

Hi there! I'm Cheryl and I'm new to RPing. I've been looking at tutorials and basically researching everything I can about it, it seems so fun to make stories with other people. I'm not the best at writing though, so please don't get pissed off at me if I have really boring sentence structures or bad grammar (my grammar goes downhill whenever I'm typing, it just does ok?).

Anyway, what do you guys suggest I do first? I've already looked at tutorials and I'll probably will still be reading them when you read this.
Cheryl said:
Hi there! I'm Cheryl and I'm new to RPing. I've been looking at tutorials and basically researching everything I can about it, it seems so fun to make stories with other people. I'm not the best at writing though, so please don't get pissed off at me if I have really boring sentence structures or bad grammar (my grammar goes downhill whenever I'm typing, it just does ok?).
Anyway, what do you guys suggest I do first? I've already looked at tutorials and I'll probably will still be reading them when you read this.
Nice to meet you Cheryl! I'm pretty unfamiliar with forum rp so hopefully I can learn some things with you too! If you ever want to role-play, don't be afraid to hit me up!
MrSquid123 said:
How did you like the marvellous expedition by the way
It seems fun, I just can't decide if I want my character to be brave or social. Want to help me decide? After the personality thing I'll almost definately join :)
GrimThoughts said:
Nice to meet you Cheryl! I'm pretty unfamiliar with forum rp so hopefully I can learn some things with you too! If you ever want to role-play, don't be afraid to hit me up!
It's good to see other newbies like me here, I've just been seeing people coming back to RPing xD . Thanks for the offer, I don't plan on making an RP but I appreciate it! You can also ask me to join RPs.
Cheryl said:
It seems fun, I just can't decide if I want my character to be brave or social. Want to help me decide? After the personality thing I'll almost definately join :)
I'd say brave our crew could do with someone brave
Lots to learn, eh? You'll learn lots here. Don't be shy and ask questions when your curiosity is begging to be sated. And always remember!... don't lose. At what you ask? Answer: yes.
[QUOTE="Organic Mechanic]Lots to learn, eh? You'll learn lots here. Don't be shy and ask questions when your curiosity is begging to be sated. And always remember!... don't lose. At what you ask? Answer: yes.

I'll be sure to ask questions ^^

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