[V20] The Tale of the Crone


Seven Thousand Club

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<pre class="ipsCode"> Name: Clan: Age: Real (Apparent) Appearance:

Nature: Demeanor: Generation: 13th Attributes Strength ● Dexterity ● Stamina ● Charisma ● Manipulation ● Appearance ● Perception ● Intelligence ● Wits ● Abilities Alertness Athletics Awareness Brawl Empathy Expression Intimidation Leadership Streetwise Subterfuge Animal Ken Crafts Drive Etiquette Firearms Larceny Melee Performance Stealth Survival Academics Computer Finance Investigation Law Medicine Occult Politics Science Technology Disciplines Discipline ● *Power (Attribute + Ability) Backgrounds Virtues Conscience ● Self-Control ● Courage ● Humanity ●●●●● ● Willpower ●●●●● ● Merits and Flaws Freebie Point Expenditure Experience Point Expenditure


<p> </p>




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Name: Susan Rosenthal

Clan: Lasombra

Age: 38 (28)




Susan Rosenthal was born into the wealthy, privileged Astor family. She was raised with every advantage and followed her father into the family business of venture capitalism, building and managing funds while speculating with new company startups. College was almost an afterthought and while her MBA rounded out her professional skilllset, she was making millions under her father's tutledge the whole time at his firm, Mirror Print Consultancy LLC. The only distraction from Susan's work was a family of her own. Susan met Sam Rosenthal when he came to Mirror Print Consultancy in hopes of funding for his green energy reengineering firm, specializing in converting businesses and factories to green. He didn't get the investment but he did get a date which eventually led to marriage and two children, Jason and Kimberly.

Everything should have been wonderful.

Unknown to her, though, Susan's father was a ghoul for a Lasombra Sabbat elder named Nikolai Verno who used their company, Mirror Print Consultancy LLC, to fund a substantial portion of Sabbat operations across the Mid-West. One of the wheels in that machine, Susan remained entirely unaware of vampires and the Sabbat while managing massive portions of their wealth. Nikolai took an interest in the attractive, ambitious woman who pursued money so singlemindedly. She overcame financial obstacles with relentless will, endured several crushing failures that led to a demotion and, in a bizarre twist of regulatory changes, she became criminally liable for the dissolution of another green energy company. Then her husband Sam left her, taking the kids with him, as the court case advanced and evidence came out that she'd deliberately undermined the entire green energy movement in order to eliminate competitors to her husband's own business. Finally cleared of all charges, Susan emerged from the scandal with her professional and personal life in tatters, all within two years.

It's likely she would have endured another few years of suffering if not for disaster. Nikolai accompanied her and her father on a business trip to Detroit, which unfortunately one of

Nikolai's childes took advantage of. A bomb crippled the Lasombra elder while subsequent engine failure killed everyone else on board...including her. The ambitious childe, a South African former apartheid activist named Charlice Marene, led her pack in dialberizing Nikolai only to discover once their blood lust had settled that all the secrets of his Sabbat money-making died with him. Susan's body was the only one warm enough and intact enough to make use of so Charlice Embraced her, only to put Susan through several nights of deep interrogation, ferreting out every secret of Mirror Print Consultancy. Once they looted the investment funds, Charlice turned Susan loose with a simple challenge; collect a dozen human heads and bring them to one of her havens in Detroit. Until then, she wasn't worth talking to.

Utterly horrified, Susan instead made her way back to the Astor family home and looked for her father's private account details, hoping one of father's other clients were also vampires, hopefully saner than the ones she'd just met. Luckily, the first she looked up turned out to be Oscar Wallace, an Independent Lasombra her father also managed money for. Finding she had her father's skills and the instinct for ambition and survival the Lasombra prize, Oscar took her under his wing and spent the next five years teaching her the art of the Night while she rebuilt Mirror Print Consultancy LLC...and Oscar's own fortune.

