High School Never Ends [A pseudo-fantasy and romance school RP!]


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High School Never Ends!

Monday morning... Quite a few people hate this day, they might say it's the end of the past week of their lives... But for you? It's a fresh start! That's right, today's the day you start high school! Not only that, you're going to quite a good one too. Hajimari High School... The school of new beginnings, how fitting, the name speaks the truth! This school takes pride in it's students' interests, providing a whole host of extra curricular clubs to join which are divided into categories, such as Basketball, Art, Music. These are just examples and there are quite a few more, ah yes. You are required to pick at least one club out of a maximum of two, it's nothing serious if you don't pick one, it just keeps you from getting bored in the breaks! *Chuckles* And believe me, you'll be spoiled for choice the moment you step in the gate! Oh yes, and for all you lovebirds out there, we have a system known as the "Love System", this is basically a tool similar to marriage systems in those fancy-dancy MMO whatsits of yours! When you meet your special someone, you can register yourselves as a couple! So far there are no benefits for it yet, other than the satisfaction of being together, and the pride you take in showing off your love to the rest of the school! I think that's all... Ah yes! To all of our returning students, welcome back, and enjoy the new year. And remember, High School Never Ends.

Yours sincerely, Headmaster Kōchō


And thank you headmaster for that lovely intro! Hello, Lock here with my very first RP that's hosted here, this school RP as stated in the title is of the fantasy genre, with a little bit of romance thrown in here and there, mainly because I'm a sappy ****** and I need my fix of moments that make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside... Where was I? Oh yeah, fantasy genre, that means that beings such as Nekos and that are allowed, though nothing like evil space ants from Jupiter, and no magic will be involved, just the different options other than humans. Hey, I did say pseudo fantasy in the title. And without further adieu, the character sign up sheet! YAAAAY! *Wavy Kermit arms* Also, just try and guess the reference in the title! Try! There's a cookie in it for you!


Character name: (The name of your character!)

Nicknames: (Any aliases your character goes by? If they don't have any, skip this part)

Gender: (Male, Female. You decide!)

Age: (Does this have to really be explained? Minimum age is 15 (With the exception of Zero Farenheit)

Personality: (How do they react to their surroundings, what are they like as a person?)

Appearence: (What your character looks like!)

Basic background: (What have they experienced before the start of their high school years?)


Username: Omegalock

Character name: Duster Coulton

Nicknames: Kitty (This time he doesn't mind being called this)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: A sarcastic joker, less of a douche this time, quite the gentleman when it comes to women

Appearance: View attachment 12270

Basic background: Duster has lived alone for quite some time, his sister is studying abroad and his parents are on a year long business trip, he thinks of this as a blessing though seeing as his relationship with the family isn't exactly perfect, and with his parents discussing a divorce, who knows what'll happen...


Username: Falconeevee

Character name:Zero Farenheit

Nicknames:(Will be changed into something when people actually make nicknames for him! :D )

Gender:Build as a male

Age:2 months

Personality:Easily Interested, Idiotic, Easily distracted

Appearance: View attachment 12233

Basic background:Was build as a android but thanks to their limited funds, oh wait im supposed to tell the truth? Well this is Silver Axe, i programmed Zero Farenheit but i refuse to program him with knowledge about history, countries, english and other stuff, so im sending him to this school with a almost blank memory.

Only enough to play as a normal teenager, Im going to reduce this projects costs! Not because i spend all money on manga and anime but because its good for the enviroment!
Username: IHeartEdwardElric

Character name: Lira Rider




Smart, kind, sorta shy.


