|| Descriptors ||
Full Name: [Given name]
Nickname(s): [Is there another name they go by?]
Gender: [...this is obvious]
Age: [Years since exit of the womb?]
Grade: [What grade are they enlisted in? If not a highschooler, don't worry about this.]
Alignment: [Moral Compass]
Appearance: [What do they look like? Realistic or Realistically-Drawn preferred]
Attire: [What do they normally wear?]
Height: [How high do they go?]
Weight: [How much on the scale?]
Eye Color: […]
Hair Color: […]
Distinct Features: [scars, markings, etc.]
Sexual Orientation: [What way does the ocean flow?]
|| Persona ||
Personality: [3 lines minimum ; you can list if you want]
Skills: [What are they good at?]
Likes: [What do they enjoy?]
Dislikes: [What don't they enjoy?]
|| In-Depth ||
Biography: [Backstory, you know the idea. At least a paragraph.]
Classes: [Only applies to students.]
Strengths: [3 minimum ; you can list]
Weaknesses: [3 minimum ; you can list]
|| Other ||
Parents: [You know, if you want your character to have parents . . . ]
Siblings: [Doesn't have to apply to you.]
Car: [If applicable]
House: [What does their residence look like?]
Theme: [If they walked into a room, what would play?]
Extra: [Anything I missed?]
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