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Multiple Settings Heroes of the New Age: The New Wardens - Character Creation Thread [Closed]


Professional Argentine

Welcome to the character creation thread for The New Wardens. Here you'll be given instruction in how to create your character, first by learning of the United Nations Superhuman Classification System to better understand the types of powers and power levels that exist in the setting for both heroes and villains. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me or demytra demytra in Discord or in RPN messages.

Power Categories


Superhuman is a catch-all terminology that encompasses all powers that involve the enhancement of human physiology to well beyond the capabilities of a regular person. Things like super-strength and super-speed fall are a few of the most common powers that are included in this categorization, though certain other enhanced aspects could be considered as well.


The genius category encompasses all individuals whose intelligence is exhibited to be far greater than that of ordinary scholars and scientists, often capable of seeing the world from their own unique perspective or able to design and bring to life their ideas through their imaginations and critical thinking skills. On the highest end of this spectrum are 12th-Level Intellects, a term that comes from galactic visitors to describe some of the smartest individuals in the known universe.


This category is a catch-all term for individuals whose powers and abilities are derived from mystic, ethereal, and/or esoteric sources of power that exist in the world. Such individuals are defined by the ability to manipulate reality around them in various ways, depending on how said magic manifests and is used.


This category refers to individuals who wield powers that are magical but do not draw upon sources to wield them, making them an inherent part of their being rather than an external source.


This category encompasses individuals who are foreign from Earth and hail from a different part of the galaxy. This includes the likes of Saturn Stalker as well as the Kilidians, who have invaded Earth twice since the 19th century.


This category is a catch-all term to describe powers that have strange or unknown origins, as well as to their nature in how they interact with the world around it. The manipulation of zero-point energy manifested in Avery Turris is one such power, given the unknown nature of how she both survived the initial exposure and its overall capabilities.


This category encompasses individuals who work outside the boundaries of the law for their own sense of justice, often times taking extreme measures against the criminal element to do so. Often times Vigilantes are without powers or have weaker power levels, and are often inspired by the deeds they see done by much stronger heroes in the world or motivated by personal grievances.


This category involves beings that are godlike in their origin or are descended from them as demigods, whose powers are derived from very aspects of material reality of the Earth or - in the case of the latter - from their heritage. This type is not playable.

Power LevelsA power level classification is assigned to an individual that exhibits superhuman abilities or other means, often used as a broad metric of measurement of said individuals with certain key elements forming a baseline that includes: raw strength of an individual, versatility of a power, capacity to manipulate space and matter, magnitude of intellect, and destructive potential.


A theoretical classification given to theorized individuals and entities with powers capable of destroying worlds and shaping reality to their whim with ease. No individual or entity known to Earth has received this classification. This level is not playable.


The highest currently known classification of power levels, given to those who exhibit powers far beyond any of their contemporaries or in similar categories. Very few individuals are labelled as such due to both the rarity of such outright strength and the dispute towards classifications of certain individuals between Omega and Gamma. Omega level individuals possess powers that could, in theory, impact the world around them at ease for better or for worse. The line between both power level classifications is often blurry at the highest end of the latter's spectrum. Sentinel, the world's greatest hero, falls under this classification as do many Deities. A villain under this classification would be considered a worldwide threat. A historical figure that falls under this classification would be Gilgamesh. This level is not playable.


A classification reserved for individuals with very powerful abilities and capabilities, with some at the very top of this spectrum often blurring the line between Gamma and Omega power levels. Many of these individuals, as heroes, are in superhero teams and organizations that work in close tandem with their respective governments due to their usefulness as assets. While those villains that full under this status truly earn the moniker of "supervillain" with their capacity to destroy potentially entire cities. Gamma class heroes include the likes of Captain Norton, Shadeling, and Saturn Stalker. A historical figure that falls under this classification would be Beowulf.


While powerful, many of those who fall under Alpha classification fall well below the capabilities exhibited by Gamma classified individuals. By no means does this mean Alpha class individuals are pushovers, as they are still quite strong in terms of their capabilities. Many popular heroes (and some sidekicks) and notable villains (rising above the likes of a simple goon) fall under this status. A few vigilantes also fall under this classification, such has Gung Ho and Judgement.


