Hey Everyone


New Member
Hey, nice to meet all of you! Im new to the site and actually somewhat new to roleplaying on forums since ya know I got far to used to old AOL roleplay chatrooms, anyone else in that same boat? I am polite and a bit shy around new people, but get closer and you'll see a funny guy or maybe just see him anyway not sure. Sorry if I'm all over the place with this not used to introducing myself at least not like this anyhow. I hope we all can get along and engage in some great roleplaying! (*U*)
jadafun said:
What genres are you interested in?
I'm interested in Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Superhero and maybe others that aren't quite coming to mind right now. I try to be flexible when it comes to genres, but it mainly depends on the story of it all for me.
Welcome to the Nation, Trell0!

That's a spiffy profile picture you have, it reminds me of Mass Effect.

It's no problem about struggling with introductions, I do too since I don't like to come off as "bragging" but anyways, I'm sure you'll find things to your liking. It helps that the community is friendly and relaxed.

Have fun!
Iliana said:
Welcome to the Nation, Trell0!
That's a spiffy profile picture you have, it reminds me of Mass Effect.

It's no problem about struggling with introductions, I do too since I don't like to come off as "bragging" but anyways, I'm sure you'll find things to your liking. It helps that the community is friendly and relaxed.

Have fun!
Thank you for the compliment on the profile picture. It was actually inspiration from Halo and Section 8.

Thanks for understanding introductions was never quite my strong suit and thanks for meeting with me!
well i'm new here too so it is a pleasure to meet ya and i know the pain of rping on a slow browser i had to rp on a DSi for a while
[QUOTE="Lord Chaos]well i'm new here too so it is a pleasure to meet ya and i know the pain of rping on a slow browser i had to rp on a DSi for a while

It is a pleasure to meet you as well and it can be a pain to roleplay on a slow browser, but sometimes that's all someone has fortunately and unfortunately.
[QUOTE="Lord Chaos]so true and nice drawing for your profile pic

Thanks I actually got it commissioned but I definitely like how it came out.


llxmeatballxll said:
Your profile picture actually looks like a space marine in warhammer 40k.
I didn't even think of Warhammer 40k space marine until you mentioned it. I think it looks more like that since I didn't put the full body.
How wide you drew the shoulders and and the structure of the head picture; it looks like it would easily fit a power armor. he looks very bulky and strong so thats why I mentioned it. Which is awesome...FOR THE EMPEROR!!
llxmeatballxll said:
How wide you drew the shoulders and and the structure of the head picture; it looks like it would easily fit a power armor. he looks very bulky and strong so thats why I mentioned it. Which is awesome...FOR THE EMPEROR!!
I wish I could take credit for the drawing but it doesn't degrade the awesome of it I am positive the IMPERIUM OF MAN WILL PROVE! FOR THE EMPEROR!!!!
BigHippo8 said:
I might be mad, but is your username referencing the Malazan book series?

I actually wasn't but that does surprise me because Trell is part of my actual name, which I didn't even know an actual book series used it. Learn new things everyday.
That's very cool! :)

But shucks, I thought I found a potential mate with whom to discuss the book. Haha!
BigHippo8 said:
That's very cool! :)
But shucks, I thought I found a potential mate with whom to discuss the book. Haha!
Hehe sorry but I never even heard of the book sorry to get your hopes up. Im still surprised that author used Trell to describe I assume an alien race or something of nomadic warriors.
Highly recommend the series, although it is purported to be difficult to read. :)

Trell are something of a super-warrior race, far stronger than mortals. :) )
BigHippo8 said:
Highly recommend the series, although it is purported to be difficult to read. :)
Trell are something of a super-warrior race, far stronger than mortals. :) )
I definitely make take a look at it at some point and dang a super-warrior race? Now since I have Trell in my name does that make me a big time leader? Hahaha!

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