As time went by, Susan increasingly disagreed with the prevailing Lasombra philosophy, especially it's emphasis on evolutionary predation. Or at least she disagreed with how the Lasombra implemented it. Through her studies, she realized that by clinging to humanity, vampires slept less, woke from torpor more easily and retained the ability to interact with kine. These were survival advantages Path mastery couldn't replicate. And so she looked up her husband Sam and found he'd moved himself and their two children to Cleveland, Ohio, to work on the Cleveland Environmental Center. Within a year, she'd ended their separation and become a part of her family's lives once more.

Now Susan plays a dangerous game indeed. Charlice and the Sabbat are still out there, potential enemies if she's remembered. The Clan Lasombra is less than impressed by her somewhat radical theories on the evolutionary advantage of Humanity. The Camarilla who rules Cleveland doesn't trust her, given what she is and where she came from. And any vampire would scoff at her choice to cling to her mortal life, to her marriage and her children.

So Susan is very careful. Mirror Print Consultancy LLC is nearly rebuilt to what it once was and her ability to manage funds and create wealth for vampires offers her a unique asset to mollify the Camarilla conservatives. Her family is concealed behind a screen of money, hiding where she lives and who she lives with. She's managed to procure a steady supply of blood from college students she funds, allowing her to pass for human at home when she needs to.

Everything's just right for her to switch from survival to strategy. Even the Camarilla has a glass ceiling. And she aims to find a way to break through it.

Nature: Architect

Demeanor: Capitalist

Generation: 10th


Strength ●●

Dexterity ●●

Stamina ●●

Charisma ●●●

Manipulation ●●●● (Well-Reasoned)

Appearance ●●●

Perception ●●

Intelligence ●●●

Wits ●●●






Empathy ●●

Expression ●● (Conversation)

Intimidation ●●

Leadership ●


Subterfuge ●●

Animal Ken


Drive ●

Etiquette ●● (Business)

Firearms ●●






Academics ●●● (History of Capitalism)

Computer ●

Finance ●●●●● (Investment)


Law ● (Contracts)


Occult ●● (Abyss)

Politics ●●● (Bureaucracy)




Dominate ●●●


● (Manipulation + Intimidation vs. target's current Willpower to issue a one-word command. Must be clear, may be concealed in a sentence. Multiple successes make the command last longer and stronger. Cannot trump Nature).



●● (Manipulation + Leadership vs. target's current Willpower to verbally implant a false thought or hypnotic suggestion. Requires intense concentration. May activate thought or suggestion immediately or assign a cue to trigger it later. Simple or complex is fine. Multiple successes make target more unthinking in following it. Cannot trump Nature or threaten life).


The Forgetful Mind

●●● (Wits + Subterfuge vs. target's current Willpower to hypnotize target, interrogate them for memories and change them or make them forgotten. Attention to detail lasts longer when constructing false memories. Can sense altered memories and restore them. Multiple successes make duration permanent, allow memory editing in greater scale).


Allies ● (Husband, Sam Rosenthal, and her two teenage children, Jason and Kimberly)

Domain ● (The small mansion where her family lives)

Generation ●●● (10th Generation, 13 blood pool)

Herd ●●●● (Thirty or so college students she pays tuition for)

Influence ● (Local investor)

Resources ●●●● (Owner and CEO of Mirror Print Consultancy LLC, an investment firm specializing in providing capital for major start-ups)


Conscience ●●●

Self-Control ●●●●

Courage ●●●

Humanity ●●●●● ●●

Willpower ●●●●●


True Love (4) (Her husband, Sam Rosenthal, +1 automatic success on all Willpower rolls)

Blush of Health (2) (Appears human, with natural color and only slightly cool to the touch)

Early Riser (1) (First to rise, last to bed, Humanity is 10 for rising)


Probationary Sect Member (-4) (Lasombra, with a Sabbat sire, daughter of a Sabbat ghoul, etc.)

