot in length—along his left abdomen

Build: Ectomorph ; skinny athletic

Sexual Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual
[/div][/div][div class="scrollbox pagethree"]
[div class=text]Personality:
> Humble
> Caring
> Well-intentioned
> Optimistic
> Witty
> Dedicated

> Omnilingual : Over the span of two centuries, August had taken it upon himself to learn every known language in the world. From Russian to Dutch to even sign language, August can read, speak, and write in all of them.
> Hand-to-Hand Combat : Along with learning the worlds many languages, August had taken up in learning and creating a combat system that suits him. It utilizes most of his vampiric traits and utilizes the free flow of human martial arts and CQC.
> Parkour : A neat skill that Auggie had picked up in the late 1990s. He can move rapidly through an area, overcoming obstacles by running, jumping, and climbing. This blends well with his superhuman speed, reflexes, and agility.
> Hunting and Tracking : He's grown accustomed to his heightened senses, to the point where it would be somewhat difficult for him to lose a scent. And even if he did, he'd just follow your footprints or listen carefully for any commotion/noise.

> Skateboarding
> Reading
> Playing the piano
> Exploring the woods

> Pig's Blood
> Music & Fine Arts
> Old Literature
> Exploring the Preserve

> Hunters
> Bullies
> Being 'thirsty'
> Sweets

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[div class=text]Biography: Born August Chappelle in 1780, August is the prodigal son to a heritage of blood, pride, and power. His mother, Adeline Rousseau, was a famed and well-beloved woman of her town. When she met Mercer Chappelle, a French aristocrat who had a rather dashing mix of a Romanian-French accent, she fawned over him, as he did her. The two were immensely in love with each other, and ended up conceiving not just one, but two, children. A boy and a girl. Fraternal twins. Before their birth, however, Mercer had no choice but to warn Adeline of the troubles that may come with this birth. He confessed to her that he was—in fact—a vampire. Her reaction was irregular to say the least. It wasn't negative, no; it was the exact opposite. Adeline did not fear the incoming struggles, as she knew Mercer would be by her side; her support. When the time came for the birth of the twins, Mercer insisted that Adeline select the names for the newborn children--being the gentleman he is. The first born, the girl, was named Madeline Chappelle--and was just a mere mortal. On the other hand, her twin brother, August Chappelle, was a half-bred. A Dhampir. Part-Human, Part-Vampire.

Prosperous and happy, August lived his life like any other teenager. Although, since he was a half-bred, his body was growing faster than what his true age was. Bewildered at the occurrence, Mercer sought out guidance from the members of the ruling Vampire Covenant in France. In hindsight, the covenant was enraged at Mercer's decision to breed with a human again. But when the covenant examined Augustus further, they saw potential. The right kind of potential for their experimental ritual. Accepting to help Mercer, the covenant created terms in which Mercer would have to accept as well. One term, for example, was: Mercer was forced into serving the covenant as a dominant co-member after the ritual would take place. The covenant had settled the deal with Mercer, and together, they lured—more like drugged—August into being their subject for their experiment, which would alter August's species, making him stronger.

A year later, August came home from the woods one day, only to discover his mother's throat slashed and most of her blood drunken. With the influence of the covenant, August was led to believe that his own father committed these acts. Eventually, the truth broke free, and his father was not guilty of charge. Instead, it was the ruling covenant that had committed the crime. That's when August had to take things into his own hands. He was exiled from the covenant for plotting to overthrow the covenant, and that was just the beginning. Since the covenant had control in the French government, that's where August decided to attack them. With the help of mortals, Auguste was able to create a tidal wave of change and reformation in France. And in doing so, he and his brother, Damian, had helped put together a revolution. The French Revolution.

After their winning in the revolution, August and his older brother were left to clean up the remnants of the covenant. This meant they had to kill their own father, along with their step-mother. But the family hadn't died with hate. Mercer understood the internal struggle that burdened the brothers. And he accepted his death out of love. Their step-mother was a more complicated story, as they didn't love her in the first place, and she had put up a fight. And with two commanders of the remaining covenant already destroyed, the rest soon followed. This included August's half-brothers. They were imprisoned in a undisclosed location, and the remains of the vampire covenant were buried beneath the catacombs in France.

From then to now, August and Damian had lived their lives as 'normal' people, with only telling a few people of their true identities here and there. Especially with their current 'family'. Their adoptive parents had lost both their kids in a car accident and in mourning. That's when the brothers decided it may be best if they imitated as their adopted children, and so the mortals agreed. Both Damian and August had resumed their birthnames and now live their lives in Cleora, Oregon with their adoptive parents.

CP Senior English
AP Biology
Calculus II
AP French
Physical Education
AP Psychology
Study Hall

> Highly Intelligent
> Using his abilities
> Combat

> He has trouble keeping up to date with modern 'trends'
> Too trustful
> References of his mother

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[div class=text]Abilities:
> Immortality : No longer possessing a lifespan, Altaïr can not age nor decay from time. His undead nature also grants him the ability to be immune from sickness, viruses, and diseases as well.
> Healing Factor : August's undead, immortal flesh can heal itself from damage within seconds, and with no discomfort. If the damage does happen to be more severe though, it may take hours for his body to fully heal itself, with a little discomfort. If he so happens to be unlucky and die by sunlight, August can be revived by feeding him sacrificial blood.
> Superhuman Strength : When August was first a Dhampir, his strength had ranged anywhere from 5 tons. And while this wasn't too intimidating or impressive to most other vampires, it was quite harmful to the human world if he was reckless. Upon being transformed into the beast that is the Vogmith, August had his strength amplified incredibly. He can now uproot trees with his bare hands, smash granite boulders with ease, and even bend steel with his bare hands. He estimates his maximum strength to being able to lift nearly 15 tons.
> Superhuman Speed : Unnaturally fast, August can outmaneuver the majority of his opponents, and with little effort. He can run an excessive 200 miles per hour, which is substantially faster than the human eye can see. He could be laying down, and, within a few fractions of a second, be standing upright. His movements are so fast that he is described to be a blur by most.
> Superhuman Stamina : The buildup of fatigue toxins in his muscles would take a long time, so August can exert himself for a long time, without stressing his body.
> Superhuman Senses :
- Sight : When running, August's vision allows him to see and sense everything in his surroundings, allowing him to tab what not to run into. When not running, his vision is even sharper, and much clearer, and is unhindered by darkness. Colors are much more vibrant and full of life. Augustus can see farther than a hawk, and more precise. His sight also extends to the microscopic level and invisible light spectrum. If out at night, August could look up into the sky and see the endless stars of the galaxy, bright as day.
- Smell: August's amplified sense of smell assists him in his hunting and tracking, to the point where he could pinpoint the exact location of an animal 10 miles away, and describe its surroundings. As he grew older, he began to develop his smell even more, to where he could differentiate the scents of things (i.e. perfumes, fabrics, food, etc.). August can smell objects and surroundings up to 20 miles away.
- Hearing : August can hear the most muted sounds. From 30 miles away, August can hear the fluttering of birds' wings, the thuds of heartbeats, the different breathing patterns of animals, sirens, and more. He can even hear dialogue, being spoken too fast for a human, at a perfect speed. When he was first transformed into a Vogmith, August could hear a spider trapping its prey as if it were large and echoing through the forest.
- Touch : Despite his hardened, undead skin, August can sharply feel the things he touches, no matter how soft it may be. He can feel the sudden changes in temperature and atmospheric conditions. Heck, he can even feel the body heat of an animal a mile away.
- Taste : Able to taste the different particles in the air, August has the ability to taste the clear signatures between food, scents, and objects.
- Blood Vision: Auguste, like every other vampire, can see the movement of blood in a body. He can clearly see the veins, arteries, and heart; and it becomes much clearer when he's starving for blood.
- Sixth Sense : He has a sense that allows him to identify danger and the direction it will be occurring. Although, it isn't always reliable.
> Flexibility : August's body movements are uncannily flexible and agile. He can change his body's movements rapidly. He can execute numerous gymnastic and martial arts implements with little effort.
> Hardened Skin : It's incredibly hard to pierce Altaïr's skin, making it near impenetrable. The only real way to break his skin is through silver weapons, the hardened chitin that is vampire nails, or werewolf teeth. Fire can singe and blister his skin as well; his skin is near diamond-hard.
> Vampirism : August, by secreting a saliva-like toxin into his bitten victim, can create a vampire. After doing so, he must have his bitten victim drink a small amount of his own blood to activate the toxin. From there, the victim will enter the first stage to becoming a vampire.
> Metamorphosis : Altaïr holds dominion over the night's creatures. He can call upon bats to do his will and can seamlessly transform into a swarm (or single bat) of bats and back into his normal form at will. He seems to have control over how many bats he turns into, as his swarm can consist of either a few bats or a large, violent flock, with the latter allowing him to physically attack his opponents while in bat form, as the bats can collectively charge into and send a person flying several feet similarly to a stampede. The former can allow him to quickly travel several miles in seconds or outmaneuver his opponents attacks with ease. His clothing and anything he holds, like a sword or knife, etc., also dematerializes into bats with him.
> Atmokinesis: Like his father, August can control the weather—but only if he's having strong emotions (i.e. anger, sadness, etc.). Such weather anomalies include directing fog, summoning a thunderstorm, blocking out the sun with clouds, and even controlling the direction of wind—along with its intensity.
> Mesmerism : August can mentally control, dominate, or order those who are weak-minded.
> Shard Conjuration : August can conjure shards made of pure dark energy.
> Fang & Claw Retraction : August can, willingly, protrude and retract claws and fangs. His claws are dense chitin, and is only found in vampires.
- Wall Scaling : Like a spider, August can walk on walls without getting sick from a shaken equilibrium—due to his undead nature. And even more like a spider, August can detach himself from said-wall or ceiling and carry on with his business.

