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Fantasy Hidden in Plain Sight | OOC

As I've mentioned, I have really bad Internet right now, but I will return to my hometown in a week. Is there a specific time to be done with my CSs? Or at least I wanna know if I can make it if I start in a week.
As I've mentioned, I have really bad Internet right now, but I will return to my hometown in a week. Is there a specific time to be done with my CSs? Or at least I wanna know if I can make it if I start in a week.
I was thinking of giving everyone a week but I can extend the deadline to next friday if that's okay with you?
b a r i s t a b a r i s t a
I just finished my character, if you need or want me to change anything just let me know.
Do you mind putting downsides to your character's abilities? With every skill comes it's disadvantages maybe something that prevents her from being able to use her fire powers constantly. Whether it'd be a physical or mental obstacle.
Do you mind putting downsides to your character's abilities? With every skill comes it's disadvantages maybe something that prevents her from being able to use her fire powers constantly. Whether it'd be a physical or mental obstacle.
I added some downsides, hope that evens it out a bit.

name: naomi prescott
age: 19
gender: female (she/her)
orientation: bisexual
occupation: coffee shop barista
coded by: lorde
appearance —

face claim: lili reinhart
height: 5 ft. 6 in.
weight: 120 lbs.
hair color: blonde
eye color: blue-green
tattoos and/or piercings: a small, geometric tattoo on the inside of her right wrist; a piercing in each ear.

personality —

naomi is quite the daydreamer and is often lost in her own world. she is easygoing and compassionate, with an almost magnetic charm and a unique ability to empathize with different people. naomi tends to see the world through "rose-colored glasses" and looks on the bright side of most situations. her idealism and unfailing optimism, however, can blind her to others' flaws and produce unrealistic goals. highly sensitive, naomi takes even the slightest criticism to heart and can be exceedingly hypercritical of herself.

selfless: naomi tends to prioritize others' needs above her own and is the first to lend a hand when needed. well-read: when not working at the coffee shop, naomi loves to read and could spend hours at her local library. empathetic: although naomi dislikes confrontation and violence, she is a good mediator of conflicts and a supportive shoulder to cry on.

introverted: first impressions aren't naomi's forte; she can be rather reserved around strangers and is hesitant to enter unfamiliar social situations. perfectionistic: naomi frequently obsesses over small and trivial details and can forget to give herself a break. indecisive: making tough decisions is hard for naomi, as she likes to evaluate every possible outcome (however improbable) before committing to a course of action.

in depth —


biography: born in a small town in the united states to a history professor and an author, naomi had a rather idyllic childhood. her parents, bill and eloise, loved their daughter dearly, but were both alarmed and terrified when her abilities began to manifest themselves on her fifth birthday. countless trips to a slew of specialists returned no conclusive explanation, so — unwilling to lose their only child to the clutches of scientific research — they resigned themselves to controlling naomi's abilities as best they could.
naomi grew up with little understanding of her abilities or their potential implications. her parents warned her to never show it off around others, so naomi contented herself with small experiments in the privacy of her own room. the "shifts" started off small, lasting only a few seconds at most. first were her parents. then, her best friend from school. at first, they were immensely painful, leaving her nauseated and dizzy and exhausted beyond belief. yet, over time, naomi learned to ride out the pain, exploring the limits of her abilities and pushing her body to further extremes. although naomi understands that exposing her abilities would mean almost certain death, she yearns for someone to share her secret with.

quirks: fidgets when nervous or stressed; prone to daydreaming; collects postcards
likes: classical music; gardening; oversized, cozy sweaters; painting
dislikes: large crowds; confrontation and violence; spiders; heights
relationships: tbd

abilities —

abilities: shapeshifting — the ability to transform and reshape the form of one's body. naomi is able to take on the form of another human being at will, for a definite amount of time. her ability is constrained by her knowledge of who she will transform into (naomi must have personally met the other individual) and the duration of her transformation (so far, naomi is able to hold the form of another human being for twenty-four hours at most). naomi wears a silver bracelet on her left wrist, which controls her transformations in public spaces and confirms her true identity.
opinion: naomi holds no animosity towards humans or people with abilities. she loves her ability to shapeshift but recognizes the loneliness that comes with being different from the norm. naomi hopes to one day meet someone like herself.