Phobia (-2) (Heights, airplanes, must make a Courage roll when encountering either or retreat)

Unconvinced (-1) (Is known to disagree with the core ideologies of her Clan)



Mandarin Chinese

Freebie Point Expenditure

4 on Finance 3-5

9 on 9 dots of Backgrounds

2 on 2 dots of Willpower (may be reallocated to pooled background dots)

Experience Point Expenditure


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Name: Bela Vladilescu Dragosani

Clan: Tzimisce

Age: 472 (28)

Appearance: The sharp, pale features of Wallachian aristocracy, shoulder-length black hair. Thin, curled black moustache and small black beard.

When the Tzimisce came to the New World, it was as childer surrounded by loyal ghouls. Loyal to the masters back in the shadow of Carpati. As the neonates spread the Sabbat message or were seduced thereby, some of these Revenants fled into hiding, and settled into the burgeoning United States.

But those old Fiends do not forget, and they are vengeful.

Bela was a mercenary captain in leal service to Vlad Dragosani – a good swordsman and shrewd commander, turned against the mortal enemies of his master. For his loyalty and skill, he was gifted with Becoming, and after a century or so charged with administrating one of his master's outlying territories down in the foothills. He had held this duty for two hundred years when a new task was given to him – travel to the New World, and hunt down these wayward ghouls, these traitorous childer.

In a crate filled with blighted Carpathian soil, Bela went to America with a cohort of warriors and his retainers.

Bloody skirmishes with Camarilla and Sabbat alike left his forces reduced, and he turned to desperate measures - Amaranth. Dragosani consumed one of the traitorous Sabbat Tzimisce. He even stopped for a time near Boston purely to wage brief war against local Tremere and grow accustomed to the strange new Discipline that came with the vile act, and for this hubris Bela paid a steep price. Weak from fighting, his minions all but slain, Dragosani was set upon by the very Obertus he had come to punish, a stake driving him into Torpor. Before he could be spirited away for use in their arcane experiments, his remaining servants – Camille and Boris – managed to haul him to safety.

They fled south, hauling the crate of soil containing their master, spending his money, fearing the vengeance of the family or the Tremere. They spent the last of his funds on an old manor home in Cleveland hid him in the basement, and endeavoured to go unnoticed

Recently, Bela has managed to remove the deeply buried stake through years of slow Vicissitude, and now his mission is functionally beyond completion, his ties of loyalty have eroded to nothing. Bela will rule, now.

Calculating and egotistical, Bela has grown to enjoy the practice of Vicissitude more even than swordplay. Fiercely independent, he is content to let the Camarilla have the city as long as he is treated with respect. He is a boyar now; he has an estate, this edge of Cleveland is his. He will, however, quietly plot the destruction of any Tremere in the city, and sooner or later his desire for power must drive him into city politics.

While he plays the role of Old World aristocrat out of a combination of nostalgia and obfuscation, Bela believes firmly in the idea that enlightenment awaits.

Nature: Visionary

Demeanor: Traditionalist

Generation: 10th


Strength ●●

Dexterity ●●●

Stamina ●●●

Charisma ●●

Manipulation ●●●

Appearance ●

Perception ●●●

Intelligence ●●●●

Wits ●●●



Athletics ●


Brawl ●

Empathy ●



Leadership ●●●


Subterfuge ●●●

Animal Ken ●

Crafts ●●●


Etiquette ●●●



Melee ●●●


Stealth ●●●


Academics ●●



Investigation ●●●


Medicine ●

Occult ●●●





Vicissitude ●●

Koldunic Sorcery - The Transylvanian Kraina ●●

Genius Locus

*Power (Attribute + Ability)


Retainers ●●

Boris Obertus - Butler. Polite, efficient, severe OCD

Camille Obertus - Enforcer. Silent, stoic, huge. Completely hairless due to trichotillomania
Generation ●●●

Domain ●●●


Conviction ●●

Courage ●●●


The Path of Power & The Inner Voice ●●●●●

Willpower ●●●●●

Merits and Flaws

Freebie Point Expenditure

3 point spent on Domain

2 points for Subterfuge 3

2 points for Leadership 3

2 points for Investigation 3

2 points for Melee 3

2 points for Empathy 1

2 points for Etiquette 3
Experience Point Expenditure

Moar sorcery.

