

New Member
i'm sonny and i'm trying to reach the 10 post limit, but anyways hi, i'm 16, from texas and have been into roleplaying for the looooongest time and could never find a good site. however this seems like the perfect one and i'm really excited to be a part of the community. :-)
Well welcome sonny!

We're glad to have a new member in the community

Be sure to read the rules look in the FAQ

if you are wondering about anything, or just drop by in the Shoutbox

Also if you're trying to reach the 10 post limit

"Just to warn you, there is a no-spam rule, and I think multiple posts all in a quick succession counts.

In addition, merged posts only count as one post so you'll need to get some more to hit that 10 mark. Some good places to post just to get those in are personal and entertainment discussion.

I'm sure you'll be fine since you're new here, but just so you know for the future."- Words by a Fellow online somewhere.

Enjoy your time on RPN!


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