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Name: Brianna

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: Fare Skin, Wavy Blonde Hair, Amber Eyes W/ A Reddish Tint, Tall, Skinny But Not In An Unhealthy Way

Personality: Fun-Loving, Girly, Happy, Loves To Read And Act, Curious, Friendly

Biography: Brianna's parents are both vampires. Brianna has always been a girly vampire. She loves makeup, she loves dressing up in nice clothes. She's the type of person that everyone wants as their makeup artist. She only wears natural makeup on a daily basis, but for special occasions, she makes sure her makeup looks like it's been done for her by a pro. Along with that, Brianna loves to have a good time. You'll never catch her just chilling in the dorm on weekends. She loves reading, so she spends her four hours of free time doing just that. She usually goes through about a book or two everyday. She looks kind of like Barbie. Not only does she love to read, but she has quite a passion for theatre. She's done acting ever since she was a little girl, maybe around four. She gets the lead in just about every play. She also loves getting to wear costumes on stage. In addition, Brianna is very friendly, and she loves to make new friends. She always looks forward to meeting new people whenever she can. Also, she's always very happy. You hardly ever see her down in the dumps. Lastly, she's super curious. She can't wait to try out new things, she especially can't wait to learn how to be the perfect vampire, and what the world will be like once she graduates. Trying new things and experiences is right up Brianna's alley

Group/Club: Drama Club

Pets: None

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