Chitchat Hey pookyes


New Member
I honestly dont know how to use this website so plllPLLELESSEE any thinf at all would be silly nice but also just people to meet is cool too yk ykyktktkktt.g?f..f.fmfnnf..... ???? Ummm yeah basically im a cool specimen nd you should most definitely pick and dig through my brain and organs like a mad scientist because im totally not a monster built together by things that are vaguely human ❤❤ :3c kyaahhbhdnndm....dmmd.....
"The name's James, Bond James"
"Pleased to- what?"
"James the frames, Bond ames"
"Are you okay?"
"Aving a Stronk, call the Bondulance"
No a metal room
A rubber room filled with rats
the rats make me crazy
I was crazy once
they locked me in a rubber room
a rubber room filled with rats
and rats make me crazy

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