Hi....Im New


New Member
Hey guys thought id do what the thing was telling me too so i am introducing myself! tada! well i guess you need a name. Hi i'm Tyler i am currently 16 and loving it. i love to role play (who would have thought huh). i am addicted to many (non illegal) things, such things entail, Role play, music,theater, Anime, My Friends and my all around weirdness. fact of the matter is i'm very introverted but for some reason i can talk (sorta) through the internet! (fun huh?). now how about a story! When my role play career began, i was a up and comer who had no idea what the hell he was getting into and no idea how to form the cognitive thought needed for such things as character development. so i was coached by a Now Best Friend of mine. i began small only a few role plays here and there never writing one of my own. then i thought hell why not write one.......it filed so hard i took it down from embarrassment of 3 weeks and no replies. broken down and lost i read other peoples role plays and realized.....I was missing my heart so i went back and rewrote this role play and even today it continues (2 years). um i love to roleplay anything i caught the bug. ill do any role play. umm welp... im going to stop rambling and let youall (if anyone) continue on the roleplay journey into the beyond

Yours Truly,




Hi! You seem like an interesting person to roleplay with. And such a nice (and beautiful :'3) story xD . We can maybe chat or talk about a roleplay sometime ^^


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