RP Link
Here's the link to the rp if you didn't get a notification from the tags.

South Korean
Brown Eyes
Brown Hair
- Playing Piano
- Cooking
- Strawberries
- Nature
- Animals

- Peaches
- Fire
- Thunder
- Kids
- Gore

Jung Woo is a dog hybrid, with ears and a fluffy tale. He's fused with a beagle, and often will take the characteristics of one.


Jung Woo is a beagle hybrid so he has the personality of one. He's intelligent, often getting good grades when he was in school, and sometimes top of his class. He's gentle. Kid couldn't hurt a soul. He once met an angry cat that attacked him, he just let it because he didn't want to hurt the thing. He's amiable. He likes to also be polite and nice to everyone, even if they try to bring him down.

Jung gets excited too easily and often his tail would wag so hard, it was destroy the back of his pants. his biggest flaw though is his stubbornness. He doesn't back down easily and often gets a little violent if provoked. His temper is pretty short and he often gets annoyed at little things. Jung is usually pretty shy though, and likes to be alone.


Unlike most, Jung was a normal boy from South Korea until his parents ran out of money and basically sold him. He was an experiment that was successful. Jung became there most prized possession, often showing him off and letting people touch his tail and ears, letting them pull and tug until Jung whined. When he was 15 he escaped on a boat to England with his friend Mina he had met in the labs.

They met a man who helped him settle his life, but the man passed away when Jung turned 17. Jung left with his fortune started a new life. He changed his name and got an English citizenship and learned English. He never looked back at Korea since then and now him and Mina live together in a small apartment.
Kim Jung Woo[/FONT]

nicole likes | painting, drawing, playing the piano, coffee, tea
nicole dislikes | attention, lying, thunder, dark lit places, crying in public, alcohol
quirks | stutters when lying, fiddles with her fingers when nervous, daydreams way too often
personality | people often think nicole is stuck up when they first see her. just because she has a rbf (resting b*tch face). nicole is a sweet girl who doesn't really interact with anyone unless needed. nicole is a introvert and prefers to
spend her time alone. since nicole doesn't really interact with people, she's quite clueless and naive. she often thinks of the good side of people and cannot see through their flaws. nicole also doesn't compare herself with anyone and her self-esteem isn't too high or too low. she understands that there is always someone better than her, but she always tries her best in whatever she does.
nicole is also very oblivious to her surroundings, especially when it comes to people. if someone were to ask for ten dollars because they don't have anything to eat, even though they're dressed nicely with nice accessories, she would still give them the money just because she would feel guilty if she said no.
nicole finds it difficult to express herself with her words as well. since she doesn't talk too much, nonetheless socialize with anyone, she often draws and paint her emotions. she feels at ease and that she's truly herself when plotting her emotions and thoughts in art.
biography | nicole and her parents lived in a small apartment in the slums of her town. she was often surrounded by the troubled children in her neighborhood. however, nicole received a scholarship to attend the most prestigious high school on the other side of town. nicole was the talk of the school and was labeled as the "pretty pauper." during junior year, nicole's alter ego has been awaken and had taken over her body for a solid six months. rosalie started to dress nicole's body in strange clothing. rosalie was cold, ruthless, manipulative, and harmful. nicole's classmates, teachers, and parents thought there was something odd about nicole, so her parents saved enough money to take her to a psychiatrist, to see what was "wrong" with nicole. though her doctor had some suspicion that nicole wasn't normal, he decided to diagnose her as bipolar. nicole learned to hide rosalie over those six months, but rosalie would come back specifically on a full moon.
after she graduated high school, nicole cut off all ties with her high school classmates, moved out of her home, and tried to start her life over with new surroundings. she attends a small community college and works part time at a library and a small coffee shop. she tried her hardest to blend in with the crowd and would call in sick during her night shift when rosalie is about to take over. many of nicole's friends don't know about rosalie, but only that she's bipolar.
ability | nicole is a descent of an ancient, ruthless queen. when the full moon appears in front of nicole's eyes, rosalie takes over her body and is able to manipulate fire. when rosalie takes over nicole's body, nicole's eyes turn bright orange. rosalie is cruel and merciless, unlike nicole. people often think nicole is bipolar when her alter ego appears. nicole does not remember what happens when her body is taken over by rosalie.
opinion on humans | she is quite neutral when thinking about humans, but she's often uncomfortable and quiet when interacting with them. she is afraid that she will be considered an outcast, like her times in high school.
opinion on people with abilities | she's never encountered a person with specific abilities, but she would probably feel more at ease, but would still have her guard up.

