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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

'No mommy! Don't go!' She sign shouted, reaching up to Bolt before pulling his shirt. 'Don't die!' She sobbed silently, clinging to the shirt. 'Why is that?' She asked, pointing to Ezekial
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BlankName said:
Ezekiel was somewhat of a lucid dreamer. He was always in control of his dreams, which made it well for him to notice things around him. Being aware of his slumber, he had control of where he thought he was. First, on the street, and now something uncomfortable. He felt his wrists restricted, so he coughed something up.
Being a frequent lucid, he often viewed his dreams as him sitting in a theater all alone with a movie playing. He controlled the movie as it went on and it could be often fun or depressing. He could hear people talking, having a conversation. Ezekiel coughed up an image of him tied up somewhere, maybe a room or something. People standing around.

And that's when the dream collapsed. Ezekiel found that his dreams were closed off at some point when it got too real, and which, he saw that movie security guards came in and arrested him. He awoke, squinting, slowly moving as if he was asleep and just had a small problem with uncomfortable. Than he heard tape and that's when his phone rang with a screeching sound. He automated a message to it. And changed the ring tone.

@BlankName @Otakubeats @Zedisback
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Otakubeats said:
"More bandages and duct tape. I wanna tape this dude to the ceiling."
"Well the power being out doesn't really matter I'll just warp myself to another city than to a store in said city, than warp myself back to the warehouse." Said Louis as he would snap his fingers after that he was gone, about five minutes later, he came back with a bottle of pain killers, and everything the other male asked for he would say "You don't understand what I can do can you?" He asked Hibiki @Shammy the Shamrock @Otakubeats @YoungX
Zedisback said:
"Well the power being out doesn't really matter I'll just warp myself to another city than to a store in said city, than warp myself back to the warehouse." Said Louis as he would snap his fingers after that he was gone, about five minutes later, he came back with a bottle of pain killers, and everything the other male asked for he would say "You don't understand what I can do can you?" He asked Hibiki @Shammy the Shamrock @Otakubeats @YoungX
"Well now I do, but anyways I'm more interested in the tied up guy right now," he says to Louis all calm and poised.
Zedisback said:
"Well the power being out doesn't really matter I'll just warp myself to another city than to a store in said city, than warp myself back to the warehouse." Said Louis as he would snap his fingers after that he was gone, about five minutes later, he came back with a bottle of pain killers, and everything the other male asked for he would say "You don't understand what I can do can you?" He asked Hibiki @BlankName @Otakubeats @Zedisback
Ty stole a few of the painkillers, swallowing them dry. he the walked over the to tied up male, and took the cellphone. He flipped it open, studying it.
FaceBloat said:
"Haha this is going to be fun" Gary took out his gun and started shooting all the people there "DIE DIE" Gary said as he looked at the blood of the people he's killing,Gary shot everyone and gave into his insane persona
(Where the heck are you? xD )
Ezekiel opened his eyes fully, viewing the area, he saw a male pick up his cellphone and inspect it, which in his case was good. Every phone he bought, he put a small chip that could amount of a small explosion, or shock. Either way, he found it was his chance. The chip was connected to his Tetris game, it was a masked app which was good. He automated the phone to turn on and enter the Tetris app, a count down commenced. And the phone couldn't be shut down.

"Anyone want to uncuff me?" Ezekiel asked, looking at his cuffed wrists and ankles.

@YoungX @Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock @Zedisback
YoungX said:
"Well now I do, but anyways I'm more interested in the tied up guy right now," he says to Louis all calm and poised.
As he would take about four of the pain killers, without anything to drink he said as he would ask "Does anyone want pizza?" He seemed to not really care about what was going on around him, with a snap of his fingers, everything flashed black and white for a second, as two boxes of pizza would just appear in his hand placing them down. @Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Otakubeats
BlankName said:
Ezekiel opened his eyes fully, viewing the area, he saw a male pick up his cellphone and inspect it, which in his case was good. Every phone he bought, he put a small chip that could amount of a small explosion, or shock. Either way, he found it was his chance. The chip was connected to his Tetris game, it was a masked app which was good. He automated the phone to turn on and enter the Tetris app, a count down commenced. And the phone couldn't be shut down.
"Anyone want to uncuff me?" Ezekiel asked, looking at his cuffed wrists and ankles.

@BlankName @Otakubeats
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[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong](Where the heck are you? xD )


(hospital hub)
FaceBloat said:
"Haha this is going to be fun" Gary took out his gun and started shooting all the people there "DIE DIE" Gary said as he looked at the blood of the people he's killing,Gary shot everyone and gave into his insane persona
More guards where called to stop the two intruders. The new called guards seems to have superpowers because one of them use multiple their guns with telekenesis, another one is literealy on fire, going towards Gary and another one seems to help this fellow human allies with mindcontrol. While this is happening, The Vacant continues shooting while going towards a door. "Go nuts!!! Just remember what I told you!!!!" She tells Gary while opening the door.

