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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Quillicious said:
((No, only Ray's mind went back.))
(yeah but if you change the timeline you change everything that happened, time travel is confusing so we ussualy try to avoid it)
YoungX said:
Hibiki would hear Saitama and said to him, "Saitama, Bolt already went back to the base. I could use your assistance though. Whoever kidnapped Ty is very nearby."
The shadow appeared along with an armed man. The man grinned as Shadow stood beside him. Shadow was the first to speak. "Hello! I see you've come for my pawn? Since I'd rather not watch One-Slap destroy my lovely shadows, I think i'll take my leave. Hurry along, afterall he'll want to see you before he dies." Shadow and his disciple vanished laughing.


Ty lay curled up on the ground, the bullet had gone through his midsection, and he was quickly bleeding out. Tears fell freely now as a gripping chill clutched him tightly. The world became muffled, like he was underwater and things became blurry. He whimpered, pain clouding his mind. His headphones had been cast aside by the disciple long ago. He tried so hard to stay awake but each second made him feel more tired. He eventually found himself on the edge...





@Shammy the Shamrock

Otakubeats said:
The shadow appeared along with an armed man. The man grinned as Shadow stood beside him. Shadow was the first to speak. "Hello! I see you've come for my pawn? Since I'd rather not watch One-Slap destroy my lovely shadows, I think i'll take my leave. Hurry along, afterall he'll want to see you before he dies." Shadow and his disciple vanished laughing.

Ty lay curled up on the ground, the bullet had gone through his midsection, and he was quickly bleeding out. Tears fell freely now as a gripping chill clutched him tightly. The world became muffled, like he was underwater and things became blurry. He whimpered, pain clouding his mind. His headphones had been cast aside by the disciple long ago. He tried so hard to stay awake but each second made him feel more tired. He eventually found himself on the edge...





@Shammy the Shamrock

saitama took ty and jumped like the hulk all the way to the hospital, he was rushed to the emergency room as quick as possible @YoungX @Otakubeats (everyone's internet keeps crashing, am i the only one here that has a stable connection?)
(Sorry for the late response,fell asleep)

Gary nodded his head before looking down at his watch "Hey since you're so interested in knowing more about the HCC how about we go check out their base" Gary went up to his car and opened the door "The Military's going to arrive soon anyways"
Ray woke up and slipped off her glove, the blackness spread across her body, destroying the rope with death touch. She tried to run out but she floated and slammed out the window.

Rex glared "You know what to do," he said pointing to Ray as she was tackled by heroes. She was placed into a straight jacket and taken away by the H.A.A.

Bye Saitama, I'm sorry Saitama, I failed you," she said vanishing with the rest and thrown into a white cushioned room.
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
Ray woke up and slipped off her glove, the blackness spread across her body, destroying the rope with death touch. She tried to run out but she floated and slammed out the window.

Rex glared "You know what to do," he said pointing to Ray as she was tackled by heroes. She was placed into a straight jacket and taken away by the H.A.A.

Bye Saitama, I'm sorry Saitama, I failed you," she said vanishing with the rest and thrown into a white cushioned room.

(what's the HAA?)
Hibiki would find himself at Ty's hospital room as he waited for his recovery. The least he could do was wait. So it really was Shadow that kidnapped him, but why did he do it? Why now after what occurred? Questions piled up, but all he had to do was waiting for him to recover.

@Otakubeats (Anyone else that wants to visit Ty at the hospital)
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YoungX said:
Hibiki would find himself at Ty's hospital room as he waited for his recovery. The least he could do was wait. So it really was Shadow that kidnapped him, but why did he do it? Why now after what occurred? Questions piled up, but all he had to do was waiting for him to recover.
@Otakubeats (Anyone else that wants to visit Ty at the hospital)
"the doctors are relentless to save her even until now, but she's still knocked out" he said @YoungX
Salex said:
"the doctors are relentless to save her even until now, but she's still knocked out" he said @YoungX
(That she instead of he. Hue.)

"I see. Still what did Shadow want with Ty anyways? I don't understand why now, and not only that we have the whole Lily is dead crisis," he says to Saitama still rather calm.

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saitama then receives a call from genos "ray? hero association headquarters? captured? alright ready the paperwork, ill meet you there by 5 minutes" he said to the telephone "im going to HAA hq to free ray, tell ty i said hello when he wakes up" he said to hibiki. he then walks out of the hospital and walks to the HAA HQ. genos meanwhile writes a pile of sheets and calls agoni chinner as well to get confirmation to release ray in 2 minutes and the paperwork was now taller than he is. saitama was now visible through the HAA HQ's windows and cameras walking towards them while genos is behind holding a pile of paper @Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Otakubeats
Salex said:
saitama then receives a call from genos "ray? hero association headquarters? captured? alright ready the paperwork, ill meet you there by 5 minutes" he said to the telephone "im going to HAA hq to free ray, tell ty i said hello when he wakes up" he said to hibiki. he then walks out of the hospital and walks to the HAA HQ. genos meanwhile writes a pile of sheets and calls agoni chinner as well to get confirmation to release ray in 2 minutes and the paperwork was now taller than he is. saitama was now visible through the HAA HQ's windows and cameras walking towards them while genos is behind holding a pile of paper @Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Otakubeats
Hibiki would nod and would be left to watch Ty by himself. It seems Ray was captured by the HAA HQ, and he wonders what will happen now. He had only recently joined, and so much had occurred. It's amazing what occurs in only just a few simple days.

Rex was in his chair looking at an old picture and back at the news, anger filled him. He saw Saitama "Oh, I know what you want to do. You really think that monster should be set free after what she had done," he said placing the picture of Lily on the table and staring at Saitama.

Ray glared "She became a criminal the moment she killed my daughter. I have eyes everywhere and when some one gets killed by a villain I take them in, Little Death is no acception." He said rubbing his forehead with his hand and sitting back down in his chair.

"look, i am truly sorry for what happened to your daughter, i really am" he said "but she brought it upon herself, i told her not to provoke ray, i literally told her... when you were out i talked to her, that led to ray wanting to talk to her, lily got angry for ray telling me to talk to her and such lily provoked her. ray simply touched her and it was silence after that" he said @Shammy the Shamrock
Rex sighed but then got a call "I'm a bit bus-now, fine I'll be there shortly. Fine due to my having to leave and since I see my daughter provoked her I'll give you Ray, I just have to figure out how to tell her brother. However she has to wear the straight-jacket, she is dangerous without it," he said walking into another room an vanishing.

Ray appeared out of a portal and fell to the ground, she got up with a smile. "Saitama!" She yelled and ran over, rubbing her head against his leg "I was in a pillow room and I could walk outside with others," she said slightly twitching. "Can we get ice cream," she asked getting comfortable in her jacket.

Ray twitched "I know, that is why I need the ice cream." She said with a frown but then smiled again "I want vanilla! EW!" She said in response to what Genos apparently ate.

Ray ran out and saw a truck "ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM!" She yelled chasing before making it stop "I would pay but I kind of can't use my hands," she said struggling and falling to the ground. She rolled around "HELP! WORM NEEDS ARMS!" She said moving in a circle near the truck.

Bolt got up and went to Astra, he sat on the couch and carried her in his arms. He rocked her back and forth, he slowly started to doze off and fall asleep. He continued to rock her even in his sleep, a small smile on his face.

@Echo Dreamsong

(Just for when she gets back :3)

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