High School Of The Dead And Alive


Junior Member
When the door separating Heaven and Hell from the human world opened, the world was chaos. Soon enough, the Angels, Death Wings (Like angels only with black wings and from hell and usually have shackles on their ankles), and Mortals decided to live together in peace. There are occasional murders because some Death Wings feed on humans, but mostly peaceful. This RP takes place in a high school shared by all 3 species.

Just follow all the rules of the website, and any really detailed scenes, Blood, Gore, Or Sexual/Romantic, do in PM as I don't know the rule about that. Anyhow, HAVE FUN!

Character Skeleton:




Sexual Orientation:

Male, or Female:




My Character

Name: Kashi Lokai

Age: 16

Species: Angel

Sexual Orientation: Straight


Personality: Kashi is a good angel. She always followed the rules, never helped a death wing or snuck into the mortal world. When the door to the mortal world opened, she was a nurse on the battlefield. She now was forced to continue High School in the Mortal World. She does not have any siblings, and her parents are dead. Her father was a Death Wing and was killed by the angels when caught in the mortal world and her mother was killed dragging a wounded angel away from the battle. This has tought her to be tough and she does not let down her wall easy. She has one flaw, She tends to fall in love with Death Wings. It was a trait her mother had and that she inherited. She's tried to stop it. It doesn't work. She's never told a Death Wing she likes them, and currently likes none.



Extra: Is currently single, shy and doesn't have alot of friends.
Name: Valkyrie Cain

Age: 15

Species: Death Wings/Former Valkyrie

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Male, or Female: Female

Personality: Valkyrie is very kind, and values bravery and honesty. She always helps those she deems worthy, namely heroic people. She was a Valkyrie(Norwegian mythology) but was cast down to Earth and became a Death wing. She can be rash, but is also calm and intelligent. Valkyrie scarecly falls in love, and just pushes her feelings aside. Her parents were Odin and a Death Wing female, and Odin kept her on as a Valkyrie. Once she learnt of her mother, she demanded to be cast down. As Odin refused, she caused mayhem and was thereby allowed to go to the school.

Looks: (pretend that the wings are gray) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb876ca4_angelswingsoriginalanime1920x1080wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_35.jpg.75f4876a8b00c6a2fc3d9d2dcbf6682a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1708" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb876ca4_angelswingsoriginalanime1920x1080wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_35.jpg.75f4876a8b00c6a2fc3d9d2dcbf6682a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




  • angels wings original anime 1920x1080 wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_35.jpg
    angels wings original anime 1920x1080 wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_35.jpg
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Name: Katherine "Kat" McGuire

Age: 16

Species: Human

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Male, or Female: Female lol

Personality: She is a straight up party girl who loves to cause trouble and pranks and lives on the wild side of life. She moved out of her strict home just so she could be the wild child she really was and not listen to any rules. She likes to party with anyone of any species but thinks that the Death Wings really know how to party. She knows that she shouldn't hang with Death Wings but she finds them more exciting than the regular goody two shoes Angels

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/2013-03-15-564820.png.0cbb28a114e83a712040db440aa6b6b8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1707" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/2013-03-15-564820.png.0cbb28a114e83a712040db440aa6b6b8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Name: Josephene Wood

Nickname: Jo

Age: 17

Species: Human

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Gender: Female

Personality: Jo is Kind, Caring, Hardworking, Smart, Cocky, Outgoing.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/images-419.jpeg.5a3566d985c6741bef7eef4cd35fc821.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1709" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/images-419.jpeg.5a3566d985c6741bef7eef4cd35fc821.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extra: Jo Doesn't Speak About Her Past and She is a Cheerleader/Softball Girl



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Name: Casper Othello

Age: 17

Species: Death Wings

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.

Male, or Female: Male.

Personality: Hes nice, but can sometimes be a d*ck.



You're, welcome. 
I'm gonna wait and see if any more guys sign up and then I'll start the thread unless anyone else wants to start like this or make another character.
Ah, I would like to join. :B I'll make a guy to try and even things out a little...
Name: Jake Tanner

Age: Eighteen

Species: Death Wing

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Male, or Female: Male

Personality: Jake is your typical prankster. He loves making jokes, and messing around. Due to his comedic nature, he tends to be a little thick-headed and insensitive sometimes, which ended many of his past friendships.



Extra?: Jake has the power to tell who a person is truly like, along with reading their minds. He has connections with souls of both living and dead, which allows him to mentally communicate with them. In battle, he isn't exactly the offensive type, but he is extremely agile and is rarely hit. The only time he can really hurt someone else is when his emotions are at an all time high. He has the potential to suck someone soul from their bodies, but he has never done so, and doesn't plan on it.

The pic was a little large... Sorry. e-e;;

Augh, my profiles are normally terrible, I'm sorry. v.v;

No worries though, if I'm accepted I'll make up for it in my posts. >:3
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Character Skeleton:

Name: Fable Delarte

Age: 16

Species: Angel/Death Wings

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Male, or Female: Female

Personality: Fable is on her way towards her own destruction. Don't let her innocent looks fool you. Despite a outgoing and friendly nature, inner turmoil constantly rips at her from within. Her Angel mother is constantly warning her about her actions leading her to give into her Death Wings heritage. Her father is a Death Wings male that she isn't allowed to see, since her mother is one of the higher up angels who had a random dalliance with her father, one of the Death Angel generals. Her dual fighting natures constantly rip at her to decide which side she wishes to embrace. Angel or Death Wing?


-ana_tai_tadase-15291348-576-432.jpg' alt='laugh.png' alt='xD'>-ana_tai_tadase-15291348-576-432.jpg'>

Name: Shadow Collen

Age: 18

Species:Death Wing

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Male, or Female:Male

Personality: Shadow's a very playful and childish character,he loves messing with people and doesn't take anything serious. He doesn't have many friends because of his personality,but he doesn't seem to mind much.


Extra?: Can control a shadow puppet named Shade with metal wires he usually keeps wrapped around himself. the tattoo under his eye and scar around his neck are very important to him.
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Oh, could you put a link when you post the thread up?

Also~ does anyone which to plot? Like friends, enemies, crushes, etc...
Name: tommy

Age: 19

Species: human weaver

Sexual Orientation: bi

Male, or Female: male

Personality: cruel and vicious. normally only staying by himself and knits his uniform from spider silk he shoots from his fingers


Extra?: he wears no shirt because it gives his skin a lot more air to breath and allows him to sense enemies, as well as using thread from his fingers he can make clothing that can keep fire from burning out.

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