Hi c:

Miyu Ran

New Member
Hi I'm Miyuki Rantine. (My main role play character, if you're wondering.)

I'm newer to forum role playing so don't get mad at me if I'm screwy

That's all folks.
Hello. Im dino, well thats my nickname anyways. If you ever need help settling into this wonderful community just drop by the shout box by either clicking the forum button or the site logo both located at the top of every page here on RPN. Enjoy your stay and I hope I can see you in the shoutbox some time.
Hello and Welcome to RPNation.

Any questions feel free to ask any of the Mods or Admin.

Also feel free to stop by and check out werewolf, the Sign-up is up right now and is located here... Any questions about it, feel free to send me a Forum PM and i'll make sure i answer them for you

Have a great day,


there is a guide in the link

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