> Fire : It'll singe, burn, and blister his skin. But in the end, he'll still live to tell the tale.
> Sun : He's not immune to the burning gas ball in the sky, but it would take some time before he would disintegrate. Their is a way for him to be resurrected though, just like every other vampire. Since the body isn't fully burned away into ashes, if you were to feed sacrificial blood to him, he could be revived.
> Silver : The touch of silver burns his skin and being in the presence of great amounts of silver can remove his physical abilities for as long as he is in contact, leaving him almost mortal and nearly as weak as a human, which can be used to keep him from hunting and causing unwanted casualties. The very sight of silver makes him weak, disorienting his vision and his hearing. Altaïr burns when touched with silver, along with reducing his strength and speed, and impairing his vision and hearing. He used the sickening effect silver had on him to avoid his bloodlust, back when he was still adapting to being a Vogmith. He even finds the sight of silver to be insulting.
> Bloodlust : Without consuming blood, August will become futile and weakened. If left like that for longer he will become feral and rabid; any longer, he'll die.
> Decapitation : It's an insta-kill, but is hard to do.
> Mistletoe : If consumed, the mistletoe herb will poison August. If necessary action (performing surgery to extract the mistletoe sample, or speeding up his metabolism) isn't taken, August will enter cardiac arrest and die.

Vampire Eye Color: Red

Fang Size: 15mm

Number of Fangs: All 4 canines
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[div class=text]Parents: Mercer Chappelle [Father - Dead] ; Adeline Rousseau [Mother - Dead]

Siblings: Damian Chappelle [Brother - Alive] , Madeline Chappelle [Twin Sister - Dead] , Ekvan Chappelle [Half-Brother - Alive] , Arikan Chappelle [Half-Brother - Alive]

Car: 2016 BMW 3 Series / 340i

House: T


Faceclaim: Paris Brosnan

Voiceclaim: Paris Brosnan

"Not all monsters do monstrous things."
"If you're going through hell, keep going."

Extra: His mother is a descendant of Alexander the Great, which makes him one too.
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credit @RI.a
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|| Descriptors ||

Full Name: Cherilyn Nichols
Nickname(s): Cher, Cherub
Gender: F
Age: 15
Grade: Sophomore
Alignment: True Neutral
Attire: A loose jumper over a white blouse and dark blue jeans. Brown leather ankle boots.
Height: 161cm/ 5'3"
Weight: 50kg/ 110lb
Eye Color: grey
Hair Color: dark brown
Distinct Features: birthmark on shoulder blade, a self-harm scar on her left
ankle from a few years ago
Body Type: relatively slim
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual, she thinks, although that could easily change

|| Persona ||
quiet, watchful, however can be extremely temperamental at times.
Tends to bottle things up then go out. Extremely trusting and trustworthy, which can make her a bit intense.
To people she doesn't know too well, she can seem very lighthearted, playful, or even childish, but if
you know her well she gets very deep. Follows rules strictly and tries
her best not to cause any problems. Sensitive.
Wants to be a good vampire.
does well academically
can speak French fluently due to French heritage
plays the violin and the piano, can sing also
good at basic self-defense
very observant due to hightened senses, and organised
playing piano and violin, likes to take long walks in the forest or read
occasional poetry and art, also does ballet
crime books
impressionist art
good food
loud noises
violent vampires
pushy people

|| In-Depth ||
Born in the UK to British and French parents, the year 1934. At the age of seven, her father died after his workplace was bombed in
London and the building collapsed on his head. Her mother, Cadence, decided upon hearing the news that it was unsafe
to continue living there. She decided to move to Australia, taking Cherilyn with her. They boarded the boat SS Ceramic a few months later,
however it was torpedoed off the coast of Portugal. As the ship sunk rapidly, Cherilyn and her mother tried to get onto
the lifeboat, however there wasn't enough space. In a desperate move, Cadence wrapped Cherilyn into a coat and managed to persuade
one of the men in the lifeboat to take her in, herself clinging onto a wooden crate to stay afloat. As she kissed her child goodbye,
the ship finally sunk into the water and Cadence was submerged. That was the last that Cherilyn would ever see of her mother.

The already stormy conditions at sea were worsening. The people on the lifeboat were panicking, none of them experienced
with boats or sailing. One of the other lifeboats capsized, and the the passengers were crushed by the waves. People were expecting to die.
As more and more lifeboats capsized, the lifeboat that Cherilyn was on tried desperately to stay afloat. One large wave later and it flipped
completely over. All of the passengers were exposed to the icy cold waves, and the storm seemed to be getting worse.
Cherilyn had never learnt how to swim properly, so was quickly struggling to breathe as water filled her lungs. Suddenly,
one of the passengers of the lifeboat, a Romanian man who had sat next to the girl on the boat, grabbed her by the arm with
surprising strength. "You're too young to die like this," he said, biting his thumb, and before she could close her mouth he stuffed
his bleeding thumb into it.

2003. An American fishing boat went to do some deep-sea angling when they came across a large, unidentified object.
When they towed it up, they were shocked to see that it was a young girl. She had dark brown hair and pale skin,
and was wearing an oversized coat. When the captain went to check, to their shock she was breathing. They decided
to send her to hospital when they arrived back at shore, but made sure that not many questions were asked.
When she woke up a few days later, they asked her a few questions. They found out her name and age, and when they
asked her what year she was born, she said 1936. This confused them. One of them was particularly superstitious,
so they managed to contact a few neighbourhood 'witches' and 'oracles'. One of them, a legitimate supernatural
advisor, directed the crew to the vampire registry, who set her up with an adoptive vampire home in Cleora and a place at the local school.

She now lives with her adopted parents, one of which is a half-vampire. They are supportive of her, albeit very busy and can't talk to her very often.
Honours Sophomore English
American Government and Citizenship
Biology I
Honors Pre-Calculus
Latin II
Physical Education

Strengths: organised
Weaknesses: physically not that strong
trusts people too deeply
can be standoffish

|| Vampire Abilities ||
shapeshifting - mainly into a bat, has tried to turn into a cat before but it was painful. can also turn into
a variety of birds and a dog occasionally
slow/inconsistent ageing - may age normally or suddenly slow down
fast healing - especially from illnesses
heightened senses - can see and notice changes quickly, and can hear from further away, etc
Weaknesses: Decapitation, Mistletoe, Garlic, Fire, Bloodlust
Vampire Eye Color: Blue
Fang Size: 15mm
Number of Fangs: Two Canine Teeth

|| Other ||
real - Candace and Albert
adopted - Loreen and Michael
Theme: Fix You by Coldplay
Faceclaim: Katherine Moore-Gillon
Voiceclaim: Barbara Palvin
Quotes: "please stay seated. If you make too much noise here it will disrupt the neighbours."
|| Descriptors ||
Full Name
: Nickoli Hugo Syr
Nickname(s): Nick
Gender: Male
Age: 121 looks 17
Grade: Junior Year
Alignment: For humans and attempts to follow human laws.
Appearance: 1 2 3 4
Attire: A B C D E
Height: 5'11 or 155cm
Weight: 162Ib
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Distinct Features: Several scars on body from hunters and siblings.
Body Type: Athletically lean
Sexual Orientation: Gay

|| Persona ||
Extremely laid back Nickoli enjoys playing video games and hanging out with his friends, cares deeply about things, almost to a fault. While he is incredibly empathetic to everyone around him, he also takes things seriously, hating lies and bullies around him.

  • Able to play multiple string instruments and the piano.
  • Speaks English, Russian, German, French, and Latin.
  • Hand to hand combat.
  • Alright with a bow and arrow.
  • Great with technology
  • Reads as many books as he can.
  • Playing the piano
  • Drawing
  • Video games
  • Watching movies and Tv shows
  • Snuggles (his cat)
  • Playing video games
  • Playing the guitar
  • Family
  • Watching shows
  • Sleeping around
  • Hanging out with friends

  • Being yelled at
  • Ignorance
  • Dickheads
  • Losing something important
  • People minding his business
  • Disappointing his family
  • Wearing suits

|| In-Depth ||
Born in Geneva Switzerland to Russian and German parents, the year 1897, Nickoli comes from a well known and powerful clan, the Syr, most of his family members were pure vampires or Dhampir, he had a few werewolf cousins. The mixture of power kept clans and hunters from messing with his family, plus the fact that his twin brothers and himself were one of the most powerful vampires. This caused Nickoli to be cocky, on his 14th birthday he set out on himself hoping to get some hunting done disregarding his parents warning on going with his brothers or the guards. Setting out farther from their then mansion he came upon another clan territory, still learning about his powers he was unable to fight them all off. And how could he have, a 14-year-old vampire against 20 - 200-year-old vampires. They beat him bloody not because of the hate they had for his family but because they wanted to. After they'd had their fun they took him dumping his body in a river leaving him for dead. Luckily a friend of the family found him returning him home.

