Hero's Will Unchained

Da Wrecka

New Member
Cost: --

Mins: Essence 3, Martial Arts 5

Type: Permanent

Duration: Permanent

Keywords: Overdrive

Prerequisite Charms: Chained Thunder Strike

The Lawgivers were birthed by the principle of perfection through the lens of a slave's desire for freedom. They need tolerate no chains. This Charm, once learned, grants the Solar an Overdrive pool of ten motes. Initially-empty, one mote is added to this pool every time the Solar Hero's DV refreshes while he is in a clinch he does not control, or while otherwise restrained against his will. If restrained while not in combat, the Solar receives this mote drip at a rate of one mote per long tick. As a final benefit, the Solar may spend offensive motes to fuel Charms that do not have a clear offensive purpose, so long as he is restrained against his will and the Charm or Charms enable or supplement an attempt to gain his freedom.

(credit goes to Theion on the officially-unofficial Exalted IRC channel for the name)

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