Hey, my name is NecromanSir


New Member
So I made an account on here a long time ago, but only lurked for a while because I was just dabbing in my interest of rp'ing. Realizing that I still had account through my email, I decide what the heck. I'll participate in what I can and see what it is really like. Hopefully, I will meet some nice people, teaching me the ways of rp'ing. 

I typically like medival/fantasy genre stuff, however sci-fi and post apocalyptic are also some all time favorite genres for me. I can be a very descriptive writer and I would consider myself pretty creative, but I am not one to inflate talents I don't really have so I'll be humble and admit I am pretty mediocre if not pretty average to my writing.

Anyway, if anyone has questions for me, feel free to ask. I wI'll be sure to answer what I can to cure your curiousity. :P

I invite you to the forum game Male vs Female. The sacred brotherhood of men is currently in danger of being supplanted by the dark forces of womanhood. We request your assistance in this matter, for the realm cannot hope to stand without your support. If we win this battle, you will receive a cookie and the reward of 77 nubile virgins in heaven. 
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