Over the years Nick's powers would grow, an importance for him and his family as hunters started to kill off more vampires and werewolves. The clan would split into different regions going their separate ways to draw off attention on them. His family moved first to London where he learned English and continued to push himself to learn more about his powers. He would also begin to practice living amongst humans, attending school, going to events playing the role of a normal teenage boy. This also helped Nick learn to curb his thirst for human blood finding it easier each year to live amongst them, he also learned that he loved being around them. After a run-in with a family of hunters resulting in him getting hurt his family and himself moved again, this time heading to the states. Now his brothers and himself pretend to be high schoolers every few decades keeping up the facade.

  • English III Honors
  • AP Biology
  • Latin III
  • Physical Education
  • Lunch
  • AP European History
  • Calculus II
  • Sociology
  • Study Hall

  • Thinking logically
  • Tactical Planning
  • Intelligence
  • Calm

  • Often allows emotion to control judgement
  • Loyal to a fault
  • Easily offended
  • Anger issues

|| Vampire Abilities ||

  • Telepathy: The ability to read minds, but he can also speak to others through his mind. Has strengthened over the years, now has the capacity to speak to 20+ minds.
  • Power of Touch: Weaker than his telepathy but still as powerful, gains the ability of vampires he comes in contact with. Can also prohibit a vampire from using their abilities. Both last only 30+ minutes and weaken him after a long period.
  • Immortality: Like other vampires, Nickoli does not age, he is still able to die and get hurt.
  • Has other superhuman abilities like most vampires such as superhuman strength, superhuman speed, enhanced senses, damage resistance, and animal control.

  • Strength: Due to changing his diet a while back Nickoli isn't as strong as most vampires as he once was.
  • Bloodlust: His diet has weakened his strength and also caused an issue that could be detrimental to humans. Haven't had human blood in decades having a taste of it could cause a bloodlust.
  • Silver: Burns his skin, weakens his strength drastically.
  • Decapitation: Difficult for one to accomplish but will result in his death.

Vampire Eye Color: Blue
Fang Size: 13mm
Number of Fangs: 4 Canine teeth

|| Other ||
Alexei and Emilia Syr: Married for 300+ years Alexei Syr does not recall how old he is as the year was not kept when he was born, Emilia is 430+ years old or so she thinks as she does not recall when she was turned. - Parents -
Siblings: Lev Amory Syr and Laius Alwin Syr: Both look 18 but are 134 years old. - Brothers -
Car: BMW i5 EV - Car -
House: - House -
Extra: Has to sleep every once in a while.
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|| Descriptors ||

Full Name: Evelynn Sanders
Nickname(s): Evie
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 122
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Distinct Features: Star tattoo on rightforearm
Body Type: Hourglass
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

|| Persona ||
Personality: Evie has a no nonsense attitude. She refuses to acknowledge or associate with bullies. She is quiet and stays to herself for the most part, only opening up to people who have earned her trust and affection. She is very loyal and caring towards her friends, strangers on the other hand, have to prove themselves worthy of her attention. Evie is generally nice to people she does not know and is always willing to lend a hand to those in need. However, she will blatantly ignore anyone who is being rude to her, but will stand up and defend her friends if someone messes with them.
Skills: Cooking, Hunting, Sewing, Gardening, Light House Maintenance
Hobbies: Running, Swimming, Reading, Writing
Likes: Nature, Animals, Sweets, Gothic Lolita Clothes
Dislikes: Bullies, Seeing people in pain, Confined Spaces

|| In-Depth ||
Evie was the result of her human mother being raped by her werewolf father. She had a relatively good childhood. Her mother was very affection and protective. However, at age 7, Evie was told to hide and soon after an aggressive male busted their cottage door in and attacked her mother. After brutally assaulting her mother the man left and Evie came out of her hiding spot. Her mother didn't last through the night. She has been alone in their cottage since. An elderly werewolf had helped take care of her, taught her about their culture, and introduced her to pack embers until passing away shortly after Evie turned 15.
- Junior English - Honors
- AP World History
- Calculus
- Physical Education
- Lunch
- German II
- Poetry
- Chemistry
- Study Hall
Strengths: Intelligent, Compassionate, Loyal, Outward Self-Control
Weaknesses: Short Temper, Stubborn, Perfectionist, Emotional

|| Werewolf Abilities ||
Abilities: Heightened speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, hearing and balance. Fast healing. Mind link with pack members.
Weaknesses: Silver, Wolfsbane, Lunar Eclipse, Mistletoe, High Voltages of Electricity
Bitten or Born: Born
Rank: Omega
Werewolf Eye Color: Gold
Werewolf Form: Humid - Lupus

