

Unlucky Member
Hey there! My online handle is Mega, or Donkey, and sometimes people even combine the two. I wouldn't even ask where my handle came from, because not even I know -.- ... even so being as creative as I am, changing it now would probably cause me to feel some loss of identity, so there is that!

I have roleplayed in other varies communities but hardly have I stuck with Forum Roleplay all that much. I can certainly see there is much here to learn, and experience, I look forward to meeting everyone, and rping with you all!

Somethings about myself.. I live in the south west of the United States, being 19 years old I have yet to live out an interesting life. I quite enjoy the color green ( wait what? ) Yeah, you have to admit green looks rather well on coat of arms, shields, and medieval[-ly] things like that. Blue and Purple are just as great! [ Green and Purple anyone? ]

As for what Genres I would like to rp? I'd dare to say all of them.. For the sake of simplifying things however I enjoy Medieval, Science Fiction, and also a bit of Modern RPs. However what I enjoy most of all.. is Original Places, Realms, and Universes created by people themselves, places that can, and is fleshed out. I have always liked the idea of being a writer, however I am not that suited for such. Roleplaying however is.. for me, different. I love reading books, and.. this might sound strange, but I also love reading other Roleplays.

So community, you can do whatever you wish of me <3

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