This classification is considered "weak", but only in relative terms compared to the upper classifications. Many of these powers often lack greater versatility but pack a strong punch or are very versatile but overall weak. Or it could be that their powers haven't developed fully yet and have room to grow through either training or time. Plenty of low level gangsters and criminals take up this category along with plenty of sidekicks - both historic and contemporary - for heroes.


The lowest classification of power levels used to describe benign or low-capacity superpowers that have either limited use, limited strength, or are simply a phenotype difference (i.e. reptilian skin). Most individuals with powers fall under this category, but are often still required to register on government databases due to the need to keep track of powers within a nation for the purposes of stability. Many vigilantes also fall under this classification due to a lack of powers outright, but fight for a vision of justice.

Character Example
Tyrell Williams - The Sentinel
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Age: 47
Power Level: Omega
Power Category:
Power Abilities: Omega level Regeneration, Omega level Strength, Omega level Flight, Gamma level Speed
Description: Tyrell Williams, known by his alias of Sentinel, is regarded as the world's greatest hero for both his strength and feats in times of crisis. His capacity to deal with threats both great and small has given him a popular image that is often at odds with the interests of the American government due to his unaffiliated status. Both this mass popularity also protects him from any potential reprisals as he continues to keep watch for wherever he is needed.
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Avery Turris - Astra

[Art is a commission from Valent1na]
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Age: 16
Power Level: ???
Power Category: Superhuman/Anomalous
Power Abilities: Zero-Point Energy Manipulation
Description: Avery is a young teenager who finds herself unexpectedly thrust into the world of heroes from an accident involving an experimental zero-point energy reactor that in turn imbued her with superhuman abilities. Taking the inspiration from the superhero icons she has idolized over the years, she hopes that perhaps she too can make a difference in the world through the New Wardens.​
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Felicia Roth



8'0" (243.84 cm)

45 (Manufactured)

Power Level:

Power Categories:
Superhuman / Anomalous

Powers, Abilities, & Traits:
Superhuman Strength, Flight, Enhanced Durability, Armor Plating, Internal Reactor, Basic Sensor Array, Anti-Magnetic Capabilities, Particle Beam Weaponry, Non-Lethal Weaponry

Built by East German scientists during the Cold War, in an effort to show their usefulness to the greater USSR as well as to have their own home-grown superhero during times of crisis, Panzerfrau was intended to be a glorious symbol that the German people could look up to. She would also prove to be someone the people of the USSR and communist world could rely on, as a proud member of the Red Guard. Now, decades later and across the Atlantic, she finds herself working towards being a hero that the whole world could count on. Regardless of political ideology or creed.
Kisara McDowell


178 cm


Power Level:

Power Category:
Superhuman / Mythical

Power Abilities:
Kaiju Physiology, Superhuman Strength, Enhanced Durability, Armored Body Parts, Energy Beams, Energy Beam Manipulation

A young woman who fell in with the wrong crowd in her early teens. Her powers and strength brought her crew infamy and riches. Eventually, however, she found that all of it felt hollow. It was the easy route, the coward's route, and she turned on her own comrades. She left her past behind, striving now to atone for her sins. She doesn't see herself as a hero, merely someone who just wants to make better choices.​
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Black Dove
Samantha Simpson
Gender: F
Height: 1.67 cm
Age: 28
Power Level: Beta
Power Category:
Vigilante, Superhuman
Power Abilities: Sonic boom, Martial arts training from former vigilantes, Detective skills, Lockpicking
Description: Daughter of the original Black Dove that patrolled the streets back in the 80s and 90s. Samantha would grow up to be as adventurous as her mother was. Hard not to, given that she also inherited the same sonic boom that made Juliana feared by the scumbags that dared approach the neighborhood.​
Derwent 'Derby' Dunlap

Titan Bruiser


172cm (5'8")


Power Level: Alpha

Power Category:

Power Abilities:
High Alpha Level Strength, Beta Level Durability, Alpha Level Kinetic Energy Manipulation, Beta Level Speed/Agility, Beta Level Enhanced Regeneration.

