hey, starting again is fun, i guess?

The Beasty Incarnate

Dr.Monty's Gumballs
hello people of RP nation! as some of you may know me by now, I am the beast of all men, or beast incarnate, or anything you would like to call me. But I guess I wanna start with a clean sate and let people know more about me and who I am. so let it commense!

I RP a lot an im always open for new ideas, even if there really cheesy.

I do like really romantic RP styles because they warm my heart.

I like to do all types of crazy things and im always free to RP or PM

nut I do not get on as much as I would like, its alright. but I just want you guys to know if you have anything to ask me, just ask or send a PM to me


the beast of all men.

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