|| Other ||
Mother - Human - Deceased
Father - Werewolf - Absent
Siblings: None that she is aware of
Car: 2000 Beetle
House: Small cottage by the forest
Faceclaim: Avril Lavigne
Voiceclaim: Avril Lavigne
Extra: Works part time after school and on weekends at the corner cafe
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|| Descriptors ||
Full Name
: Dylan Evergreen
Nickname(s): Feel free to give her one
Gender: Cis-Female
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Alignment: Chaotic Neautral
Attire: The one thing that you can always count on for her style is dark colors and some form of leather. She has a wide mix of mini skirts, shorts, and skinny jeans which are always paired with appropriate shirts, whether is t-shirts or nicer objects of clothing. She's a fan of converse and boots, and almost always wears her signature faux leather moto jacket. Cause she can.
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 137 pounds
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Distinct Features: Various small scars on her body from childhood adventures. She has a large bite mark scar from a childhood tangle with a very mean wolf, and she has two gunshot wounds. One on her left should, from a full moon about five years ago. A small game Hunter had accidentally shot her. The other, lower abdomen, was from an actual hunter. One that her mother took care of.
Body Type: Hourglass; Toned-ish
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual, Demi-Romantic
|| Persona ||
Personality: Most people will describe Dylan as rather intense, yet mysterious individual. She always has a very stern experession, what you may call "resting bitch face", which puts a lot of people off of trying to get to know her. She's quiet, often seen alone or in the company of people you don't really want to be seen with, there are a lot of misconceptions about her. But here's the truth. Dylan is an intense individual, who while naturally introverted, isn't afraid of talking with people, or conflict. She's blunt, rude, and comes off as a little cold, but she does the whole tough lobe approach with her friends, because she's looking out for them. Yes, she's gonna tell you that what's his name isn't worth the time, and she'll call you an idiot when you mess up, but she's someone you can rely on. Overall, she's a genuninly nice person, even if her methods are a little...odd.
Skills: Taking care of kids, Calming dogs, Playing the Piano, Cooking/Baking, Multitasking, Is very good with ASL, Observant
Hobbies: Takes long Walks, Goes off exploring on her own, Baking
Likes: Spicy Foods, Rainy and Cold weather, Action movies, Naps, Walking around the forest preserve, spending time by herself
Dislikes: Moths, Eggplant, Hunters, Annoying people, Brownies (the smell gives her a headache), Seafood
|| In-Depth ||
Biography: The chapters before her moving to Cleora are missing. Well, missing to the public, nobody but family really knows what happened. The only thing people tend to know, is that she moved overseas, from somewhere in Europe. She settled into a small, two bedroom house with her parents when she was 7 , and started going to a small school outside of town. She, and her family, were always the secertive type, not very involved with much of went around town. It took a few months for then to actually start reaching out a bit, and trying to actually get into the swing of things in their new town. As the years went on, they all got use and more comfortable with their surroundings. When she turned 14, and first started attending highschool, her mother was killed. It was hard, for both her and her father. Though what was even harder was when her father dissappered only a few months later, and she was sent to live with her aunt and uncle across town. They knew about her...afliction, and often didn't take to well to it, or they symptoms she suffered from thanks to her various abilities. They even blamed her when their childern were bitten, even though it wasn't her fault. They were very reluenctant to allow her to keep living with them, and even more so when she said she could handle them. Again, it's been hard to adjust, but hey, at least she's not dead or homeless.
- CP Seinor English
- Sociology
- AP Chemistry
- Calculus I
- German - II
- Pyshical Education
- Lunch
- AP European History
- Study Hall
  • Combat:Her mother wanted Dylan to learn how to defend herself so before they moved to , she and her mother both took self defense classes. Once her strength began to be noticed, Dylan's mother began training her in their backyard. This training continued until Dylan began to do it on her own. She's not technically formally trained, so her technique is unorthodox, but you shouldn't go picking a fight with her. She recent picked up a skill woth using guns, mostly because of her uncle. She's quickly picked up on it, and thanks to some of her abilities, she's perceived as a prodigy.
  • Leadership: Dylan has a natural inclination for leadership. Most of the time showing itself in school projects and games, it has since evolved to her taking care of her cousins and her role as an alpha.
  • Amazing Control: Dylan had the privilege to have wonderful teachers when it came to control over her abilities. She is young, but not inexperienced thanks to her parents and former pack members. She can shift at will, control almost every aspect of her powers, and because of this she's very good at blending in. It doesn't mean that she's perfect, but the risk she faces when it comes robeing discovered is extremely low.
|| Werewolf Abilities ||
  • Supernatural Senses: Dylan's senses of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more acute than most others in Cleora. She can see kilometers away with immense resolution, track things too fast for the natural eye, hear through dense walls perfectly, listen to sweat drop from someone's face in another room, smell anything over vast distances up to the point she knows exactly who or what it is woth great accuracy, taste the smallest details to the extent of distinguishing what separate ingredients are, and feel the slightest vibration in the air, ground and water.
  • Enhanced Strength: So far, the heaviest object she has lifted woth ease, was about two tons. Mainly because it's the heaviest thing she's been able to get her hands on. Anyway, Dylan has no trouble bending metal, punching through walls, trees, and metal, and she has to be careful if she's ever in a fight, as she, you know, doesn't really want to kill anyone.
  • Enhanced Durability: She's the girl would could punch in the face, and she wouldn't move. Her enhanced durability is the reason she can survive being shot but small caliber rounds, stabbed, and come out of fights with a few scratches. However there is a limit to what it could handle. Larger caliber rounds, being stabbed repeatedly, blowing her up, things like are the things she you know, probably wouldn't be walking away from.
  • Enhanced Agility: She's basically a really badass gymnast. And great with anything that had to do with hand-held coordination. Most of the time gives her an upperhand in fights, and loosing people. She's been wanting to expand on some of her talents, though she has limited time to practice woth this thanks to her cousins.
  • Quickened Healing: This isn't supernatural or even enhanced healing where the healing process takes seconds. This does drastically cuts down on her healing time, but, for example a broken arm would take a few months to completely heal, for Dylan it would take a week and half at least, two weeks at most.
  • Canine Command: Dogs, normal wolves, and other animals that happen to fall under the canine family can be manipulated by Dylan for a short amount of time. Depending on the strength of whatever it is, her control can range from 2 to 5 minutes. She can make them attack, or calm down, there's a few commands and actions she can get them to do. She even has a limited I glance over werewolves. Some Beta's and Omega's will occoasianlly find it hard to say no to her.
  • Decapitation: Lets be honest though, if anyone got their head chopped off, they would probably die.
  • Full-Moon: This is when all werewolves are forced to shift, so naturally, is can mess her up a little because she not only has to look out forherself, but her cousins as well. And while its nothing more than an annoyance really, she tends to act rather paranoid on full-moons. You never know who you're going to run into.
  • Wolfsbane: This stuff seriously messes with her. It takes out her healing ability for a while, messes with her control, and makes her violently ill. Whenever she's exposed to it, expect to not see her for a while.
  • Sensory Overload: Dylan suffers from sensory overload often due to her supernatural senses. In turn, there are days where she seems off, wearing sunglasses inside, constantly fidgeting, irritable. It's a good bet it's because she's in a very bad mood, and suffering from some very unfortunate drawbacks.
  • Lunar Eclipse: Werewolves loose their powers, which means Dylan and every other werewolf is gonna feel like shit. She typically feels nauseous all day, suffers from headaches during an eclipse, and feels like she's having an out of body experience. It's pretty bad.
Bitten or Born: Born
Rank: Alpha
Werewolf Eye Color: Red
Werewolf Form: Lupus
|| Other ||
Parents: Her mother was killed by hunters, and she isn't sure where her father is. He's most likely dead though, leaving her the alpha of her very small pack.
Siblings: Doesn't know if she has any half siblings, or full siblings, though she was raised as an only child.
Car: Red 2012 Nissan Sentra
House: Currently living her aunt, uncle, and younger cousins (8 & 6). Her aunt, uncle are human, while her cousins are both werewolves (both bitten two years ago)
Theme: I Can't Choose
Faceclaim: Mia Alves
Voiceclaim: annapantsu
Quotes: "Everyone woman should be able to fly using the sheer force of anger alone." "I'm going to burn this place down some day."
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|| Descriptors ||
Full Name:
Quentin Archer

Q, Archie







Height: [How high do they go?]
Weight: [How much on the scale?]
Eye Color: […]
Hair Color: […]
Distinct Features: [scars, markings, etc.]
Body Type: […]
Sexual Orientation: [What way does the ocean flow?]

|| Persona ||
Archie is your typical 'I'm going to do whatever the hell I want to do' kind of guy. Whether it is a good thing he does or a bad thing, he won't really care. He goes with his gut and not what other people tell him or what society thinks it is he should do. Even though he's always smiling, he isn't a run of the mill optimistic thinker, rather he's more realistic. Though at times he can be seen as quite poetic with the way he thinks and the way he speaks, though this is usually when he is 'his other self'. Archie also has a bipolar disorder. When he isn't his cool and suave self, he's his other self often speaking in poems and riddles and not making much sense to anyone. His emotions become crazy heightened so when he's sad he gets very depressed or when he's angry he just rages for no apparent reason. However, what you should do is lock him up or chain him to something, considering if he changes into his wolf form, then it's more than likely that he will go off on a rage hunt or something of the sort. Keeping him away from people is probably a good thing. Other than that, Q is a cool guy to get to know. While his overly friendly self can seem flirtatious, that is just how he is. It's good to not take it to heart when he does flirt, chances being it's all in good fun.

Hobbies: [What do they do in their spare time?]
Likes: [What do they enjoy?]
Dislikes: [What don't they enjoy?]

|| In-Depth ||
Biography: [Backstory, you know the idea. At least a paragraph.]
Classes: [Only applies to students.]
Strengths: [3 minimum ; you can list]
Weaknesses: [3 minimum ; you can list]

|| Werewolf Abilities ||
Abilities: [I'll let you be creative here, but I can still deny you.]
Weaknesses: [You must meet a requirement of, at least, four weaknesses relating to werewolves. Weaknesses are: Silver, Decapitation, Mistletoe, Holy-related Objects, Electricity (can prevent transformation), Phases of the Moon (an inexperienced wolf may have trouble during any moon; during a full moon, all werewolves are compelled to transform and become more aggressive and bloodthirsty), Wolfsbane, Fire, Bloodlust (for the inexperienced), Sensory Overload, or Alpha inflicted attacks can slow healing, Lunar Eclipse (werewolves become powerless), Hecatolite can disrupt the werewolf transformation.]
Bitten or Born: [Were they bitten or born a werewolf?]
Rank: [Alpha, Beta, or Omega?]
Werewolf Eye Color: [Red - Alpha , Orange-Gold or Silver Blue - Beta or Omega]
Werewolf Form: [I'll allow up to two transformations, excluding Homid.)
Spoiler: Forms
|| Other ||
Parents: [You know, if you want your character to have parents . . . ]
Siblings: [Doesn't have to apply to you.]
Car: [If applicable]
House: [What does their residence look like?]
Theme: [If they walked into a room, what would play?]
Extra: [Anything I missed?]
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|| Descriptors ||

Full Name: Rodrick Adalgis Bosch
Nickname(s): Don't use nicknames on him, just don't... Yet some people still call him Ricky.
Gender: Male
Age: 217 (looks around 17)
Grade: Senior
Alignment: Trying to be good but he seems to stray off the path every now and then because of poor control over his hunger and vampire instincts/nature.
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 71 kg
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Platinum Blond
Distinct Features: He has none.
Body Type: Slender and just a bit sporty
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

|| Persona ||
- Sarcastic
- Occasionally dark
- Protective
- Loyal
- Helpful (despite his complaining)
- Can be cynical
- Good listener

- Languages: English, High German, German, Finnish and most North Germanic languages.
- Fighting skills: Medium hand to hand combat, extreme accuracy with a gun, great skills with knives and a sword (all though he didn't use a sword in a fight for ages and would definitely be a bit rusty)
- Running: Even for a vampire he can sometimes be very fast.

Hobbies: Watching tv, reading, collecting sharp objects (which tend to be confiscated by his brother), going to the movies, climbing, running, taking photos,...
Likes: Collecting photographs, history, cats, freedom, music,...
Dislikes: Animal blood, boredom, the sound of loud chewing,...

|| In-Depth ||
Rodrick was born in the year 1801. His family consisted of their parents and three children (including Rodrick) of which he was the youngest. Even as children he and his brother Eric got along best while their other brother (and middle child) Cedric thought of Rodrick as a burden the brothers had to take care of because of their parents being absent most of the time.
At the age of 17 Rodrick stopped aging and started gaining his powers which brought on even more work for the brothers as they had to teach him how to use and control his abilities.
Their parents started being nervous as it seemed that some people around their village were starting to suspect something was off about the family. Especially once it was clear Rodrick's control over his hunger was minimal at best.
They quickly moved to another village after Rodrick had attacked a young woman in a fit of bloodlust. What they didn't know was that a small group of humans who hunted their kind had seen Rodrick's attack and followed them to their new home.
The brothers barely made it out of the attack alive and their parents perished in a blazing fire after being poisoned by mistletoe.
The three brothers eventually split up. Eric took Rodrick to America and they had been living there ever since, moving from one town to another every so often so humans wouldn't be suspicious of the fact that they didn't age.
They had just moved to Cleora a while ago for a new start.

