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High Fantasy RP, Let's Create!


The glory of the Pelethri shall ne'er dull!
So, being new here, I'm not sure how things work, but I'll go ahead and post this. I think it would be really fun to create a world of our own as we go. That is how I've done it before, and have had the most fun that way. I don't require a character sheet, as I prefer our characters to get to know one another as they go along. Yes, I'm cool with romance, but not as the primary focus.

Female characters and players, only, please. This is open to any who meet the above criteria, but only up to two role plays. I've a busy life with work and all, so I can only juggle that many. Expect at least one to two posts on busy weeks, and as many posts per day as I can on weeks that aren't as busy. I'll communicate thus to my creative partner.

I look forward to creating something awesome with you!
I need to keep this limited to two role plays, because life. :/ Apologies for inconveniences. I will pm those who I choose. Thanks for your interest! ^_^
If you have any openings, I have similar availability, and like to make things up as I go along. PM me if you are interested!

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