
Eden Sardothian

Fae Queen

I'm new to the site, please be nice to me.

Hey my names Eden and I'm being very awkward right now as I haven't role played avidly for about a year and a half, I've joined the site in hopes of finding ways to reignite my passion for role playing:)

I love all things fantasy and I hope to chat to some of you, *dies from how awkward I'm being* excuse me...
Hi there :D I'm also new and I've actually never role played before. I don't think I should be welcoming you into this community since I know basically nothing about RPing and haven't joined any RPs yet but whatever. Welcome back I guess!
Welcome to RPN, both of you!! We're always glad to have new writers join our community.

If you have any questions, just head on over here and someone should help you out soon enough: Site Questions & Information

You also mentioned that you love Fantasy, so here is the link to Fantasy interest checks, where people essentially pitch any new RP ideas that they have in order to attract potential players before they put more time/effort into an actual thread: Fantasy Interest Checks

(And if you're curious, here are the Fantasy RP's that are currently going on: Fantasy Roleplays)

Welcome again! :)
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Semblance said:
Welcome to RPN, both of you!! We're always glad to have new writers join our community.
If you have any questions, just head on over here and someone should help you out soon enough: Site Questions & Information

You also mentioned that you love Fantasy, so here is the link to Fantasy interest checks, where people essentially pitch any new RP ideas that they have in order to attract potential players before they put more time/effort into an actual thread: Fantasy Interest Checks

(And if you're curious, here are the Fantasy RP's that are currently going on: Fantasy Roleplays)

Welcome again! :)
Well thank you for welcoming me, you're the first one to do so. I have just one simple question that I'm not bothered to find in the link: Can I join more than one RP at the same time?
Cheryl said:
Well thank you for welcoming me, you're the first one to do so. I have just one simple question that I'm not bothered to find in the link: Can I join more than one RP at the same time?
Yes of course!! You 100% absolutely can. Honestly, you're allowed to join as many RP's as you want (as long as you can handle/juggle all of them at once, of course.) I also suggest adding RP's that you're in into your bookmarks so that you can keep track of all the ones that you're in
Hi! Welcome to the Nation! *throws confetti* Try not to stress about being a bit awkward. You seem really nice, so I'm sure that you'll make friends here.

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