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Hetalia 1x1 Plot Ideas Inside!


Your Local Schmuck
Hello! I would love to do a Hetalia based RP with you! Unfortunately I have to go into some detail


  • Willing to play at least 1 Cannon
  • Writes at least 3 Paragraphs Per Reply
  • Response at least bi-weekly (hopefully more), every day is ideal)
  • 3rd Person
  • No text speak, at least decent grammar

And that's it, easy huh?

A bit about me:

  • I am female and prefer to play female, however I can play male
  • Willing to double up, no problem!
  • Has been roleplaying for 7 years now
  • Open to trying most story ideas!

Characters I am willing to play: (Stars indicate how well I can play them)

  • Russia **
  • England ***
  • Italy *****
  • Romano ****
  • Grandpa Rome ****
  • Spain ****
  • France *****
  • America *****
  • Germany ****
  • Austria **

Character I would LOVE for you to play: (Stars from now on indicate how much I want it)

  • England *****
  • Germany ****
  • Russia ****
  • Sweden ***
  • Canada **
  • France **
  • Prussia *
  • Spain ***

I love to use OCs as well and usually include a mixture of Cannon X OC.

Fandoms we can crossover with Hetalia: ( I LOVE LOVE Crossing over!)

  • Skyrim ***** !!!
  • Fallout ****
  • Divinity ***
  • Assassins Creed *
  • Fable *
  • Oblivion *


These are all made for one pairing but I can double up and/or combine plots!

  • America as a cowboy, OC as an indian **

  • England as a neighbor and OC as a single working mom, they fall in love and Arthur has to learn how to be a step dad *****

  • Russia in an abandoned mansion with baltics as servants, new cook/maid comes in to help out, ends up helping more than he ever expected. (Russia needs to be dark but not 2p!, just dark) ****

  • Germany just stranded after his plane crash lands over America in WW2 and has to survive the most terrified warriors of them all. A group of rainbow people (a band of hippies) in the mountains of North Carolina who teach him all about the joys of nature, love, peace, and the easy life. *****

  • Sweden is a viking lord but what happens when he goes to raid a monk monestary only to find they have been raising a teenage girl that he has found himself becoming quite patial too. Instead of doing the normal thing like leaving them alone and just saying hey, he kidnaps her without a word and adds her to the crew. ****

  • Vampire France, need I say more? **

  • Someone actually saw Canada! But now he is getting a bit more attention than he would like when he is assigned to be her dance partner in a figure skating routine. Will he be able to work up the courage to actually speak to her and more importantly show up for practice and the show itself to perform in front of all of those people? *

Don't see something you like? Just ask, I am always open to suggestions!
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Hello I’m interested in your vampire France plot if that’s still available?

Oh my god this thread is almost three years old how did you find it!? Haha no sorry, my Hetalia days are long gone sorry about that but good luck on your search!

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