CP Senior English
German AP
Latin I
Physics education
AP European History
Creative writing II

Strengths: History (or rather his knowledge of it), using a gun and his abilities, running,...
Weaknesses: Controlling his nature, math, he isn't as well informed about other species as he probably should be, his reflexes are slightly slower then they should be for a born vampire.

|| Vampire Abilities ||
- Enhanced speed (too fast for a human to follow with his eyes)
- Enhanced Senses
- Inhuman strength
- Compulsion (works only on humans and some are immune to it)
- Shapeshifting into a raven
- Transferring his consciousness into an animal (not smart to use near enemies since his body is vulnerable while he uses this ability, he could end up stuck in the animal if his body were destroyed)
- He stopped aging since he became 17 years old.
- Hard to pierce skin (yet not impossible)
- Fast healing (it takes him very little time to heal, small wounds heal in a matter of seconds while big ones might need a day or two)
- Can form fangs and claw-like fingernails at will.
- Can summon fog (it has limitations as to how far it could reach, for example he could summon it to hide a house but not much further, except if fog is already there, then he can make it denser on a slightly bigger scale)

- Decapitation (it would definitely kill him permanently)
- Having to be invited inside (if doors and windows are closed or rather if the house is private property, with public places he can enter without an invitation)
- Sun (long exposure to direct daylight gives him intense migraines and eventually he would start feeling strong bloodlust)
- Fire (unless burnt entirely he can heal by being fed enough blood, which would take very long but eventually he would be okay again)
- Bloodlust (something he still has very little control over and makes his 'being good phase' harder to maintain)
- He has trouble entering holy grounds, for some unknown reason it gives him panic attacks and a strong sharp pained sensation in his heart.
- Mistletoe (would slowly poison him, if not removed in time it can be fatal)

Vampire Eye Color: Red
Fang Size: 17mm
Number of Fangs: Two Canine Teeth

|| Other || -WIP
Parents: He doesn't have any parents anymore, his older brother plays the role of a guardian (and takes the job way too seriously at times).
Siblings: He has two older brothers, Eric and Cedric.
Car: He doesn't have his own car, usually he just runs at what he calls 'vampire speed' or borrows his brother's car.
Theme: Nightcore - My Demons
Faceclaim: Nariman Malanov (I think)
Quotes: "Why do bad guys always try to destroy the world? Why not something useless, you know something no one is going to miss, like Jersey?"
"The second you even think about hurting him/her/them I become your worst nightmare"
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Full Name: Madeleine Ryan Larson
Nickname(s): Laney, Mitzi (Reserved for her parents, close friends on occasion, and those who really wanna piss her off.)
Gender: F
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
Alignment: Chaotic Good. Regardless of human, vampire, or werewolf (though she probably doesn't know about that stuff yet) if you're good, she stands with you.
Attire: Laney has a wardrobe built for comfort and warmth, consisting of skinny jeans and leggings, warm monotone oversized sweaters, cardigans and hoodies, simple t-shirts, tank-tops, baseball shirts and the occasional flannel over it, and wool socks tucked into boots or converse sneakers. Over her outfits, she wears a tan corduroy wool lined Sherpa jacket. Lumber jack badass.
Height: 5'5'' or 165 cm
Weight: 125 lbs
Body Type: A lean, mean, agile machine.
Eye Color: Pale Green
Hair Color: Light brown
Distinct Features: N/A
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

|| Persona ||
Personality: Laney is an easy-going, friendly, and laid back personality, well humored with a dry wit and often coyly sarcastic. Her calm composure is unshakable, but it's a mistake to miscalculate her mellow demeanor as slow - she is anything but. She loves to prove people they're wrong in that sense, or any other wrong perception someone might have about her, and she'll do it her signature casual, nonchalant style even though she is very accident prone.

1. Anatomical and physiological knowledge, as well as training in Basic Life Support. (CPR, Trauma, and drug overdose.)
2. Self-defense and McGyver survival skills.
3. Perfect aim (for a human). Especially with a hatchet. She's also a pool shark.
4. Arts and crafts. Knitting and shit.
5. Taxidermy. Animal arts and crafts.
6. Immaculate handwriting. She's that kid.
7. Can play the piano, cello, harp, and bagpipes.
8. Is a strong swimmer.

1. Music. Especially the 80's. She's an embarrassment dancing and she knows it, but at least she owns it and everyone has a good laugh. Those jams are irresistible.
2. Quentin Tarantino movies, horror movies, 80's movies and children's movies. If there's a book, she reads it first, and then watches the movie.
3. Sitcoms and comedy shows. Sneaks in Office quotes every once in a while.
4. Anything warm in general, pizza and animals in particular.
5. Old books. Everything about them; the smell, the feel, the binding; she's a bookworm every once in a while.
6. Swimming and track, though it's a paradox for her to even try with her anemia.
7. History; especially the weird facts. Anything weird, dark, or obscure is her shit.
8. Puzzles, mysteries, brain teasers, or even Sudoku; she loves it.

1. Spoilers.
2. Pushy, impatient and bad-mannered people.
3. The cold.
4. Strong, pungent smells that give her a headache.
5. Having anemia.
6. Failing.
7. Snitches.
8. Getting taken advantage of.

|| In-Depth ||
Biography: Laney grew up the rose between thorns out of three daughters, and is probably the least eccentric. The eldest is a college student, always abroad, chasing rock bands and boyfriends. The youngest is a self-proclaimed Eco-social terrorist in the vein of Banksy and Tyler Durden, and a freshman in high school. Her parents both work in the funeral home business, her mother their family's funeral home director, and her father the mortician, though he also works as a coroner at the Sheriff's Department. Both are helicopter parents in their own set of ways. Her father isn't able to spend much time with her with work, but when he is, they bond in bulk. As Laney is the fragilest of her siblings with her anemia and accident-prone tendencies, her father spends time with her by giving her all sorts of training in boy-scout skills and beyond in terms of leaving her out in the Coservation to find her way home or having her perform emergency tracheotomies on manikins. He certainly is over-protective of her, but respects her privacy. That is where her mother differs. Laney's mother is always buzzing around her business, and everything about Laney is on a need to know basis with her. Laney has no breathing room when her mother is around. Her parents are divorced, but are still business partners as well as parents. Laney used to resent her mother, as her mother was the one that ruined the marriage. But at least Laney got her siblings out of it. None of them have the same father, but they live with Laney's father anyways, as he is the safest and most successful of their mothers' marriages. Her mother is an enigma to her, always leaving and coming back, sometimes just to dump more children on her father. However, her mother's mistakes became a happy family anyways. Laney is closest to her family's business, growing up around the dead and learning several skills for the trade, such as her ability to play the piano, cello, harp, and bagpipes for funeral services. She used hold little funeral services of her own for the dead pets of grieving children as commissioned by their parents for a price, embalming beloved pets as practice for humans.

1. AP Senior English
2. Sociology
3. AP Chemistry
4. Calculus II
5. AP Latin
6. Phys Ed.
7. Lunch
8. AP Biology

1. Intelligence. Smart as a whip, sharp as a knife, and as fast as a bullet; especially in terms of weird fun facts and useless trivia.
2. Resourceful. She's almost a devilish sort of cunning; an in-between Kevin McCallister and Lady Macbeth. A crafty gal, literally and figuratively. Good at bullshitting.
3. Not shaken easily. Mature for her age, she was exposed to advanced concepts before the rest. She's brave and basically a Gryffindor, always able to persevere.
4. Dependent and reliable. She's always ready when you need her.

1. Anemia. She has a horde of Slim-Jims and B-12 vitamin pills in her locker to fight her iron deficiency and her weak-ass red blood cells, but she gets dizzy easily.
2. Imposter syndrome. She's resigned herself to a disillusioned mediocrity, paranoid all her achievements are a lie. A side effect of having helicopter parents.
3. Gets attached too easily. She's a ride or die, though most of the time it's against her better judgement and not worth it, crushing her in the end.
4. Challenges herself past her limits. She puts herself through things she thinks will make her stronger but to the point it hurts her instead. She loves taking dares.

|| Other ||
Parents: Grant Larson & Janine Domgren
Siblings: Lucinda Dempsey (eldest) & Riley Forrester (youngest)
Car: 1972 Hunter Green Ford Pinto
Theme: How Was Your Day? - Mellow Fellow & Clairo
Faceclaim: Oliwia Wedzicha
Voiceclaim: Clairo
Quotes: "Say one more thing about the latest episode of (insert any show) and people will watch your body get scooped out of a river on the news."
Extra: TBD
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[div class=text]Full Name: Damian Guerra Joseph Chappelle

Nicknames: None ; if you come up with some for him you can use them

Gender: Male

Age: 243; looks 20

Grade: He decided not to attend Cleora District High School

Alignment: In comparison to his brother, August, Damian is the more dark and brooding of the two. This doesn't mean he's aggressive or doesn't care though, as he does care for the lives of people . . . certain people though. You could give him a dirty look and if, by bad luck, you were in need of urgent care, and Damian found you, he'd keep walking. So be careful of what you do, or else he won't lend much of a helping hand.