relationships | tba
name | nicole park
age | 21
gender | female
occupation | part time librarian, barista
dob | january 16
sexual orientation | heteroromantic bisexual

face claim | bae, suzy
voice claim | lee hi
hair color | ash brown
eye color | dark brown
height | 5'2
weight | 100 lbs ; 45 kg
body mods | a small rose tattoo can be found behind her left ear

gallery |


created by@junie



code by pasta

basics & appearance

name ; Auguste Khorbet
nicknames: August
age ; 18
gender ; male
sexuality ; bisexual
occupation ; receptionist
origin ; france
languages ; english, some french

hair ; dark brown, short and curly
eyes ; hazel
height ; 5'5"
weight ; 115lbs
tattoo ; bat on inner wrist


personality & backstory

+ obedient
+ patient
+ humble

- anxious
- greedy
- moody

overall ;
August is, overall, a patient, and focused teenager, who's learned through his life that to get what you want, you have to be patient and you have to suck up to your superiors. While he's not completely honest all the time, he's an obedient worker, and friend, who works hard to advance in life, and hide his abilities. He's an anxious hybrid, who constantly fears that he'll be found out, and that he'll have to start at square one all over again. August doesn't trust strangers easily, and rarely leaves his apartment, only for work, or when he needs to eat. His anxious behavior doesn't stop him from being overly greedy and petty, causing him to lose many opportunities he could have had in life due to theft and bad behavior. His moodiness can lead to a quick temper if he has a bad day, which can lead to snappiness, like an average teen.

August has never been too self-confident. He's very humble, despite his greedy selfishness, and if he's caught in a lie or in theft, he'll typically admit his mistake. Receiving compliments are an awkward affair for him, and he typically doesn't know what to do with himself or say when receiving one. August's job offers frequent communication with strangers as customers, and he typically handles them well if he follows typical routine. However, if a stranger will try to start up a conversation, or hover around too long, August gets nervous and awkward. He's not good at starting or continuing conversation, and most conversations he has will have long moments of silence, when he's unaware he should be speaking, or he wasn't listening. While he can get extremely focused on a task at hand, he's terrible at multitasking, and most multitasking will end up in incompetence or forgetful behavior. August is very patient with others, and hardly shows any contempt or signs of impatience. If somebody is taking too long to answer a question, or will set August aside to work on a different task, he doesn't mind, and usually can find something else to occupy his time until the person can get back to him. He always likes having something occupy his mind, otherwise his thoughts will wonder, and he'll fret too much.


August doesn't remember much from his childhood, but from what he does know, there was quite a bit of testing. He was raised in a fairly normal home, with a mother and father, but it was hardly a normal lifestyle. He would be taken for weekly testing for many things, ranging from what had caused his unsightly mutation, to what could prevent these kinds of DNA behaviors in the future. His father, Lawrence Khorbet, was a dedicated genetic scientist, and even founded his own company. His wife, Emilia Khorbet, worked with him, but often stayed at home with August. Lawrence was horrified to find that his son had been born with such defects, but his loyalty to his family, and his curiosity on how it could have possibly occurred outweighed his disgust. He still treated his son unfairly, and rarely interacted with him, but August, young and naive, still trusted and looked up to his father in awe. He saw him as such an influential force that had such power behind him, August couldn't help but respect him, despite the rude treatment he received.
Emilia, on the other hand, loved her son with all of her heart. She didn't mind that he was deformed, that he had wings, and his teeth were a little sharper than other kids. All Emilia had was her love for her son, and she could see past any deformity. She knew the consequences of keeping him alive, and not choosing to abandon him, but she couldn't do that to her only son. The gap between her and her husband grew as she became closer to August. She taught him French and English behind Lawrence's back, and as her husband's disdain for their son grew, the more Emilia planned for an escape for August. The tests became more frequent as August grew older, the testing scientists became less and less careful with how they treated him, and the topic of euthanization came up more frequently. The longer this went on, and the more disrespect August received, the more Emilia and August's fear grew.
Finally, Emilia had enough. When Lawrence departed for a business trip, she enacted her plan. She stole money from her and her husbands personal bank, and used it to create August's identity. He officially became known to the system, and all she told him was to run. August was 16 at the time, and extremely reluctant to leave his mother, he feared for her, but she wouldn't have any of it. She drove him as far as she could, and dropped him off with his bags. August had no other choice but to abandon France, and flee across the country. Eventually, he found himself in Britain, and began to make a life for himself there, trying to lay as low as he could. Occasionally, he would receive a letter from Emilia, but he didn't dare send any back, in case Lawrence found the letter before Emilia could.


