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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

BlankName said:
"How long do you think this'll take? Maybe like a few hours? Weeks? Months? Maybe years? Either way, I'm probably not gonna get an answer from you anytime so.. I'll wait for like.. Maybe.. 1 hour until I give you a quiz." This is probably the best plan Eze has ever crafted, it's perfect cause when he gives her a quiz, he'll continue to do so until he knows every answer. Or just read the magazine over a hundred times.


[This is gonna take some time.]
When he was done, he simply sat in the corner, staring at a wall.

"Well, that was quick. Also surprising cause you have handcuffs on and it probably was about 10 pages long each so.. Why?" He didn't question it, Ezekiel just very impressed.

BlankName said:
"Well, that was quick. Also surprising cause you have handcuffs on and it probably was about 10 pages long each so.. Why?" He didn't question it, Ezekiel just very impressed.

Ty looked at the wall where his voice came from and gave a tired shrug.

"Is this working? You know what, I'll leave. Fuck this!" Ezekiel got up and walked off, looking for the others' that is. "Maybe Alcoor can finally bring us back present." He said, looking for the one place he knew he would be.. The old warehouse.

@Otakubeats @YoungX

Alcoor would be at work trying to see if his plan will work. Through known research on time travel, he would be at work trying to figure out a way to fix the future. "Let's see... Kerr black hole theory... Memory transfers...," Alcoor would be deep at work. He wasn't sure what would happen, but if he could find a solution then the future can indeed be fixed.
YoungX said:
Alcoor would be at work trying to see if his plan will work. Through known research on time travel, he would be at work trying to figure out a way to fix the future. "Let's see... Kerr black hole theory... Memory transfers...," Alcoor would be deep at work. He wasn't sure what would happen, but if he could find a solution then the future can indeed be fixed.
BlankName said:
"Is this working? You know what, I'll leave. Fuck this!" Ezekiel got up and walked off, looking for the others' that is. "Maybe Alcoor can finally bring us back present." He said, looking for the one place he knew he would be.. The old warehouse.

@Otakubeats @YoungX
Ty sighed, as the silence returned. He then noticed the hole, small but it'd be enough to send...one message. It would take alot of energy however to get through.. He sighed. 'Nothing to lose..'

Ty focused all his energy, towards his friend. The signal would bounce into Hibiki's mind, a weak and raspy message. 'Help....Ezekiel betrayed me.' A flash of his location showed then vanished.
BlankName said:
Ezekiel made his way into the warehouse, greeting Hibiki. "Wassup." He said in a drowned tone, looked around. "What ya got here..?" He asked.

@YoungX [Fuck you. @Otakubeats]
As he would turn to see Ezekiel, he would get a weak message from Ty. With the message and his current location, he would think of going, but if he could fix the future then this whole incident could be avoided.

"Oh Ezekiel. I'm just working on a way to fix the future and get us back," he would then drastically pick up the pace so that he can at least prevent all of this from happening. "Let's see... if our minds were transferred to our future bodies, then the other minds would have been sent somewhere else... but where would they be sent? I can only imagine another multiverse or stuck through time warp... Maybe Kerr black holes..."
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"Maybe our minds are like behind ours. Think about it, our minds are behind our minds, watching over us..?" Ezekiel never really got phased with science, basically because he never really needed to. "Cause, I had a dream with my future self and he gave me his memories." He explained.

BlankName said:
"Maybe our minds are like behind ours. Think about it, our minds are behind our minds, watching over us..?" Ezekiel never really got phased with science, basically because he never really needed to. "Cause, I had a dream with my future self and he gave me his memories." He explained.

"Oh really? Interesting because Ty also received memories that intertwined with his. I underwent the same thing as well... Could it be? Hmm... If that was the case then this would make perfect sense...," Alcoor would have a realization and would come up with a theory.
Louis got hit by the beam falling to the ground, as he would pant from the hit he had taken he looked over to Bolt saying "We're in for one hell of a fight get ready...." Louis would look over to Bolt he said "We may lose this fight, Bolt, do you have any new tricks to use?" Asked Louis looking over at Bolt, hoping Bolt had something new. @Shammy the Shamrock
BlankName said:
"This is absolutely making no sense! But.. I honestly couldn't care less."


"All right I think I have a basic theory. What if our future minds are still here, but locked in deep consciousness as you said? After all only our minds were sent here anyways. Plus based on your dream, it would seem that our future selves were prepared. This would explain why Quill asked for us specifically. If that was the case, then I also theorize that we gain our new memories once we go to the past. This whole sending us to the future is a means of sending us back into the present armed with experience. Our minds now have the memories and experiences that our future selves have. This means that once we come back, we would've basically gone through one years worth of memory."

(Hot damn I'm good with these. xD )
Bolt smiled "I always have a trick up my sleeve," he said as electricity surged his body. He turned the lights off and teleported behind him, he attacked him. He hit him in random places and smiled "Heh, I ain't losing yet," he said wiping sweat away.

