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Multiple Settings Hey all! Looking for Long Term RolePlay


Here and There
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Hello all. I have been on the site on and off for two years. I am finally back on a regular basis and looking for new partners. I definitely prefer partners that I can have for quite a while. I like to become immersed in a story and keep it going for a good while, obviously with good content. I’m a fairly active person. I will reply at least once a day unless there are circumstances that keep me from doing so.


Be active. Reply at least 3-4 times a week preferably. Let me know if you won’t be around for a few days.
Give me something to work with. You don’t have to write a book but give me some actual description. I like having something to work with. I prefer 3-5 paragraphs but as long as you are putting good details into your posts I can be pleased.
Be honest with me. If you are growing bored with a story, we can sort out new details and try to reinvigorate the story. We could also scrap the story and just try again. I am a flexible person.
Be creative. Suggest whatever ideas you have to change the story around. I don’t mind changing everything around as we go.
I prefer romance to be involved in a plot. It doesn’t have to be. I just like the idea of having that tension there with the romance. I also like the involvement of drama and darker themes. I tend to prefer to go toward a darker route anyway.
I like the idea of using mostly OC characters. I will work within an established universe. I just don’t much like trying to play a canon character. I can do OCxCanon, but, as I said before.
Establish limits immediately with me. I don’t have many limits and I will go much farther than most people are comfortable with. I would like if you tell me right off the bat where your hard limits are, and we can work from there. I like to avoid pushing anyone too far.
My pairings are normally homosexual, FxF, MxM, but I will occasionally do MxF.

Now onto to the fun things since those boring things are out of the way.
I have a couple of plots in mind. I am always open to whatever anyone wants to suggest to me though.
  1. A school of vampires has recently decided to branch out and start teaching humans as well. My character is among the first group of humans to start attending the school and immediately starts to cause friction with the vampires. Your character would step in and sort of become a protector of my character to keep them from being killed after having not even gone to the school for a week. The two slowly grow closer as they spend more time together and it makes for something interesting when the school decides that the humans and vampires aren't supposed to be mingling. (We could change this up a bit. I would like the play the human though)
  2. Magical creatures are always a fan of mine. I like to play monster hunters, monsters being hunted, I like playing creatures with other creatures. I don’t really mind any of these.
  3. I have a half-elf who has been a favorite of mine for quite a while.
  4. I like playing characters that have bad backgrounds that are trying to be rehabilitated by good people who just want to help them.
  5. I enjoy playing studentxteacher roleplays. They have a certain element of interesting to me that I can’t explain. I do prefer playing the student though.
  6. Always open to whatever ideas that people have for me. I don’t mind working with others to put together a plot.
Alright let me know if anything else is interesting or you wish to talk. Hit me up with a message if you want to roleplay. Always looking for new people.

Hello, I just came across your ad and was intrigued by its content. Would you perhaps be willing to discuss an MxF roleplay? (I always play female btw)
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That first vampire idea sounds really cool and certainly up my alley! I'd love to try it with a mxm ship, pm if you want to talk more!

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