

Born to be tired
Hi! It's been a hot minute since I've RP'd, and I thought it was time I started up again. I have about 11+ years of experience, starting with Gaia way back when, then DeviantART when I didn't feel like hopping on different forums

I'm a Puertorican graphic designer that likes to play games, and often find myself swamped with work because I'm a workaholic. I'm almost always on my phone or laptop because of my work tho, so I'm usually available aaalmost 24/7.

I prefer original universe RPs, with my preferred genre being romance. I also like to mix drama and psychological-esque type of situations because I really like writing different types of characters and how situations affect them.

Anyway, if you have any other questions or just wanna say hi let me know! I hope to have plenty of good stories to tell!

out of curiosity, what length do you prefer to write?

I usually don't mind any length, as long as it isn't a one liner or a novella. I try to add as much detail as I can, from both the world around the characters to a more internal detail of emotion, etc., so I tend to write in paragraphs :)

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