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YoungX said:
"All right I think I have a basic theory. What if our future minds are still here, but locked in deep consciousness as you said? After all only our minds were sent here anyways. Plus based on your dream, it would seem that our future selves were prepared. This would explain why Quill asked for us specifically. If that was the case, then I also theorize that we gain our new memories once we go to the past. This whole sending us to the future is a means of sending us back into the present armed with experience. Our minds now have the memories and experiences that our future selves have. This means that once we come back, we would've basically gone through one years worth of memory."

(Hot damn I'm good with these. xD )
(Lit just waitin for hibiki to a:help Ty b:call Eze out on his betrayal c:uh....die.)
"Or.. Just because I'm a lucid dreamer gives me the ability to control my dreams. Oh wait, future me communicated with me like that... Oh shit." Ezekiel said, as he rummaged through some things. "Wait." He said as he stopped. "What if our future selves came back to our time? Cause I swore I heard Quill talking about a dimension hopper or something." He explained.

Samuel stood shaking his head, after the lights got taken out, not even reacting to Bolts attack he just said "Hold on please." With a snap of his fingers they all got taken outside Samuel said "Much, much better, as he said "By the way I'll be taking Louis first." He seemed to warp behind Louis, putting something on his neck, after that, he punched Louis in the face knocking him out. Picking him up by the back of his hoodie he said "Do you wish to join him today?" @Shammy the Shamrock

Louis would feel something come onto his neck, one second after, he could feel his powers shutting off like they got disabled, before he blacked out.
BlankName said:
"Or.. Just because I'm a lucid dreamer gives me the ability to control my dreams. Oh wait, future me communicated with me like that... Oh shit." Ezekiel said, as he rummaged through some things. "Wait." He said as he stopped. "What if our future selves came back to our time? Cause I swore I heard Quill talking about a dimension hopper or something." He explained.

"See that's the thing. Multiverse theory can be complex, and not to mention that once we prevent the dimension hopper, then our present will be a new timeline. In other words, we would be etched off from this timeline. Also to go even further, by the time we go back, this future won't exist in our time so we can never go back here!" At this point Alcoor was still calm, but still felt accomplished.
Death was in the forest, picking roses while they died in her hands. "Shoot, I can never touch theses," she said before hearing a rustling sound. She took out her scythe and was ready for who it was.

He walked though, his stature matching Death "Hello Death, I see you are doing lovely today." He said in a booming and cold voice, he went closer.

Death backed up "Who are you, how can you see me. No matter I know you aren't of good intention, your time is up," she said placing a hand on his chest. A smile under cloak, looking up at him.

He looked at Death and grabbed her hand "Are you done yet because," he slammed his hand through Death, black goo covered the hand. "I would like to end you as soon as possible," he said pulling the hand out and letting her drop to the floor.

Death held where the hole was and shacked "W-Who are you," she said before her head was shoved to the ground.

He stared at her with his red eyes "I am god, you are dead." He said slowly crushing her head with his foot. He felt her struggle but refused to stop.

Death struggled "Ray, One, I love yo-" she was stopped as the foot broke her skull and turned her head to dust. Her cloak was removed as she stood there, it went silent.

God shook his foot to get the dust off "The Old God of Death is dead. I have claimed my reward," he said walking away, he wore the cloak as a cape and let her body stay there, decaying the flowers.
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"No! Ever heard of the multiple worlds theory?" Ezekiel stopped his search and looked towards Alcoor. "The thing is, with the multiple worlds theory, there are.. Well." He thought for a moment. "Think of a tree, with thousands of branches, the branches are our decisions. Now, if we take consideration into the dimension hopper, and we actually instead take it from the villains, we can go back to this timeline. As, it is a branch, and we are the birds. Or squirrels. Or whatever goddamn animal lives in a fucking Time Tree."

BlankName said:
"No! Ever heard of the multiple worlds theory?" Ezekiel stopped his search and looked towards Alcoor. "The thing is, with the multiple worlds theory, there are.. Well." He thought for a moment. "Think of a tree, with thousands of branches, the branches are our decisions. Now, if we take consideration into the dimension hopper, and we actually instead take it from the villains, we can go back to this timeline. As, it is a branch, and we are the birds. Or squirrels. Or whatever goddamn animal lives in a fucking Time Tree."


"Take the dimension hopper. Hmm... that's clever, but extremely dangerous. Who knows what'll happen if we take that thing once it's built? In any case, can I ask of you to find Quill? I need to go and prepare ourselves to fix this whole mess," he says to him.

"I honestly have no idea where Quill is. Plus, I can't take the time to find him, he's probably long gone or just disappeared." [Poor.. Poor.. @Quillicious] Ezekiel sighed. "I could dispatch robots in search of him. But.. I don't think I could hack all of them or even most of them in time to find him before he gets killed. So.. You just wanna wait?" He asked.


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