Professional Argentine
Welcome to the character creation thread for The New Wardens. Here you'll be given instruction in how to create your character, first by learning of the United Nations Superhuman Classification System to better understand the types of powers and power levels that exist in the setting for both heroes and villains. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me or

Power Categories
Superhuman is a catch-all terminology that encompasses all powers that involve the enhancement of human physiology to well beyond the capabilities of a regular person. Things like super-strength and super-speed fall are a few of the most common powers that are included in this categorization, though certain other enhanced aspects could be considered as well.Genius
The genius category encompasses all individuals whose intelligence is exhibited to be far greater than that of ordinary scholars and scientists, often capable of seeing the world from their own unique perspective or able to design and bring to life their ideas through their imaginations and critical thinking skills. On the highest end of this spectrum are 12th-Level Intellects, a term that comes from galactic visitors to describe some of the smartest individuals in the known universe.Magical
This category is a catch-all term for individuals whose powers and abilities are derived from mystic, ethereal, and/or esoteric sources of power that exist in the world. Such individuals are defined by the ability to manipulate reality around them in various ways, depending on how said magic manifests and is used.Mythical
This category refers to individuals who wield powers that are magical but do not draw upon sources to wield them, making them an inherent part of their being rather than an external source.Extraterrestrial
This category encompasses individuals who are foreign from Earth and hail from a different part of the galaxy. This includes the likes of Saturn Stalker as well as the Kilidians, who have invaded Earth twice since the 19th century.Anomalous
This category is a catch-all term to describe powers that have strange or unknown origins, as well as to their nature in how they interact with the world around it. The manipulation of zero-point energy manifested in Avery Turris is one such power, given the unknown nature of how she both survived the initial exposure and its overall capabilities.Vigilante
This category encompasses individuals who work outside the boundaries of the law for their own sense of justice, often times taking extreme measures against the criminal element to do so. Often times Vigilantes are without powers or have weaker power levels, and are often inspired by the deeds they see done by much stronger heroes in the world or motivated by personal grievances.Divine
This category involves beings that are godlike in their origin or are descended from them as demigods, whose powers are derived from very aspects of material reality of the Earth or - in the case of the latter - from their heritage. This type is not playable.Power LevelsA power level classification is assigned to an individual that exhibits superhuman abilities or other means, often used as a broad metric of measurement of said individuals with certain key elements forming a baseline that includes: raw strength of an individual, versatility of a power, capacity to manipulate space and matter, magnitude of intellect, and destructive potential.
A theoretical classification given to theorized individuals and entities with powers capable of destroying worlds and shaping reality to their whim with ease. No individual or entity known to Earth has received this classification. This level is not playable.Omega
The highest currently known classification of power levels, given to those who exhibit powers far beyond any of their contemporaries or in similar categories. Very few individuals are labelled as such due to both the rarity of such outright strength and the dispute towards classifications of certain individuals between Omega and Gamma. Omega level individuals possess powers that could, in theory, impact the world around them at ease for better or for worse. The line between both power level classifications is often blurry at the highest end of the latter's spectrum. Sentinel, the world's greatest hero, falls under this classification as do many Deities. A villain under this classification would be considered a worldwide threat. A historical figure that falls under this classification would be Gilgamesh. This level is not playable.Gamma
A classification reserved for individuals with very powerful abilities and capabilities, with some at the very top of this spectrum often blurring the line between Gamma and Omega power levels. Many of these individuals, as heroes, are in superhero teams and organizations that work in close tandem with their respective governments due to their usefulness as assets. While those villains that full under this status truly earn the moniker of "supervillain" with their capacity to destroy potentially entire cities. Gamma class heroes include the likes of Captain Norton, Shadeling, and Saturn Stalker. A historical figure that falls under this classification would be Beowulf.Alpha
While powerful, many of those who fall under Alpha classification fall well below the capabilities exhibited by Gamma classified individuals. By no means does this mean Alpha class individuals are pushovers, as they are still quite strong in terms of their capabilities. Many popular heroes (and some sidekicks) and notable villains (rising above the likes of a simple goon) fall under this status. A few vigilantes also fall under this classification, such has Gung Ho and Judgement.Beta
This classification is considered "weak", but only in relative terms compared to the upper classifications. Many of these powers often lack greater versatility but pack a strong punch or are very versatile but overall weak. Or it could be that their powers haven't developed fully yet and have room to grow through either training or time. Plenty of low level gangsters and criminals take up this category along with plenty of sidekicks - both historic and contemporary - for heroes.Delta
The lowest classification of power levels used to describe benign or low-capacity superpowers that have either limited use, limited strength, or are simply a phenotype difference (i.e. reptilian skin). Most individuals with powers fall under this category, but are often still required to register on government databases due to the need to keep track of powers within a nation for the purposes of stability. Many vigilantes also fall under this classification due to a lack of powers outright, but fight for a vision of justice.Character Example
Tyrell Williams - The Sentinel

Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Age: 47
Power Level: Omega
Power Category: Superhuman
Power Abilities: Omega level Regeneration, Omega level Strength, Omega level Flight, Gamma level Speed
Description: Tyrell Williams, known by his alias of Sentinel, is regarded as the world's greatest hero for both his strength and feats in times of crisis. His capacity to deal with threats both great and small has given him a popular image that is often at odds with the interests of the American government due to his unaffiliated status. Both this mass popularity also protects him from any potential reprisals as he continues to keep watch for wherever he is needed.

Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Age: 47
Power Level: Omega
Power Category: Superhuman
Power Abilities: Omega level Regeneration, Omega level Strength, Omega level Flight, Gamma level Speed
Description: Tyrell Williams, known by his alias of Sentinel, is regarded as the world's greatest hero for both his strength and feats in times of crisis. His capacity to deal with threats both great and small has given him a popular image that is often at odds with the interests of the American government due to his unaffiliated status. Both this mass popularity also protects him from any potential reprisals as he continues to keep watch for wherever he is needed.
demytra - Avery Turris / Astra (GM Character)
Roda the Red - ???
Lady Moldoma - ???
Breadman - ???
Infab - ???
AriAriAbabwa - ???
Lost Echo - ???
dikdik - ???
simj26 - ???
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