+ small animals/rodents
+ flowers
+ fruit, especially mangoes
+ financial stability

- insects
- summer
- overtime shifts
- coffee

• Won't meet someone's eye when he's lying to them. More liable to get fidgety and twitchy.
• Fidgets when he's nervous, always needs to keep his hands on something otherwise he'll start pulling at seams in his clothing, or biting his nails.
• Will grow quiet when he's been caught in a lie, or when he's embarrassed.

August is a hybrid human, crossed with a bat. He has features that are extremely reminiscent to a bat, including wings, fangs, pointed ears, and a tail. He has the ability to fly with his wings, but due to the fact that they're constantly hidden and compressed by his clothing, it aches for him to stretch them out and use them. His ears aren't large enough to show through his hair, and are only pointed at the tips, so they rarely show, though August will wear a hat if his hair can't hide them well enough. His wings connect to his shoulder blades, and are only connected about halfway down his back, until his tail starts. He has a small, thin tail that extends out around 20 inches, with a bit more of a quarter of it connecting to his wings for easier flight and stability.

August dislikes the fact that he's somebody with abilities. If he could have a chance to start over and live in a life that didn't have abilities, he would gladly take it, but in a way, he believes he's lucky to be alive. He disapproves of others that would openly flaunt their abilities in protest, and has been conditioned to think that anybody special should be locked up. In a way, he sees it as turning against his own kind, and it makes him anxious, but August knows that it decreases those suspecting him of having abilities that he tries so desperately to hide. He still can't help but wince whenever he hears tales of 'specials' being locked up or beaten for just who they are, and can't help but disapprove of the world that he lives in.



"You where a flame, and I was ice."

Rylan Jay Winters

Name: Rylan Jay Winters
Gender : Male
Age: Twenty four
Occupation: Owns a Tattoo shop.

Nature Manipulation: Can manipulate plant life and earth (not the planet..) itself. Needs to be near nature for it to work, if not it drains him out quicker.

Water Manipulation: Can Manipulate water, and pull moisture from the air. Though, the further he is away from his source the harder it is to control and sometimes he has to fully concentrate. Meaning, he can't move.

*Notes: Has a wave tattoo on his left wrist, and a vine tattoo around his right. He just woke up one day with him.


Height: 5'11
Weight: 139
Hair: Black
Eyes; Olive Brown

Quirks: Humming when occupied, closing his eyes when nervous.

Persona: Friendly. Great people skills. Outgoing, social, group oriented. Does not like to be alone. Open. Self-confident. Good at getting people to have fun. Adaptable and action-oriented. A doer focused on immediate results. Disorganized, messy. Decisive. Finisher. Talented at presentation. Lives in the here-and-now. Fast-paced lifestyle. Impatient with long explanations. Extremely loyal to their peers, but not usually respectful of laws and rules if they get in the way of getting things done. Content, emotionally stable. Frequently joking. Adjusts easily.

Likes: Nature, Hikes, Climbing, Spicy food, Music, Reading.

Dislikes: Dogs, Cities, Sour Food, Winter, Society, Fear.