Appearance: X | X | X | X

Attire: Y | Y | Y | Y

Height: 183cm

Weight: 76kg

Eye Color: Light Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Distinct Features: He has flat feet

Build: Ectomorph ; Slim-built

Sexual Orientation: Bi-romantic Bisexual
[/div][/div][div class="scrollbox pagethree"]
[div class=text]Personality:
> Shrewd
> Solemn
> Meticulous
> Dissonant
> Stolid
> Protean

> Omnilingual : Over the span of two centuries, Damian had taken it upon himself to learn every known language in the world. From Russian to Dutch to even sign language, August can read, speak, and write in all of them.
> Combat : During the days of the French revolution, it was common to do battle with a sword, or some weapon of sorts. And with that in mind, Damian had accustomed himself to the weapons at such times. Plus, he became more attuned with hand-to-hand combat during the events of World War 1.
> Parkour : A neat skill that Damian had picked up before his brother in the early 80s. He can move rapidly through an area, overcoming obstacles by running, jumping, and climbing. This blends well with his superhuman speed, reflexes, and agility.
> Hunting and Tracking : He's grown accustomed to his heightened senses, to the point where it would be somewhat difficult for him to lose a scent. And even if he did, he'd just follow your footprints or listen carefully for any commotion/noise. His senses are more sensitive then August's, allowing him to hunt and track better.

> Drawing
> Reading
> Playing the piano
> Sleep at the Coffee Bean coffee shop (while in cat form)

> Sleep
> Music & Fine Arts
> Cats
> Honesty

> Hunters
> Over-excitement
> Being 'thirsty'
> Chaos

[/div][/div][div class="scrollbox pagefour"]
[div class=text]Biography: WIP

Classes: Does not attend school.

> Expanded Knowledge
> Using his abilities
> On-the-spot thinking

> He has issues with trusting people
> Takes things too seriously sometimes
> References of his father

[/div][/div][div class="scrollbox pagefive"]
[div class=text]Abilities:
> Immortality : No longer possessing a lifespan, Damian can not age nor decay from time. His undead nature also grants him the ability to be immune from sickness, viruses, and diseases as well.
> Healing Factor : Damian's undead, immortal flesh can heal itself from damage within seconds, and with no discomfort. If the damage does happen to be more severe though, it may take hours for his body to fully heal itself, with a little discomfort. If he so happens to be unlucky and die by sunlight, August can be revived by feeding him sacrificial blood.
> Superhuman Strength : As a Dhampir, his strength was estimated to be around from 6 tons. And while this wasn't too intimidating or impressive to most other vampires, it was quite harmful to the human world if he was reckless. But since his full-transformation into a Vampire, he can now uproot trees with his bare hands, smash boulders with ease, and even bend steel with his bare hands. His certified maximum strength is being able to lift just a tad over 11 tons.
> Superhuman Speed : Unnaturally fast, but not like his brother, Damian can outmaneuver the majority of his opponents, and with little effort. He can run an excessive 170 miles per hour, which is substantially faster than the human eye can see. He could be laying down, and, within a few fractions of a second, be standing upright.
> Superhuman Stamina : The buildup of fatigue toxins in his muscles would take a long time, so Damian can exert himself for a long time, much longer than his brother, without stressing his body.
> Superhuman Senses :
- Sight : When running, Damian's vision allows him to see and sense everything in his surroundings, allowing him to tab what not to run into. When not running, his vision is even sharper, and much clearer, and is unhindered by darkness. Colors are much more vibrant and full of life. Damian can see farther than a hawk, and more precise. His sight also extends to the microscopic level and invisible light spectrum. If out at night, Damian could look up into the sky and see the endless stars of the galaxy, bright as day.
- Smell: Damian's amplified sense of smell assists him in his hunting and tracking, to the point where he could pinpoint the exact location of an animal 14 miles away, and describe its surroundings. As he grew older, he began to develop his smell even more, to where he could differentiate the scents of things (i.e. perfumes, fabrics, food, etc.). Damian can smell objects and surroundings up to 27 miles away.
- Hearing : Damian can hear the most muted sounds. From 31 miles away, August can hear the fluttering of birds' wings, the thuds of heartbeats, the different breathing patterns of animals, sirens, and more. He can even hear dialogue, being spoken too fast for a human, at a perfect speed. His most notable experience using his supernatural hearing was when he listened to the number of heartbeats through a bunker, which was 31 miles away and through 8 meters of solid-reinforced concrete.
- Touch : Despite his hardened, undead skin, Damian can sharply feel the things he touches, no matter how soft it may be. He can feel the sudden changes in temperature and atmospheric conditions. Astonishingly, he can even feel the body heat of an animal two miles away.
- Taste : Able to taste the different particles in the air, Damian has the ability to taste the clear signatures between food, scents, and objects.
- Blood Vision: Damian, like every other vampire, can see the movement of blood in a body. He can clearly see the veins, arteries, and heart; and it becomes much clearer when he's starving for blood.
> Flexibility : Damian's body movements are uncannily flexible and agile. He can change his body's movements rapidly. He can execute numerous gymnastic and martial arts implements with little effort.
> Hardened Skin : It's incredibly hard to pierce Damian's skin, making it near impenetrable. The only real way to break his skin is through silver weapons, the hardened chitin that is vampire nails, or werewolf teeth. Fire can singe and blister his skin as well; his skin is near diamond-hard.
> Vampirism : Damian, by secreting a saliva-like toxin into his bitten victim, can create a vampire. After doing so, he must have his bitten victim drink a small amount of his own blood to activate the toxin. From there, the victim will enter the first stage to becoming a vampire.
> Metamorphosis : Unlike his brother, Damian does not hold dominion over the night's creatures. He can, however, seamlessly transform into a swarm (or single bat) of bats and back into his normal form at will. He seems to have control over how many bats he turns into, as his swarm can consist of either a few bats or a large, violent flock, with the latter allowing him to physically attack his opponents while in bat form, as the bats can collectively charge into and send a person flying several feet similarly to a stampede. The former can allow him to quickly travel several miles in seconds or outmaneuver his opponents attacks with ease. His clothing and anything he holds, like a sword or knife, etc., also dematerializes into bats with him. This ability was inherited from his father, as was his brother's. In contrast to his brother, however, Damian can also transform into a black cat.
> Influence Emotions Casting : An unusual trait amongst vampires, Damian has the capability of producing an aura. Said-aura can make mortals, and sometimes werewolves, feel certain emotions or feelings. This ability came in handy when the brothers were trying to convince their, current, adoptive parents to, well, adopt them.
> Dream Intrusion : While a mortal is dreaming, Damian can invade their dream and see what they're dreaming or seeing. In order to enter one's dream, Damian must be in contact with said-person and concentrate on their thoughts. In addition, if Damian were to get hurt, physically, in the 'dream world' the injuries will carry to the physical world.
> Hallucination Casting : A sort of branched power from Mesmerism, Damian can manipulate those who are weak-minded into seeing an altered version of reality, putting them in a dazed or panicked state. After an hour, the hallucination begins to wear off.
> Fang & Claw Retraction : Damian can, willingly, protrude and retract claws and fangs. His claws are dense chitin, and can only be found in vampires.
- Wall Scaling : Like a spider, Damian can walk on walls without getting sick from a shaken equilibrium—due to his undead nature. And even more like a spider, Damian can detach himself from said-wall or ceiling and carry on with his business.

> Fire : It'll singe, burn, and blister his skin. But in the end, he'll still live to tell the tale.
> Sun : He's not immune to the burning gas ball in the sky, but it would take some time before he would disintegrate. Their is a way for him to be resurrected though, just like every other vampire. Since the body isn't fully burned away into ashes, if you were to feed sacrificial blood to him, he could be revived.
> Silver : The touch of silver burns his skin and being in the presence of great amounts of silver can remove his physical abilities for as long as he is in contact, leaving him almost mortal and nearly as weak as a human, which can be used to keep him from hunting and causing unwanted casualties. The very sight of silver makes him weak, disorienting his vision and his hearing. Damian burns when touched with silver, along with reducing his strength and speed, and impairing his vision and hearing. He even finds the sight of silver to be insulting.
> Bloodlust : Without consuming blood, Damian will become futile and weakened. If left like that for longer he will become feral and rabid; any longer, he'll die.
> Decapitation : It's an insta-kill, but is hard to do.
> Stake through the Heart: It's simple. Shove a stake through his heart and he'll die.

