High School Of The Gods

Um hello there. I'm new to this site and stuff and this rp seems interesting to me. I just like literally joined a few minutes ago lmao. Also, how do I join here? Do I look at the rules forums or?...
I'm Okay With That But I Had An Idea Athena Was Going To Fall For Your Boy Form Not Knowing It Was Thana
Can I make another charecter?

She won't be anybody major.

I'm fine with pan.

And another question. How does the whole Nxy thing work seeing as she is the mother of the the God of death. Does this mean I can rp as her son the God of sleep?
[QUOTE="aja maji]Can I make another charecter?
She won't be anybody major.

I'm fine with pan.

And another question. How does the whole Nxy thing work seeing as she is the mother of the the God of death. Does this mean I can rp as her son the God of sleep?

Shhh, no one knows that. Yeah its fine.

Using Tapatalk
So is that a yes or a no on making another charecter?
So pan is roommates with eris. Want to make sure I got that right.

So is there an actual plot to this rp or is it just free-ranged?
[QUOTE="aja maji]So pan is roommates with eris. Want to make sure I got that right.
So is there an actual plot to this rp or is it just free-ranged?

Free Ranged
Could you actually make your own god and if not then would it be possible to be a Half-God
Morbuskid said:
Could you actually make your own god and if not then would it be possible to be a Half-God
You Can Be A Half God

If We Get One More Person I Can Separate It Evenly

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