Moar Viss.

Hired goons.
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Name: Justine Adler


Age: 80 (30)



God, whose law it is

that he who learns must suffer.

And even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget

falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despite, against our will,

comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

-- Aeschylus, Agamemnon

Once upon a time, in a city by the bay, there lived a princess. She was the only child of the king and queen, and her parents loved her very much. They saw to it she had the best of everything -- the fanciest clothes, the newest car, the best education, and instilled their values in her. Her friends and boyfriends were carefully selected for GPA, career aspirations and good manners. She went to a fine college, and eventually became a professor of history, doing her best to pass along the importance of tradition and the lessons of the past. And she continued to live in the best homes, to eat the best food and wear the best clothes. She was a princess, after all.

The princess was always interested in powerful female figures from history and legend, and by chance she came across a Greek translation of what appeared to be a lost Hebrew myth regarding a rivalry between Cain, the first murderer, and Lilith, the castoff wife of his father Adam.

In the text, Lilith related how her garden was destroyed and her children slain by the children of “Caine” the son of her first husband. Her lover left her in his grief, and she became stigmatized as an evil witch. Yet instead of crumbling, Lilith grew stronger. The princess was moved and fascinated by this story, and decided to publish it.

Then she met her prince. He was tall and handsome and rich, had beautiful manners, and was a professor himself. And he was more than just an ordinary man. He was a scion of the city’s true royalty, and he had been sent to stop her from revealing secrets mortals were not meant to know. He had intended to wipe her memories or slay her, but instead he fell in love. He begged his sire, the ruler of the city, for permission to wed his beloved and make her immortal, and his sire consented. And so she became a true princess of the night, too refined to look upon the garish sun.

For four-and-forty years the princess lived -- or at least dwelt -- in bliss with her prince. She watched the world change around her, watched parents and colleagues pass away, changed identities once or twice -- yet he remained, the one constant in her existence.

But there were things going on that the princess didn’t think about. Strangers from beyond the western sea came, attacking the city and trying to conquer it. Vile demon-worshippers from the south raged outside the walls. Greedy eyes from the east were coveting her beautiful realm, and plotting to destroy its royal family. And with its defenders overstretched fighting threats from the west and the south, they succeeded.

In one night of flame and terror, everything changed. The princess lost her prince, her family, and all her friends. She saw her home go up in smoke, and became an exile, fleeing across the country from those who would kill her. Her money quickly ran out after the victors froze her husband’s assets, and she was reduced to burying herself in the dirt before dawn. She was forced to steal and kill, becoming less of a person and more of a hunted beast with every night that passed.

One twilight, as the princess dug herself out of the ground, cold, alone and in pain (for she lacked the vitae to heal all the wounds she had taken during the fire) her mind simply broke. The truth washed over her like the forgotten morning sunlight: She was not, as she’d allowed herself to believe, a human being gifted with immortality, she was a demon of the night, created to suffer and cause suffering. Not purposeless suffering, but the pain that teaches. She was Lilith...whose law it is that he who learns must suffer... She was Lilith. Lilith was her.

Eventually, she succeeded in losing her pursuers. She made it to a safe house in Cleveland her grandsire had purchased years ago and set aside for emergencies. The princess’s new castle was dilapidated mansion surrounded by an overgrown garden, everything covered in brambles. But from here she would begin to raise her own garden on the ashes of what she had lost. She would begin teaching pain to deserving mortals, and eventually to her fellow immortals as well. She would make them understand how very, very important it was. And they would all live happily ever after.

