Hi guys I'm new at this forum


Magic Eight Ball
Hi, my name is Nova. Seeker introduced some to this site recently. I'm currently new to RPs in general. Nice to meet you all!
Nova said:
Hi, my name is Nova. Seeker introduced some to this site recently. I'm currently new to RPs in general. Nice to meet you all!
Welcome to the site!

Then I assume Seeker is showing you around.

If you ever need anything please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the other staff members.
Welcome to the site.

I'm sure when Seeker returns he'll be happy to assist you, but in the meantime, what kind of game interests you? I expect Seeker sold you on Exalted (which is good, it's a... fun game), but I'm of the opinion Exalted is a nightmarish introduction for new players, mechanically.

So, in addition to that, if you fancy something a bit simpler, what might that be? Sci-fi? Horror? Fantasy? Wuxia? I know there's a bunch of One-Piece games knocking about...

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