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BlankName said:
Ezekiel opened his eyes fully, viewing the area, he saw a male pick up his cellphone and inspect it, which in his case was good. Every phone he bought, he put a small chip that could amount of a small explosion, or shock. Either way, he found it was his chance. The chip was connected to his Tetris game, it was a masked app which was good. He automated the phone to turn on and enter the Tetris app, a count down commenced. And the phone couldn't be shut down.
"Anyone want to uncuff me?" Ezekiel asked, looking at his cuffed wrists and ankles.

@YoungX @Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock @Zedisback
Ty was pissed that he'd tried to bomb them when Astra was in the room. He really hated when she was in danger. He grabbed the male by the front of his shirt not uncuffing him. He looked him in the eyes, his one red eye enough to signify his difference from normal people.

"Try that again and I'll rip you apart piece by piece. Just enough to let you watch and suffer. Got it? Now. You have 5 seconds to give me a name before I start making your brain feel like it's exploding." He said it in a harsh whisper, low enough that only he and maybe Hibiki would hear.
Bolt smiled "If we uncuff you then we would be stuck in darkness." He said going over to him "Who are you," he asked his blur eyes glowing.
FaceBloat said:
(hospital hub)
(( :o ))

Astra beamed and struggled to reach the pizza. Within a moment, she had fallen out of her wheelchair and was sprawled out with a piece of pizza in her hair. I'm not sure how she managed that, but Astra nibbled on it slightly before trying to pull herself into sitting position. Kinda hard with limp legs. Eventually she managed and peered over to watch the scene with confusion plastered across her face.

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"Uh.. I could tell you but... My hands are cuffed as is my feet." Ezekiel said. "It's proper manners to.. Nevermind it's not." He watched as some wannabe superhero suit threw his phone away. Which made him depressed since that'll be charged on his account. He could never really decide if Villains were the ones who were doing the good or if the Hero's were. It all went up how he thought who did.

Were the Hero's doing the bad or evil? Maybe the Villains? This only led him to be a gray hat. Not a black hat or white hat. He just wanted to live. Ezekiel could call up his Ace but it'd be stupid now. Since well... There's nothing wrong with it, he could literally dial up his friends on someone else's phone. In fact, he could access their bank accounts right now, but he's the grayest shade of gray a man could be.

Uncuffed and met with multiple shades of eyes, he quickly closed his and turned on a vehicle. A truck... His old one with the fake cargo. "HEY!" Ezekiel told them, he directed the truck right into the warehouse they were in, ramming it right into the side of the building. "Sorry! Got to go." He bit the man's hand on his shirt and ran off. "Also! Gray Hat Hacker! See ya!" Gave the name and ran off. Probably gonna be caught but... He felt good.

@Otakubeats @YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
Gary laughs as the guards with superpowers came in "THIS IS GONNA BE FUN!!!" Gary shouted as he kicked the guard that was coming at him. Gary goes up to the one with telekinesis and punches him in the face before shooting his head off "HAHAHHAAHHA" Gary laughed as he killed the people that were coming in
BlankName said:
"Uh.. I could tell you but... My hands are cuffed as is my feet." Ezekiel said. "It's proper manners to.. Nevermind it's not." He watched as some wannabe superhero suit threw his phone away. Which made him depressed since that'll be charged on his account. He could never really decide if Villains were the ones who were doing the good or if the Hero's were. It all went up how he thought who did.
Were the Hero's doing the bad or evil? Maybe the Villains? This only led him to be a gray hat. Not a black hat or white hat. He just wanted to live. Ezekiel could call up his Ace but it'd be stupid now. Since well... There's nothing wrong with it, he could literally dial up his friends on someone else's phone. In fact, he could access their bank accounts right now, but he's the grayest shade of gray a man could be.

Uncuffed and met with multiple shades of eyes, he quickly closed his and turned on a vehicle. A truck... His old one with the fake cargo. "HEY!" Ezekiel told them, he directed the truck right into the warehouse they were in, ramming it right into the side of the building. "Sorry! Got to go." He bit the man's hand on his shirt and ran off. "Also! Gray Hat Hacker! See ya!" Gave the name and ran off. Probably gonna be caught but... He felt good.

@Otakubeats @YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
"Well then... Bolt you can definitely catch up to him right?" He would ask Bolt as he would get a slice of pizza.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Zedisback
Bolt ran and grabbed Astra "Need...electricity," he said running to the couch. His body and eyes dimmed with every minute.

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