Nature: Survivor

Demeanor: Pedagogue

Generation: 10th


Strength ●

Dexterity ●●

Stamina ●●●

Charisma ●●●

Manipulation ●●●

Appearance ●●●●

Perception ●●

Intelligence ●●●●

Wits ●●


Alertness ●


Awareness ●


Empathy ●

Expression ●

Intimidation ●●●



Subterfuge ●●

Animal Ken



Etiquette ●●●



Melee ●●


Stealth ●


Professional Skill: Gardening ●

Professional Skill: Torture ●●●

Academics ●●●


Finance ●

Investigation ●●●

Law ●

Medicine ●

Occult ●●●

Politics ●




Dominate ●

*Command (Manipulation + Intimidation)

Fortitude ●●


Domain ●● (Dilapidated Victorian mansion)

Generation ●●●

Herd ●● (Subs)

Resources ●●

Retainer ● (Juliette)


Conviction ●●●

Instinct ●●

Courage ●●●

Path of Lilith ●●●●●

Willpower ●●●●● ●●

Merits and Flaws

Extra Language - Classical Greek (1-pt Merit)

Enemy - Jochen Van Nuys, Prince of San Francisco (1-pt Flaw)

Freebie Point Expenditure: Awareness 1 (2), Subterfuge 1 (2), Domain 2 (1), Herd 2 (1), Retainer 1 (1), Conviction 3 (2), Willpower 7 (4)

Experience Point Expenditure: Expression 1 (3), Subterfuge 2 (2)

Allies/Contacts (other Lilim)



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Name: Terezi Pyrope

Clan: Tremere

Age: 25 (21)

Appearance: A young woman of intensely blue eyes, slight figure and a head of dark-red hair. She's very pale and has very faint freckling over her cheeks and other places on her body.

There were once two little girls who called themselves sisters and neither were really good people-but one was not in fact a sociopath. Terezi was only aware that her 'sister' had a strange family-but little did she know, that the family were Revenants, barely human mortals. The little girls became young women and unluckily for both, the family's domitor found it amusing to watch the both of them self destruct over misunderstandings and instigated the situation further. It ended with one dead, the other badly hurt. Terezi got the wake up call of a life time and straightened out her priorities.

Unfortunately, it was far too late: the whole incident ended up with her ghouled without her knowledge and over the course of going into college and completing that, the blood bond deepened. She was turned after she graduated and found herself the lowest on the totem pole in the chantry, doing grunt work and the heavy lifting not fit for older kindred. She finally slipped out one night to visit an old friend's-but when she came back, the chantry was in flames and 'firefighters' barring in the terrified kindred with hoses rather than putting out the fire.

She fled with that friend, using heavy packing blankets to protect herself from daylight in the trunk of his car. When she got to the city, she immediately sprung for a cheap haven, doing the minimum to secure it and Dominating the landlord into not coming in during the day. Though she poses as a Caitiff, she's in trouble-and she knows it. Though she isn't responsible for the chantry firebombing, she may very well be held as such.

Nature: Idealist

Demeanor: Hyena curmudgeon

Generation: 10th


Strength ●●

Dexterity ●●

Stamina ●●

Charisma ●●

Manipulation ●●●

Appearance ●●●

Perception ●●●

Intelligence ●●●●

Wits ●●●


Alertness ●

Athletics ●

Awareness ●●

Brawl ●

Empathy ●

Expression ●

Intimidation ●●


Streetwise ●

Subterfuge ●●

Animal Ken

Crafts ● (sewing)


Etiquette ●● (Jurisprudence)


Larceny ●●



Stealth ●


Academics ●● (Legal matters)

Computer ●●

Finance ●

Investigation ●● (Finding corruption)

Law ●●

Medicine ●

Occult ●●

Politics ●

Science ●

Technology ●


Auspex ●●

* (Perception + Awareness)

Dominate ( )

Thaumaturgy ●

* Path of Blood ●


Retainer: ●

Haven: ●

Contacts (State Bar): ●●

Contacts (State Uni): ●

Generation: ●●●


Conscience ●●●●

Self-Control ●●●

Courage ●●●

Humanity ●●●●● ●●

Willpower ●●●

Merits and Flaws

Acute Sense (smell) (1pt)

Bad Sight (3pt flaw)

Coldly Logical (1pt)

Language (2pt) (English (native), Spanish, Esperanto)

Former Ghoul (1pt)

Dark Secret (1pt Flaw)

New Arrival (1pt flaw)

