Hey, you, Yeah, you! Click over here! No, not there, here!


New Member
You dun' messed up, boy. Yawl stepped into the wrong introduction thread. Ain't no backin' out now, Ma and Pa dun take lightly to no strangers.

If you didn't read that in a stereotypical southern accent, I'll be extremely disappointed. Did you? Did you read it in a southern accent? Well? Alright then.

My name is UnfunnyPete, but you can call me UnfunnyPete. Or Jimmosaurus Rex, but I don't know why you'd call me that, because my names not even Jim, so that would be rather pointless now, wouldn't it? I don't even know why you suggested it. Ridiculous.

So, when it comes to role-playing, I think where I shine most is when it comes to capturing the essence of a character; people always tell me that I just make characters come to life in the most breathtaking way. Want to see? Here's me role-playing as Bruce Willis, in his classic romantic comedy, Die Hard:

"My names Bruce Willis," Said Bruce Willis.

And here I am portraying Tom Hanks in his harrowing horror flick, Forrest Gump:

"I'm Tom Hanks," Said Forrest Gump.

Ah, you see? Didn't it just feel as though those characters just came to life right before you? Please, please, hold the applause; you don't need to thank me for the gifts Jesus gave me.

And that's all, for now... *Insert Creepy Ominous Music That Implies That It's Not Really Over Just Yet, Preferably Composed By Ellen DeGeneres. *

Hello, and welcome to the RpNation!

We hope you enjoy your stay. c:

It's nice to meet you, Pete!

I think your name is very ironical. u, u

You may have this cake:


(It's not a lie!)

Hello and welcome, UnfunnyPete. You truly captured the nuances of those actors. Bravo.

I'm glad you found us and hope you'll make yourself at home. If you have any questions as you're getting oriented to the site, just reach out. You may also want to pop by the shout box for real-time chat with members. We're all friendly. :)

Welcome again to RpN!

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