
[QUOTE="Dairekor Unwalath]What have you been playing recently?

Well, video game wise, hearthstone, minecraft, sims 4... Some rpgs
[QUOTE="Dairekor Unwalath]I could never get into hearthstone much but I've been playing Terraria and Civ 5 mostly

Oh, those are fun. I used to play world of warcraft but I didn't have enough money to keep my account haha
[QUOTE="Dairekor Unwalath]I've never had good enough internet for MMOs but I wanna play ESO really bad

yeah. My internet sucks but I used to play. Eso sounds really fun
[QUOTE="Dairekor Unwalath]That's what I'm thinking but I just gotta settle with other games for now

[QUOTE="Dairekor Unwalath]So did you draw your profile pic yourself?

Oh no, I suck at drawing haha
[QUOTE="Dairekor Unwalath]lol I've been trying to get good but yeah I'm not too good either

Mhm, I suck at drawing like online but yeah...

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