Freebie Point Expenditure

3pt: Generation

12pt: Abilities (Technology, Larceny, Etiquette, Subterfuge, Intimidation and Athletics +1)

Experience Point Expenditure
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Name: Álvaro Castillo Ahumada

Clan: Caitiff

Age: 42 (35)

Appearance: Álvaro is a bulking latino man of Mexican descent. Like most Mexicans his skin is of a dark coppery shade, his hair jet black and his eyes a dark brown. He sports a well groomed horseshoe mustache with a light shade of stubble around his face, while keeping his wavy hair long at shoulder length, usually loose or tied in a pony tail. His muscular back and arms are covered in several tattoos, and he tends to dress in jeans and boots, sometimes topped with a black vest and a leather jacket.


Álvaro was born in Los Ángeles California, and since a young age he got acquainted with different gang activities, burglary and drug trade being the most common crimes he would get involved with. This eventually led to his capture in his teens, where he was forced to spend some time in juvie, after which he sent away by his parents to live with an uncle of his in Chicago in order to straighten up his life.

With his uncle he worked as a mechanic, repairing trucks, cars and motor bikes at his workshop, while getting to know the local gangs, and getting involved in crime once again. As he grew older, so did the severity of his crimes, ending in him spending one or two short sentences in jail. Álvaro seemed made for a life of crime until the day he met a woman called Marisol, with whom he initiated a romantic relationship. This seemed to steer Álvaro back onto the right track of the law, motivating him to cut his ties with crime and move to a new city to begin a new life, but to do so he needed to do one last job.

On his last job, him and his fellow gang members needed to smuggle some mysterious containers from Detroit to Chicago, and in doing so they got ambushed not by the police, but by a much sinister group. A group of vampires; whom he would know as the Sabbat later on, ambushed them in order to get at the contents of the containers, killing most of his crew, while capturing him and several others. They forced the Embrace on them as shovelheads, which meant Álvaro's transition from human to vampire was tortuous and traumatic, as he rose up from an unnamed grave with a wicked hunger, he diablerized those who were embraced next to him, terrified of what he had done, he fled and hid, seeking Marisol.

At first Álvaro seemed safe, Marisol had taken him in and kept him hidden during the day, but it was not meant to last. The Sabbat tracked him down, capturing both of them and forcing Álvaro to frenzy and feed on the woman he loved, killing her in the process. With Marisol's blood still warm in his tongue, the Sabbat intended for Álvaro to join them, but he was not yet broken entirely, he denied and cursed them, forcing the vampires to stake him and leave him to meet Final Death at sunrise. His fate was all but certain, abandoned and at the mercy of the coming dawn, the young Vampire faced certain destruction, until a local Gangrel on the trace of the Sabbat pack found him and rescued him. The feral vampire took Álvaro out of the city, educating him in the lore of the Kindred, and offering him the opportunity to seek revenge against the Sabbat, a cause which Álvaro joined with a bloodthirsty fervor. These days Álvaro travels from city to city, hunting the Sabbat when he can find them, in the hopes of atoning for Marisol's death.

Nature: Martyr

Demeanor: Eye of the Storm

Generation: 10th


Strength ●●●

Dexterity (Swift) ●●●●

Stamina ●●●

Charisma ●●

Manipulation ●●

Appearance ●●

Perception ●●●

Intelligence ●●

Wits ●●●


Alertness ●●

Athletics ●●

Awareness ●

Brawl ●●



Intimidation ●●


Streetwise ●●

Subterfuge ●●

Animal Ken

Crafts ●

Drive ●


Firearms ●●●● (Shotguns)

Larceny ●●

Melee ●●●


Stealth ●●

Survival ●●



Finance ●

Investigation ●

Law ●


Occult ●



Technology ●


Celerity ●

* Extra Action (1BP per action)

Fortitude ●

Obfuscate ●

* Cloak of Shadows

** Unseen Presence


Allies ●● (Gangsters)

Contacts ●●●

Generation ●●●

Resources ●


Conscience ●●●

Self-Control ●●●

Courage ●●●●

Path of Honorable Accord ●●●●●

Willpower ●●●●● ●

Merits and Flaws

Language 1pt Merit

- Spanish

Bruiser 1pt Merit

-His rugged looks and biker outfit intimidate most people.

