Hi There :3

Rose Akiyama

New Member

Hey I'm Rose :3

First time here :3. I been trying to find a role playing site to express my creativity and here I am. I'm very nice when you get a chance to meet me. Love making friends. I enjoy anime to the fullest. I read, watch, and sleep with them (jk). I don't mind talking about any anime and it gives me a chance to see new anime I haven't seen before. I role played before and its been a while. If there's anything you would like to ask, ask away. Can't wait to meet everyone :3

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~Rose Akiyama

Well first off, welcome to RpNation. I do greatly hope you'll enjoy yourself here.

I also must say not to make yourself at home. After all, if you wanted this place to be home, why would you leave *shrugs and smiles*

If ever you need help, don't be afraid to ask, and I noticed you've already found the shoutbox. When people get talking there, it usually starts getting exciting.

There are many RP's to join and I hope you find the type you're looking for. If not, feel free to make one of your own.


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