

One of the Golden Girls
Couldn't really think of a creative title, so I went for the classic "Hey". I'm not exactly new here, I created an account around this time last year after a different Rp site I frequented closed down. I tried to start up an Rp here but it didn't really gather much interest, which was probably for the best as I suddenly became very busy shortly after, and would of had to at least postpone all progress in it, if not shut it down completely.

Well I'm back now and starting to get back into the swing of things. Hoping to join a few Rps and possibly create a few. I've been playing DnD since I was tiny so I'm comfortable with various dice systems and have always enjoyed Fantasy setting Rps. Over the past few years though my tastes have adapted to include general and modern Rps, not governed by set of rules dictated by rolls, not to say I don't enjoy those!

I look forward to writing with you guys.
Just realised I actually made one of these when I first joined. I completely forgot, sorry about that.
That's ok. I don't think we ever met, so welcome back! *throws confetti in air* My name's Kestrel, but you can call me Kes.
Kestrel said:
That's ok. I don't think we ever met, so welcome back! *throws confetti in air* My name's Kestrel, but you can call me Kes.
Thanks Kes, and no, I don't think we have. Good to meet you

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