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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

YoungX said:
"I see. Well don't worry I fully believe you. Now then let's go over some more facts that me and Ty probably would remember. The time discrepancy is one hour, so whoever had done had to have done it in that time frame. Now then Bolt and Ty do you remember what happened an hour ago? " He asks the two of them. Hibiki also takes the Shadow comment as well. "Also Ty don't forget that there was a bullet wound. Does Shadow use guns?"
@Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock
"He can manifest any type of weaponry, and master it easily. I've seen him use guns on occasion so yes." Ty thought hard..."Can't remember what happened an hour ago."
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Otakubeats said:
"He can manifest any type of weaponry, and master it easily. I've seen him use guns on occasion so yes." Ty thought hard..."Can't remember what happened an hour ago."
"I see. Well we have Shadow attacking the city, Ray getting kidnapped and a few other things. Though there is one thing I'd like to ask Ty. Is there any actual motive for Shadow killing Lily?"

@Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock
YoungX said:
"I see. Well we have Shadow attacking the city, Ray getting kidnapped and a few other things. Though there is one thing I'd like to ask Ty. Is there any actual motive for Shadow killing Lily?"
@Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock
Ty's expression darkened as memories of them resurfaced. In a cold and detached tone he'd answer the question. "He never needs a motive. Now I'm going to bed." He walked to his room locking the door laying on his bed with his headphones full volume. [media]

Otakubeats said:
Ty's expression darkened as memories of them resurfaced. In a cold and detached tone he'd answer the question. "He never needs a motive. Now I'm going to bed." He walked to his room locking the door laying on his bed with his headphones full volume. [media]

"Later," Hibiki says to Ty. Then he would turn to Bolt once more once Ty goes into his room. "Bolt there is one thing I'd like to ask. This Shadow... do you think he had a motive to want to kill Lily? Though it's not like he knew that me, Ty and Bolt number two were headed to the Hero Association. Unless of course he survived Saitama's punch and was listening in."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt thought about it "I was at the hospital with my daughter. We stayed there for quite a while, Lou can vouch for me. I really haven't seen many villains use guns, I mean they are pretty useless. However there is something else, you can't enter the H.A. unless you are related or a hero to even get close to her. Not even shadow could get inside without dealing with a barrage from the rest, they have record of every villain," he said walking around the room.


Eliza smiled "Are we going to test more," she said jumping and wanting to use more crystals.


Eliza smiled "Are we going to test more," she said jumping and wanting to use more crystals.

"I see... Then that only closes the gap of potential suspects," Hibiki says as he also begin pacing around the room. "This means that whoever did it had connections to the H.A. or a hero him/herself. What this also means is that whoever did had a motive to kill Lily. So we can tie this to someone who knows Lily on some degree. Bolt... are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He would say to him even though it's probably something else. Perhaps his conclusion was right, but still that couldn't be possible.


@Shammy the Shamrock
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Eliza smiled "Are we going to test more," she said jumping and wanting to use more crystals.

"Sure." Said Louis grabbing the green crystal, walking over to the chicken, rubbing it on it, as he would back up waiting to see what it would do, without any more work, him and Eliza would start seeing things and having hallucinations, the green crystal gave the chicken a hallucination aura. @Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt "That this would be a great episode of Law and Order," he said clearly not even thinking what he was thinking.


Eliza saw the hallucinations and freaked out "WHAT THE HELL AM I SEEING!" She yelled swaying back and forth.

Shammy the Shamrock] [COLOR=#00b359](Phoenix wright style!!! I'll give you a hint. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b3b300]Ray: What's the hint :3[/COLOR][COLOR=#00b359])[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29184-salex/ said:
(I feel like making a Phoenix wright rp. Lol)
YoungX said:
Well Hibiki and Ty took the American hero test. Hibiki got a 10 in transformation and Ty got a 7 in mind reader. Also Lily git murdered, and Hibiki and Bolt trying to figure out who did it.)
Shammy the Shamrock] [COLOR=#00b359](Phoenix wright style!!! I'll give you a hint. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b3b300]Ray: What's the hint :3[/COLOR][COLOR=#00b359])[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29184-salex/ said:
(OBJECTION!!! *phoenix wright ace attorney dual destinies objection theme plays* also would hibiki and ty be in b-class, a-class or s-class?)
Ty eventually fell asleep, noticing too late of the danger. He opened his mouth to yell, but he was quickly subdued. The intruder picked him up, opening the window. He walked out the window, vanishing easily. The only trace left was a small note. @Anyone

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Thanks. -S ]

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Salex said:
(OBJECTION!!! *phoenix wright ace attorney dual destinies objection theme plays* also would hibiki and ty be in b-class, a-class or s-class?)
(They did the Hero test america Hibiki: Tranformantion 10 Ty: Mind reader: 7)
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](They did the Hero test america Hibiki: Tranformantion 10 Ty: Mind reader: 7)

(The H.A. Japan, I don't now)
Salex said:
(s-class rank what? because currently there are 14 including saitama and genos)
(They did the Hero test america Hibiki: Tranformantion 10 Ty: Mind reader: 7, The H.A. Japan, I don't now)
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](They did the Hero test america Hibiki: Tranformantion 10 Ty: Mind reader: 7)

(OBJECTION! you didn't even answer my question! [media]

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](They did the Hero test america Hibiki: Tranformantion 10 Ty: Mind reader: 7, The H.A. Japan, I don't now)

(dude... i don't mean to be rude but what happened to your spelling?)

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