Vampire Eye Color: Red

Fang Size: 17mm

Number of Fangs: All 4 canines
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[div class=text]Parents: Mercer Chappelle [Father - Dead] ; Adeline Rousseau [Mother - Dead]

Siblings: Augustus Chappelle [Brother - Alive] , Madeline Chappelle [Sister - Dead] , Ekvan Chappelle [Half-Brother - Alive] , Arikan Chappelle [Half-Brother - Alive]

Car: Mercedes-Benz EQC 400

House: T


Faceclaim: Manu Rios

Voiceclaim: Manu Rios

"I'm the monster parents tell their children about before bed."
"You annoy me."

Extra: His mother is a descendant of Alexander the Great, which makes him one too.
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credit @RI.a
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"'Cause we can do anything, we want

We can do anything, it's who we are

We can do anything, we're going to Mars."

- Going To Mars by Judah and The Lion

Full Name: Philippa Khvarti

Nickname: Mars

Gender: Female

Age: 70 (looks 23)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Attire: Casual Gothic (?)

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 123lbs

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown-Black

Distinct Features: N/A

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
  • Impulsive
  • Seductive
  • Clever
  • Good-humoured
  • Sympathetic
  • Appears intimidating
  • Actually kind (to people who deserve it)
  • Fluent in English/Hindi
  • Skilled in self-defence
  • Knows how to manipulate (but only does if she needs to)
  • Reading
  • Kickboxing
  • Hunting
  • Classic Literature
  • Whiskey
  • Learning new skills
  • Movies
  • Werewolves
  • Bigots
  • Brave
  • Intelligent
  • Determined
  • Impulsive
  • Puts herself first
  • Stubborn
Biography: Born in 1948 into poverty, Mars never had it easy, from the moment she was born. Her family always struggled for money, which meant their household and relationships were always very strained. Her parents often fought, from when she was very young, (and as she got older, she would start to fight with her parents too), and growing up as the child of two immigrants, Mars often faced discrimination from her peers. She felt very trapped in her society, in her expected role as a woman, and eventually in an engagement to a man she had little interest in. It was shortly before she was due to be married that she was assaulted by a vampire when she was walking home one night. Although the experience was traumatic, she located a newfound strength within herself and decided it was time to take her own fate into her own hands. In 1971, Philippa Khvarti went missing. Before long, she was presumed dead. She adopted new names and identities as she travelled around the country, eventually settling in one of the highest paid professions: marrying rich older men and bumping them off when she got bored. Risky, maybe, but she covered her tracks well. She moved to Cleora well over a year ago, in search of a new victim, but instead found herself settling there.
Abilities: Immortality, enhanced senses, superhuman strength, + hypnosis (only works on humans and even then, not all of them).

Weaknesses: Silver, garlic, religious paraphanalia, + has to be invited in.

Vampire Eye Color: Orange-Gold

Fang Size: 15mm

Number of Fangs: All 4 canine teeth

House: Link

Theme: Going To Mars - Judah and The Lion

Faceclaim: Neelam Gill

Evie Cruz

"Every Sunday's getting more bleak

A fresh poison each week

'We were born sick, ' you heard them say it

My church offers no absolutes."

- Take Me To Church by Hozier

Full Name: Evelyn Cruz

Nickname: Evie

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Grade: Senior

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Attire: Casual

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 130lbs

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown-Black

Distinct Features: N/A

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
  • Friendly
  • Bubbly
  • Caring
  • Anxious
  • Obsessive
  • Mediator
  • Loyal
  • People-person
  • Peace-making
  • High stamina
  • Cycling
  • Baking
  • Volunteering
  • Oolong Tea
  • Being in a group
  • Looking nice
  • Instrusive thoughts
  • Cars
  • Feeling out of control
  • Loving
  • Positive
  • Helpful
  • Problem Solver
  • Distracted
  • Paranoid
  • Anxious
Biography: Before Evie turned ten, she started experiencing obsessive and intrusive thoughts about death and about dying- this was due to trauma after losing two of her siblings in a car accident. These thoughts interfered with her daily life at first and then slowly took her over. Her compulsions include having to perform counting rituals in order to enter certain rooms or cross certain roads or go to certain places. There are certain places in Cleora that she refused to step foot in altogether, places she called "hot spots", which meant that Evie has to work out elaborate routes to get anywhere. She had to spend some time in the hospital during her junior year but is keen to make sure everybody forgets that quickly. She lives with her parents and two living siblings in Cleora.
  • AP Senior English
  • Sociology
  • AP Biology
  • Calculus II
  • AP Spanish
  • Physical Education
  • Lunch
  • Dramatic Arts II
Parents: Amelia + Lillian Cruz

  • Gabby
  • Noah
  • Thalia (deceased)
  • Val (deceased)
House: Link

Theme: Take Me To Church - Hozier

Faceclaim: Christina Nadin

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[div class=text]Birthname: Samuel Kaiser Braun

Full Name: Alex Everett Walker

Nicknames: Lex

Gender: Male

Age: 199 ; looks 19

Grade: Not attending school.

Alignment: Alex is rather immoral. He has no distinction between right and wrong, and often has no regard for life other than his own.

Appearance: Y | Y | Y | Y

Attire: U | U | U | U

Height: 189cm

Weight: 79kg

Eye Color: Dark Blue

Hair Color: Brown

Distinct Features: He has burn marks along the left side of his body, stretching from his shoulder to his waist ; Tattoo on his right shoulder ; Tattoo on his left wrist

Build: Ectomorph ; athletically lean

Sexual Orientation: Biromantic Homosexual
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[div class=text]Personality:
> Scrupulous
> Amoral
> Corrupt
> Hedonistic
> Witty
> Bullheaded

> Analyst : Alex is keen to observe and note the details of his surroundings and the people he encounters.
> Archery : As a child, hunting was done—by tradition in his family—through using a bow and arrow. Since then, Alex has continuously practiced and used a bow and arrow, either for sport or work.
> Photographic Memory : He remembers everything he sees and hears.
> Hunting and Tracking : He's grown accustomed to his heightened senses, to the point where it would be somewhat difficult for him to lose a scent. And even if he did, he'd just follow your footprints or listen carefully for any commotion/noise.

> Archery
> Reading
> Drawing
> Going to the gym

> Human Blood
> Rain
> Old Films
> Money

> Anyone who underestimates him
> Emotions
> Authority
> Mornings

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[div class=text]Biography: WIP

Classes: Unattended.

> Reconnaissance and Tailing
> Knowledge of human anatomy
> Self-Reliant

> He refuses to allow people 'in' to his life
> Cooperating with others
> Facing reality

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[div class=text]Abilities:

> Fire : It'll singe, burn, and blister his skin. But in the end, he'll still live to tell the tale.
> Sun : He's not immune to the burning gas ball in the sky, but it would take some time before he would disintegrate. Their is a way for him to be resurrected though, just like every other vampire. Since the body isn't fully burned away into ashes, if you were to feed sacrificial blood to him, he could be revived.
> Silver : The touch of silver burns his skin and being in the presence of great amounts of silver can remove his physical abilities for as long as he is in contact, leaving him almost mortal and nearly as weak as a human, which can be used to keep him from hunting and causing unwanted casualties. The very sight of silver makes him weak, disorienting his vision and his hearing. He'll burn when touched by silver, along with reducing his strength and speed, and impairing his vision and hearing.
> Bloodlust : Without consuming blood, Alex will become futile and weakened. If left like that for longer he will become feral and rabid; any longer, he'll die.
> Decapitation : It's an insta-kill, but is hard to do.
> Holy-related Belongings : Objects such as Holy Water or Crosses can blister and boil his skin, weakening him. The sight of just a cross can impair his vision significantly. irritating him overall. And being near the vicinity of holy grounds irritates him greatly.

Vampire Eye Color: Purple

Fang Size: 17mm

Number of Fangs: Top 2 canines
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[div class=text]Parents: Andreas Henrik Braun [Father - Dead] ; Mary Alice Braun [Mother - Dead]

Siblings: James Braun [Brother - Dead] , Anna Braun [Sister - Dead] , Thomas Braun [Brother - Dead] , Margaret Braun [Sister - Dead] , Elizabeth Braun [Sister - Dead]

Car: Mercedes-Benz E-class Coupe

House: A studio apartment in the city


Faceclaim: Harry Raftus

Voiceclaim: Noah Centineo

"Turn the pain into power."
"Humans don't listen to those with reason. They listen to those with power."