He might appear to be a regular young man at a simple glance, but in reality he's Member #3 of the legendary gang: The Sunset Cobras (aka those goobers with nothing better to do with their free time). Derby is proud of his title as the "Ultimate Gopher" and will dutifully follow his mates on any of their devious and dastardly shenanigans (such as spitting on cars at the highway overpass or swimming on random people's pools). He's known Randy and Agnes for years and considers them his best friends in the whole world...Which is why it's so important to keep a few things about himself secret, especially whenever his gopher business takes suspiciously long.​
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Jin - 'ML-47: Psionic Fungoid Entity'


Power Level:
Power Category:
Power Abilities:
Telekinesis (up to 100lbs), Levitation, Emotional Telepathy, Electrical/Aerospace Engineering Education, Can talk to Fungi
Jin was born on August 2, 1922. They graduated from the University of Mars, with a PhD in aerospace engineering in the year 1940. They worked for the Mars Government as an flying saucer designer for two years before returning to the University of Mars to become a professor.
In the year 1947, while on vacation Jin crashed in an isolated farm just outside Roswell, NM. They were soon taken into custody by the U.S. Government and contained within Area 51. They simply want a humble life and have spent the last 77 years attempting to escape in vain. Their various exploits led to the rise in UFO and Alien sightings in the late 20th century. Eventually, Jin met the superhero Sentinel, who aided Jin in making their final escape to Mars. Following the The Portal Maelstrom of 1999 and the more hospitable political climate for aliens on Earth, Jin returned and retired to a small rural area in the Midwest. With the founding of the New Wardens, Jin was called upon by Sentinel to lend their assistance. Though they do not possess a strong sense of justice they don't mind helping out people, and owe a lot to Sentinel. Though Jin’s combat capabilities are limited compared to the other members of the New Wardens, their abilities and knowledge allow them to be a strong support to their more powerful compatriots.
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Tobias and Matteo Flores - Gemini



26 (of their own planet’s rotations, 44 of Earth’s).

Power Level:

Power Category:


Power Abilities:
High Alpha-level speed and genius talents combine which make them a powerful alpha class, however their speed is increasing as they age.

Tobiteo, hero name “Gemini”, is part of a unique alien race where individual beings are born in two distinct bodies, as such, they look and act like identical twins, but in truth, they are more analogous to the left and right hemispheres of a single brain.

Tobiteo goes by We/They/Them, preferring to be addressed together, but individually, they go by Tobi (left) and Teo (right), adopting human names to help them acclimatize to life on planet Earth. Their own planet was conquered by the Kilidian empire not three years prior, leaving Tobiteo as potentially one of the last free members of their species. They crash-landed on earth after escaping the empire, seeking status as extraterrestrial refugees. Sentinel stepped in to help them, and so, Tobiteo pledged to help him right wrongs in the world, and to develop tech upgrades for his team, and to better prepare them to fight off the Kilidians if they should ever attack Earth again.

Some of the tech they developed helps them blend in with the inhabitants of earth, they take human forms, posing as twins from a wealthy family abroad. They can excuse any odd misunderstanding easily enough. They simply state that they are from Europe.

Some members of Tobiteo’s species have innate speedster abilities, that vary by individual. Their own top speed, for example, is slightly above the speed of sound. Their powers are still growing however, and they are learning to better use the strength they have. The tech in their suits provides them with a certain level of friction reduction and armouring. Outside of the suits they can be harmed much the same as any normal human. Their powers of speed can only manifest if Tobi and Teo are within 500 meters of each other, and they also think and speak more clearly. Separated, Tobi can perform some tasks much better than Teo, and vis versa, but they soon become nervous and agitated if distanced for too long. Ultimately, long-term separation may cause serious neurodegenerative symptoms.​
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Doctor Caleb Calhoon -Bugs

Gender: Male
Height: 5’8"
Age: 44
Power Level: Beta?
Power Category: Magical
Power Abilities:
  • Vitality Sap:

    • Actively saps while at clubs, draining those he touches
    • Will unwittingly passively sap when not at the hospital/working
  • Vitality Battery:

    • Stores energy
    • Excess maintains youth
    • Can make up for lack of food/sleep
  • Vitality Share:

    • Can share with others through the air, ie to those in the OR
    • Can provide energy to specific cells during surgery: to strengthen veins or organs; microscopic
Description: In the hospital, Dr. Calhoon is an unstoppable force. Never showing fatigue, his surgeries are usually crowded by nurses and interns, both in the operating theater and those just watching from above. He’s proud and aloof from his coworkers, focused only on medicine.

