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Heyy everyone!! ^^


Hyydra here!! As always X)

Okay look! I've always been wanting to RP with people, so here's about the third or fourth posting! :D

I'm very flexible with Medieval Fantasy and Futuristic, but with Modern I can work with alright I guess ^^

As for my requirements:

-I'm not a complete grammar Nazi, but I don't want people NOT trying to be literate and having me to ask them what they meant.

-ABSOLUTELY NO ONE LINERS!! I enjoy at least a paragraph, feel free how much you will post. Remember, you give me, I give you.

-Socialism! I want you to know I'm a human being as well, and that I'm always here to chat whenever, just a simple hello every now and then will do ^^

-No Gary/Mary sues, seriously. And on top of that, no invincible people or Godmods, common stuff guys!

And that's pretty much it!! ^^ I have other ideas in mind of plots and such. Hit me a PM or drop a comment below and we'll get Started!! Woo!! :D
Hm,you seem to have similar requirements to me. Though I am notorious for mind blocks[not just writers,everything]. when my mind is truly stimulated,however,I am perfectly capable of writing a paragraph. So with that,I will do my best,but everything else should be no problem. I have a subplot for any plot if you are willing to try it out.
Awesome! ^^ Right now I'm a bit busy in the real world comrade. Give me a moment and we will RP! Da!? :D
I'm helping my sis learn some rythems on my drums cyurrently. SO I'm a tad busy to. xD  
Alright,ready whenever you are.

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