Extra: He's a mercenary. Pay him enough money and he'll do your dirty work.
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credit @RI.a
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Amber Rowan Brightwood

  • Nickname: Rosewood, Rose, Rosie (this is what her Faerie friends know her as)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Grade: Sophomore
    Alignment: Neutral Good
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  • Full Name: Chi Dark
    Nickname(s): Shadowkiller
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Chaotic good
    Chi Dark RP.png
    Chi Dark.png
    Height: 4'11"
    Weight: 135 lbs
    Eye Color: Purple
    Hair Color: Pink
    Distinct Features: Other than eye and hair color? Tribal tattoo at shoulder
    Sexual Orientation: Straight

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|| Descriptors ||

Full Name: Jae-sung Park
Nickname(s): Jae or “Jason” (given name usually mispronounced with the American name “Jason”)
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: Junior
Alignment: Neutral Good; currently caught between the Hunters and the Supernaturals.
Height: 5’10
Weight: 150 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown (naturally). Dyes it a lot: switches from black, to blonde, to auburn red.
Distinct Features: Family name “ ” branded between his shoulder blades.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

|| Persona ||

Personality: Jae is a people-pleaser: funny, outgoing, and a little reckless. He’s a little chatty (okay, he’s really chatty) and is convinced he can make friends with just about anyone. He can be a little much at times, but he means well and just wants to get to know you in the end.

Languages: English, Korean, Mandarin, and some French.
Combat: Taekwondo and wielding woldo*.
Other: Acting/Theater, communication, and piano.

  • English/Literature class
  • Theater
  • Movies (faves are adventure/comedy, but loves all genres)
  • Korean BBQ
  • Mingling at parties (or anywhere really)

  • MATH
  • Most vegetables
  • Taxidermy (creepy)
  • Conflict
  • Violence

|| In-Depth ||

Biography: It would be no exaggeration to say that Jae-sung's family is loaded. They have a huge house, expensive cars, and even a maid or two. Jae's parents are successful businessmen, his older "pretty boy" brother is the new star of the tennis team, and his unseen sister is off to law school on a full-ride. The Park's seem to be just another wealthy, clean-cut, snob of a family. Underneath that pristine surface, however, lies a dangerous tradition: monster hunting.
Jae comes from a long line of monster slayers that began their profession over a century ago in Korea. Jae's ancestors protected commoners and noblemen alike by killing goblins, exorcising spirits, and even banishing demons. The Park siblings keep this tradition alive as they were all trained at an early age to track and defeat supernatural creatures.

The family was relocated from London to Cleora, Oregan to investigate the current supernatural population. Their job, as far as Jae understands it, is to eradicate as many monsters as they can weed out. They must do this as quickly and quietly as possible to keep the small town at peace. To the Park family, this job seems clean and simple. Jae, however, is not one for killing.

Ever since he started his training, Jae has had sympathy for the beings his clan has slain. His kin sees them as monsters that need to be destroyed, but he sees them as people with lives and loved ones. Jae has always been hesitant of taking lives and his family never fails to remind him of this weakness. If he ever wants to be accepted by the rest of his clan, then Jae will need to cast these feelings aside and continue his duty as a hunter. Though as he begins to settle in to his new home and befriend the community, he's finding that a lot harder to do than usual.

Will Jae-sung side with his family to eradicate the monsters hiding in this small town? Or will he stand with these supernatural beings and fight for a better solution? Only time will truly tell...
1st Period: Honor's English​
2nd Period: AP World History​
3rd Period: Financial Literacy​
4th Period: Physical Education​
5th Period: Lunch​
6th Period: Algebra II​
7th Period: Health​
8th Period: Dramatic Arts I​
9th Period: Creative Writing II​
  • Loyal: Jae is ride or die for his friends. He has your back if you have his.
  • Supportive: Always lending a helping hand or shoulder to cry on. He’s a great listener.
  • Positive: Even in the darkest situations, Jae’s always looking for the bright sides.
  • Kind: Jae is nice to just about everyone he meets, even if they’re kinda’ rude to him.
  • Reckless: Jae is more of a doer than a thinker and that often gets him into trouble.
  • Critical: Whenever he fails or disappoints, he’s incredibly hard on himself for it.
  • Naive: Jae wants to like everyone and this often leads to poor judgement.
  • Stubborn: Once his mind’s set, it’s hard to get him out of it or admit his he’s wrong.
*Weapons: A silver-bladed Woldo blessed by holy water. (A Korean blade/polearm)

|| Other ||

Parents: Sook-ja Park (Mother) & Kyung-gu Park(Father)
Siblings: Yeo-jin Park (Sister; 22) & Deok-su Park (Brother: 18)
Car: 2018 Red Kia Stinger
House: Colonial-style large home. Private, spacious, and gated.
Theme: UGH! by The 1975
Faceclaim: Yoon Shi-Yoon
Quotes: “If there’s a plan then I 1.) did not make it and B.) will not be following it.”

  • He was born in Seoul, South Korea and lived there till he was twelve. During this time he was trained by other members of his clan. The Park family moved to England where they helped eradicate a werewolf threat until later being relocated to Oregon.
  • Was taught "British English" in school and speaks with a very slight British accent.
  • Currently has auburn red hair, but don't expect it to stay long. He tends to change hair color every few months or so.
  • Has been feeding a stray tuxedo cat that has been visiting his bedroom window everyday after school. His name is James Bond.
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|| Descriptors ||
Full Name: Jackson Neil Andrews
Nickname(s): Jack
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: Senior/12th
Alignment: Chaotic good/chaotic neutral
Appearance: (my face claim folder so this will be on hold till I can track the oicture I want to use
Attire: His outfit varies. Generally he will go with jeans, trainers or vans, and a hoodie. His stile could be considered trendy. But what sticks out is his armbands he wears. He doesn’t have much scars on his shoulders but he generally wears somthing long sleeved.
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 182 pounds
Eye Color: Blue, but he wears brown contact lenses
Hair Color: Blond
Distinct Features: he has various scars on his body and torso, and they are quite profuse. Especially the scar on the bottom left side of his torso and the lines on his wrists and arms.
Sexual Orientation: gay (but he hella closeted though)
|| Persona ||
Personality: Jack is either severely sadated or severely psychotic. Generally he is “sedated” this means he is taking his, as he calls him “horse tranquilizers”, medication for depression, anxiety and anger. This makes him laid back, more chillax. He is much less aggressive, but he is more numb to emotion. Though he can still act rather rash, though his actions may be more calculated. He is also extremely apathetic, almost to the point where he simply will just skip school because why bother, or go to school since why bother skipping. As his dosage of meds wear off he starts to go through withdrawal. This is when he starts to drink. Generally after an hour before withdrawal starts he can function normally, he is a lot less apathetic. He is almost like a real human. Soon after he goes through the second stage of just dry heaving. Maybe after an hour of that sickness is when he goes full blown psycho. Rumor has it he has only gotten to that second stage once, and the person who had to witness it had his jaw stitched shut from the damage. Other than that he has a low moral compass. He tries not to bother anyone to much, seeing that most people aren’t worth his time in his opinion. He has a fear of being seen shirtless or without his arm bands, seeing that his scars are a form of weakness or pity.

Skills: He is fluent in german, English, French, Spanish (European and American), Russian, Serbian and Latin. He is also good in close quarters combat. He is also good at sports, especially lacrosse.
Likes: lacrosse, knives and other stabby objects, most domestic animals, sarcasm.
Dislikes: people in general, guns, talking about himself (unless he is being sarcastic and self depricative)

|| In-Depth ||
Biography: Jack grew up in an abusive house with his parents and twin. He never was praised and his life was generally rough. Until one day his mom went to far. She beat his twin, Silas, senseless to the point where he had his skull caved in to where his mom slammed his head in. Andrew was 12 when this happened. In a blind rage he hurled himself at her. He doesn’t remember what happens. He more likely forgot on purpose. The government examined his mom to find out she was suffering from a very violent form of lycanthropy. The government saw that he had the drive and motive to be a hunter so they recruited him. Giving him both his medications to treat his ptsd and jobs to hunt for the, as well as his home and weapons.

Classes: P1: AP calculus. P2: AP English. P3: Sociology. P4: Lunch P5: Physical education(he is a TA for the freshman class since he loves torturing the younger classmen and he has an in with the coach.) P6: German III. P:7 AP Chem. P8: Euro History P9: early dismissal

Strengths: proficient in multiple languages, proficient in math and literature skills, being able to solve complex tasks, (although his path to doing them is unorthodox) being able to blend in almost anywhere. Great liar.

Weaknesses: any form of self care/ talking about his emotional trauma, trusting others (and himself) is either. psychotic from the lack of meds or to dosed out to care about anything. General recklessness. Lack of emotion to those around him. Heavy anger problems. And a drinking problem as well. He is also very dependant on his medications to function properly. Suffers heavily from ptsd. Has a fear of revealing his torso and bare arms.
Weapons: various knives of sizes on his body. His armbands usually store 4 of them (2 each) and he keeps some inside his jackets or strapped to his ankles.

|| Other ||
Parents: deceased
Siblings: has a cousin named Nicky who lives in Germany. He talks to him frequently. He had a twin named Silas
Car: C7DB33BB-AAE0-4DC8-B59C-960580338FAF.jpeg
House: A sparsely decorated apartment.
Theme: Litterally any indie song.
Quotes: “all I want is revenge on those who infected my mom, and some good alcohol.”
Extra: he’s a pretty anxious mess and an absolute fail at a human being. If he is too much I’ll just make a new character.


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