Bio: Rylan was actually born into a family with abilities, however for a while, he didn't have his abilities appear. His three siblings each found their own gifts fairly quickly. When he was twelve, his home was attacked by ones without abilities. His parents and his eldest sibling died protecting the young children, as Rylan and his two remaining family members fled to a different part of England(?), he gained the ability to manipulate earth like his mother to keep them hidden. (They lived near a forest area.) After reaching England, the two young ones went into foster care and Rylan took up with a friend he meet until he could live on his own. (Water ability didn't show until he almost drowned at sixteen.)
b a r i s t a b a r i s t a (sorry I couldn't really think of anything else.
Opinions: I wonder if humans ever stopped to think: "It's not their fault they were born like this." and instead would just learn to get along.


"I should have stayed away, but I let you melt me away."
code by C O F F EE


Name: Chae-Yeon
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Part time librarian

Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 38.5 kg

Personality(2+ para):Chae-Yeon can't be considered a shy individual because he actually enjoys meeting new people. However, he does have anxiety when around large crowds or when people get curious and begin to ask him a lot of questions. He has a naturally quiet voice and is often times told to speak up to which he gets a bit frustrated as it's difficult for him to without hurting his throat. He can be considered childish at times when he's around people he knows or is getting better acquainted to and as a shocker to most people, is a sucker for kid's games such as tag, hide and seek, and manhunt. He hates when people comment on his height and weight as he is already an insecure individual and they are simply adding salt to the unhealed wound. He even goes as far as to wear sweatshirts and such that are too big for him to make him look less thin than he actually is. He has a naturally caring attitude and always puts the needs of others before his own seeing them as more important. He likes to see the bright side of things, although often times he fails because of that tiny voice in the back of his mind that continually tells him that things are most definitely going to go wrong. He loves to read with a passion which is a reason that he works part-time at a library as he has the chance to read a lot more. He gets nervous when around people that are much taller than him and tries to hide it most times although he's never been the best at hiding his emotions. He likes to keep a smile on his face and finds that it is naturally quite contagious, especially with kids and elderly people. Because of his background he is still in the closet with his whole sexuality and such and has just added it to the list of things that he has to hide from the rest of society. He also really loves playing instruments and finds that it's a way to relieve stress. He began learning when he was four and ever since then he's been playing.


Biography(2+ para): Chae-Yeon grew up in a rather average sized family of five, with and older brother and an older sister. Being the youngest of the family Chae-Yeon was often times forgotten about whilst his parents were taking care of his siblings or while they were away on business trips. He had a rather close relationship with Hak-Kun who was the middle child, and they were both best friends and brothers. His relationship with Ae-Chan wasn't all that close, as she never really liked him much for an unknown reason. When he was five he first discovered his abilities and immediately went too Hak-Kun right away. It turned out that he inherited them from his grandpa on his mother's side, and Hak-Kun told him not to tell nor show anyone else because something bad might happen to them. Chae-Yeon immediately agreed and while he wasn't the most secretive about them, no one else found out. When he was eight he began going to a different school than his siblings who at the time were ten and twelve. At said school he was often times picked on because of his small height and skinny stature. He di his best to ignore it and he told Hak-Kun who seemed to be the only one who cared about the teasing, as his parents were often times too busy for their kids and Ae-Chan just didn't like him. Hak-Kun told his brother not to listen to them, and told them that they were just jealous of him. The teasing continued from third grade to fifth grade, and afterwards the teasing got worse. It didn't escalate much, just locker shoving and the ocassional trip or two. It was also around this time that Chae-Yeon developed his first crush, and was quite scared when he found out that it was a boy, name Dae-Hyun from the same class as him. His father had always been a strict man, and when he got the ocassional chance to see his kids he often times spent half the time telling Hak-Kun and Chae-Yeon that they must marry beautiful women and have a successful life, while telling Ae-Chan that she must marry a successful man. He kept his secret for a about a month before he told his brother about it. Hak-Kun didn't care much for the sexuality of his brother and still loved him just the same. His sister, who was listening in on the conversation had told her friends, and new about her brother went around like a wild fire. Luckily for him, his parents hadn't found out because they were both away on business trips and the three had been left with their aunt.

