Hey! I'm Timey! ^^

Time Lord

New Member

Hi there everybody! I'm Time Lord, but everybody just calls me Timey. I just joined this site today, mostly because I was looking for more people to roleplay with! I am on two other sites, Chickensmoothie, and Awesome Sauce. But, either nobody is interested in the fandoms, or, I'm already roleplaying with them. So, I decided to venture out to find some new people! My main concern on those sights, is, well, nobody seems to be able to capture cannon characters well(Which is SUPER hard, I know, I can't do it.), and if they do, I'm roleplaying with them, but they either NEVER respond, or take weeks! And I know, people have lives, but they're replying to other people! Well, enough of my ranting! (Ain't nobody got time fo dat!).

I am an absolute, die-hard, number one fan, fangirl of Doctor Who and Sherlock. (Aaaand Loki. ^^) Those three are my favorite roleplay topics/themes/characters! If you happen to be of the same fandom, I'd LOVE to roleplay with you! I am a semi-literate roleplayer, but have found myself becoming slightly literate on days when the muse runs high and I'm replying to my favorite roleplays. ^^ I've got an OC named Xavia, and I use her for, well...EVERYTHING! But, for Doctor Who, I'll also use my minor OC, Solus <3<3. If you don't want to roleplay, but would like to chat, I'm up for that too! I love horses, music(I play oboe!^^), Pewdiepie, and all sorts of stuffs!

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First of all, welcome to the RpNation Time Lord!

Just wanted to thank you for posting an introduction. If you have any questions such as creating a role play, updating your avatar, earning achievements, etc.. please visit the following link:


Now if you have any more questions, please don't be afraid to reach out to one of our staff members!

Your new friend


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