Basic background: Lived with one little sister and both parents. When she met a guy, her father didn't approve, but Lira kept seeing him. When her dad heard about what she was doing, he moved far away and never came back. She still wears a hairpin that he gave her on her first birthday.

character name:Nichole Katakana




personality:super shy,loves to read, comes out when around people she knows, very kind and is like a sister to others

appearance:short black hair to neck, hazel eyes, African American with light skin, glasses, tinkerbell snapback

background:she suffered a terrible break up. she was dating a friend then he broke her heart.. she lost all trust in boys...except for her twin brother
(Please do. When or if you do I'll start up the Rp in the actual Slice of Life area and we can get started! Oh and,IHeartEdwardElric? you have a broken link for your image, may want to fix it)
Username: Humor

Character name: Ryan Holgrin

Nicknames: (Any aliases your character goes by? If they don't have any, skip this part)

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Personality: Arrogant and proud. Roland does not get along well with "other" races. He weighs heavily on human interactions. He is confident in everything he does that he knows he can do and fears new things. He hates spontaneity and surprises. Rough around the edges he is hard to get along with. His outlook on life is hate them till you know them.


View attachment 12327

Basic background: He is an avid sports player and team leader always either the Captain or the first kid you picked for any activity. Ryan used to be a fun loving individual until his twin sister Alyssa died. When she died from an illness. She had always been the weaker of the two and Ryan gladly took care of her and played with her. Spending most of his time in the hospital with her after school and on weekends everyday. Opposite of the nature he is now, it all changed that day. Suffering from mild PTSD of his sisters death he claims to talk to her and see her. He isolates himself away from others ever since her death when they were 14. Now after losing all his friends by pushing them away. High school is his thought of starting fresh and new . Following his psychologists instructions he enrolls in a dorm friendly academy to get away from home. He is trying to live a life apart from all the memories he has.
Username: Splamey

Character name: Kiyoshi Grey

Nicknames: Kiyo

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Personality: Kiyo is new to the entire "making friends" scene.

He is used to making good grades and avoiding people.

To top it all off he freezes when talking to girl.

Appearence: Kiyo stands about 5'11 and weighs 180 pounds.

He has dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes to match.

He looks kind of nerdy in appearance he wears thick black glasses

Basic background: Kiyo was born in a very small town with about 1000 people living in it.

This is why Kiyo doesnt have very many friends. He always really cared about his grades and making a good impression.

Teachers seemed to love him but the students did not.
( Long waist length pink hair. White tank top with a shorter back one underneath. Black short shorts. White and black sneakers. A small white hair pin, and green eyes. If I forgot anything please let me know! )
IHeartEdwardElric said:
( Long waist length pink hair. White tank top with a shorter back one underneath. Black short shorts. White and black sneakers. A small white hair pin, and green eyes. If I forgot anything please let me know! )
Sorry if im intruding in neko boy's work but how about you copy pasta that into your app by editing it? makes it easier to review it when people notice your character and check this page owo, also lock.

How about putting links up to all the apps? Easy access, less brainpains
(Well I'm posting my application.)

Username: Dead Eye

Character name: Nicholas Miller

Nicknames: Nick.

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: Friendly to almost everyone, likes to make friends but is not good at talking first to someone he doesn't know.

Appearance: View attachment 12652

Basic background: Nick grew up playing video games just like his father, he still plays them a lot but school, family and friends are first for him, he just moved into this neighborhood because his mother wanted him to assist Hajimari High School.
What Lira looks like. I couldn't find the original photo. So this is how she looks now.
Username: Roxel

Character Name: Rosemary Rue Oakwood.

Nickname: Introduces herself as Rue.


Age: 15 almost 16.

Personality: She is a bit of a tomboy, spunky and entergitic, a bit odd, but not enough to scare you off. She always seems to be doing something, talking, singing, humming,or drumming on herself or others. Rue can get annoying and have her moods like any other teen.

Appearance: She is albino with the average height and weight for her age, she has white hair and amber/golden eyes.

Background: Rue lost her mother a firerfighter when she was seven. Her aunt Harriet wanted nothing to do with riasing her niece, and sent her to an all girls school far out east for most of her schooling, but an incident sent her back home, to where her aunt shipped her off to*Hajimari High School.

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