

New Member
Hello everyone! My name (or, nickname, rather) is Em, and, well, I'm new to the RP Nation community! I hope I can pull this style of roleplaying off, I've gotten used to rping Tumblr-style ;u; But yeah! I hope my history here is long, and that I make some new friends in the process!
Welcome Em! I hope you like the site here and i'm sure you will adjust to the roleplay style here (I roleplayed on tumblr a while ago). What about the site caught your attention?
Mesia said:
Welcome Em! I hope you like the site here and i'm sure you will adjust to the roleplay style here (I roleplayed on tumblr a while ago). What about the site caught your attention?
I actually just sort of happened upon the site while looking for a sort of guideline sheet for a Terrain of Magical Expertise character, since I recently got into that series ^^'' But I thought the site looked fun, and seeing all the unique characters on that first thread, I signed up!
Ahh TOME, I remember watching that when it was just starting out on Newgrounds. Good times. Anyway welcome to the site, we actually have a dedicated area for fandom RPs of all kinds so odds are you should be able to find or even make one for TOME. Good luck in your search, and have fun!

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