Open Road 2pt Merit

- Learnt from his days as a drug dealer and from guidance of his Gangrel saviour.

Hidden Diablerie 3pt Merit

- Wether luck or some hidden mystical design in Álvaro's vitae, the signs of Diablerie fail to show up in his aura.

Iron Will 3pt Merit

- Having survived the horrors of the Sabbat has given a formidable mental fortitude to the young vampire.

Sabbat Survivor 1pt Merit

- His failed Sabbat recruitment and his frequent encounters have given Álvaro an edge on dealing with the Sword of Caine.

Dark Secret 1pt Flaw

- He has committed diablerie against members of the Sabbat in his quest for vengeance.

Nightmares 1pt Flaw

- Visions of his traumatic Embrace as well as symptoms of his previous diablerie.

New Arrival 1pt Flaw

- Frequently moving, Álvaro just arrived to Cleveland and is unfamiliar with the local setting.

Vengeful 2pts Flaw

- His traumatic experience with the Sabbat has left Álvaro devoted to seek revenge against them.

Hunted like a dog 2pts Flaw

- Exploits of his Sabbat hunts have earned an immediate enmity of any packs that get info on Álvaro.

Freebie Point Expenditure 15/15

2pts - Willpower +2

3pts - Merits: Iron Will

4pts - Backgrounds +4

5pts - Abilities +5

Experience Point Expenditure 8/10

- 6pts Obfuscate 2 [unseen Presence]

- 2pts Brawl 2
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Name Jolana Černá (Speaks-in-Circles)

Tribe: Shadow Lord

Age: 20




Jolana never knew her father. She was always told by her immigrant mother that he was a tall, dark and handsome man. Strong, fearless. But he had passed away before she was born, and her mother never told her what happened. She never really thought much into it, as she had better things to put her mind towards. From her freshman year of high school, she knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to be a judge, a powerful figure in the legal system. And perhaps one day she'd be on the Supreme Court.

Of course some dreams aren't meant to be. Jolana experiences her first change not long after be accepted into her dream school. She is taken away by the local pack and put through her trials. Being the only young pup in the area, she has to finish her task alone. While difficult, she succeeds but does not join the local pack. She is much too young and inexperienced and headstrong for the pack. So the lone alpha sets her sights up to the East. The pack offers her a protective dagger and wishes her well, hoping no Wyrm beast kills her before she can find a pack. From Indiana and into Ohio, Jolana makes her way and finds herself in Cleveland...

Nature: Alpha

Demeanor: Judge

Auspice: Philodox

Breed: Homid


Strength ●●

Dexterity ●●

Stamina ●●

Charisma ●●●

Manipulation (Forked Tongue) ●●●●

Appearance ●●●

Perception ●●

Intelligence ●●●

Wits ●●●


Alertness ●

Athletics ●●

Brawl ●

Empathy ●

Expression ●

Intimidation ●

Leadership ●

Primal-Urge ●

Streetwise ●

Subterfuge ●●

Animal Ken


Drive ●

Etiquette ●●



Melee ●●●


Stealth ●●

Survival ●

Academics ●●

Computer ●



Law ●●







Persuasion (Homid Gift)

Resist Pain (Philodox Gift)

Whisper Catching (Shadow Lord Gift)


Pure Breed ●●

Fetish (Fang Dagger) ●●●

Resources ●●

Contacts ●



Honor ●●●


Willpower ●●●●●

Gnosis ●●●●

Rage ●●●●●

Merits and Flaws

Untamable (5 pt Merit)

Sterility (3 pt Flaw)

Freebie Point Expenditure

Merits/Flaws (2 pts over)

Backgrounds (3 pts)

Gnosis (6 pts)

Willpower (2 pts)

Rage (2 pt)

Experience Point Expenditure

Allies of some kind?
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