The bullying at school got worse and by the time high school was getting ready to start, he had to transfer to a different school because his life was being put in jeopardy on school days. He once again began attending the same school as his brother and sister, and while Hak-Kun did his best to stop most the bullies, he only had so many classes with Chae-Yeon since they were only in the same hallway maybe once a day. Things continued on like this for another two years until Chae-Yeon and Ae-Chan got into an argument at the dinner table. It was something about Ae-Chan having been one of the main people to bully Chae-Yeon at school and that he was greatful that she was now twenty and in college. When his parents who were there for the first time in months had asked why that was, she simply said "because the boy's gay." and left the table in a fit of anger. Their father livid at what he learned gave Chae-Yeon a week to pack his belongings, before sending the sixteen year old to America not caring if he knew English well or not. Chae-Yeon tried to learn English quickly and as soon as he could carry on simple conversations he got a part time job so that he could pay the rent to his apartment without using all of his savings. He's still in frequent contact with his brother Hak-Kun and his brother visits whenever he gets the chance to, and says that he'll live with his brother in America as soon as he gets out of college.


code by pasta
xInformation on abilities:
Psychokinesis: Chae-Yeon has the ability to move things with his mental force alone. He does not yet have a complete grasp of his ability and because of this he risks exposing himself whenever it is used. To help him better control it he wears a pair of fake black glasses whenever he goes out and hopes that nothing will happen to them, him, and the people around him.

Opinion on humans or people with abilities:
Chae-Yeon is very curious about the people that consider him and others like him as 'witches'. He wonders how they think and if they've ever wondered if they're the ones that were 'unnormal'. He doesn't wish to hate them for what they do as not all of them hate them for who they are, although from what he's heard it's the majority of them. He likes to give everyone he meets several chances before he starts making opinions on them and therefore he has neither a good nor bad opinion on them.


~Biting his lips when scared/nervous
~Rolling his eyes when someone is rude to him
~Rocking on the balls of his feet
~His accent showing whenever he raises his voice

~The cold
~The color black
~Hot chocolate
~Fellow short people
~Playing instruments (mostly guitar, piano, and violin)

~Angry people
~Having to hide his ability
~Rude people
~Height/weight comments
~The heat
~When people tell him to speak louder



Programmer in Training

Hair Color:
Dark Brown

Hair Color:
Dark Brown


130 lbs

Mi Young is a smart girl. She may not be an expert in all the fields, but she knows how to use her brains. They say brains over beauty, but her motto is: why not use both? That, combined with her passion and ambition, she makes a person who enjoys all things computer. But perhaps one of her memorable traits might be her sassiness. Not many people impress her. Plus, unfamiliarity makes her tough with people.

She is not calm by any means, and will get angry at any and everything. Very few things make her calm, but once you know her, it's not hard to figure out what makes her happy. Being what she is, it's surprising that she isn't an adventurous person. She is very wary, and likes to stay out of trouble concerning her abilities.

Since she could remember, and for unknown reasons, Mi Young has had her powers, but she was never able to fully control them. As far as she knew, her parents did not have powers like she did because they always stared at her, particularly her eyes that always shifted colors. For that, her parents never really loved her the way other parents loved their children. Despite Mi Young getting over her obstacle by wearing sunglasses for "medical reasons", as they has said, going to public school, and getting good grades, she was never fully appreciated. Instead, she was abused and spanked for not being good enough.

Because she could never afford to go to college, she got herself a so-so job and then an okay apartment. She never really bothered with her powers, and often visited normal places like the library, and was fascinated by books and computers. Soon enough, when she had a good amount of money, she bought herself a computer and learned multiple programming languages on her own. Her hacking skills became better, but she got caught at one point by a company who does what she loves. Instead of reporting her, they decided to enroll her in a training program. If she's good enough, she might as well get the job.

Science fiction
All fields in science
Bad movies

Cold weather

Tends to fidget a lot when impatient
Always has her hair tied up unless she's asleep or too tired
Ridiculously fast at typing


Information on Abilities:
She can see the past and the future surrounding an object, a place, or a person. This is limited to only fifteen minutes of the past and the future, only. A higher gap takes a lot of energy from her, and it might lead her to pass out. Her constantly changing eye colors are a reflection of what she sees due to her powers.

Opinions on Humans or People with Abilities:
She thinks both humans and people with abilities can be good people, or even monsters, so she doesn't really see any difference in them.

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