No one would recognize Caleb outside of work. He’s a flirt, in any club, with a series of people wrapped around him. Hedonistic, he thrives in the attention, dancing and more with anyone who’s willing. He rarely stays with anyone for long, but no one seems to mind or expect it anymore.
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Zeynep bint Ahmed - Upiór


(credit: gxxberkit)

Gender: Female
Height: 5'7" (170 cm)
Age: 591 (appears 29)
Power Level: Beta
Power Category: Mythical
Power Abilities: Vampirism
- Bloodsucking, her way of eating and absorbing life
- Supernatural strength and speed (can throw people easily; takes some effort to lift a bus)
- Enhanced senses, particularly night vision
- Shape-shifting into either a wolf or bat
- A mesmerizing gaze, hypnotizing victims by meeting their eyes and rendering them unable to resist her influence.
- Immortal life (unless killed by a stake through the heart, decapitation, burning, or prolonged exposure to sunlight.)
- A strong aversion to sunlight, though easily shielded by her large hat

Born in Romania during the year 1433, Zeynep bint Ahmed was one of many proud citizens of the Ottoman Empire. Unremarkable and destined to be lost to history. At 29 years old, Zeynep was murdered during a time of anti-Ottoman sentiment. She was unceremoniously dumped into a mass grave. Months later, terrified residents reported to local religious authorities for guidance, claiming to have been attacked by an upiór (the original term what is now a vampire). Some apparently died, their bodies sucked clean of blood to become the monster's last meal. At the time, these were not unheard of. Historians view these incidents with doubt, attributing these as myths created in response to the era's lack of knowledge, suspecting rabies and other diseases.

Zeynep, however, disagrees. For she has survived well into the modern day, witnessing her home of the Ottoman Empire fall, and other nations rise. She has adapted to the turbulent times, growing accustomed to her long life—and her needed sustenance. In a life where the only constant is herself, there is only one way to live: have some fun. Joining a rebellious group of heroes called the Wardens? Now that sounds fun.

She even has her own nightclub called the Bloodsucker, where all sorts of debauchery takes place.​
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otis wilhelm
: cis-male
height: 5’11”
age: 28
power level: beta
power category: magical
power abilities: beta level precognition, primarily limited to adrenaline-inducing activities
description: always wanting to help the little guy as a teen, otis stumbled upon an ancient ritual that ended with him selling the possibility of an afterlife for the ability to “see into the future”. It was a little surprising when that seeing into the future was usually only in some sort of tricky, adrenaline-inducing situation like a fight or a stand-up set at a local open mic… comedy having run its course and never really supporting his desire to help people much less his need to pay rent, otis is hopeful new wardens can give him some purpose and support his dreams of helping those in need.​
Gemma Pandora {Karma}

Artist Credit: FC Made by Advarcher
Female [She/Her]
Power Lv.
Power Cat.
Power Abil.
Prep Time, Knack for Mechanics and Inventions, Future Vision
Ever since she can remember, Gemma worked at her father's diner, preparing and tasting food for him. She developed an unbelievably accurate palate that rivals Michelin chefs. As she grew up, she started to get a little more curious about her parents, specifically her father's H-shaped scar. It took a little digging, but Gemma eventually found all the pieces to that puzzle. She learned of her father's run-in with a dangerous gang and how he almost died. (A fact Gemma failed to uncover was an ancestor who held the power of a norn. This mythic blood runs through Gemma unbeknownst to her.) With this news, they felt they had to do something to help people they care for avoid a similar fate. Gemma began creating gadgets for others to fight evil~doers.
After a fiasco blew up in her face, she took up being a full-time hero named Karma, moving to New York to work with the warden.​
Hector Moses
Art credit: gxxberkit gxxberkit
22 (January 1)

Power Level:
Power Category:
Superhuman / Anomalous
Power Abilities:
Hector can control the metal he can see around him - contorting it, moving it through the air, crushing it. Controlling small pieces of metal seems effortless to him, but he struggles immensely with larger pieces (a vehicle, a rooftop), or fighting against something that's already moving at speed (a speeding bullet, or rubble falling from a building). If he manages it, it'll wear him out quickly.

A new evolution of his powers has granted him the ability to generate metal from his body. This power is unpractised, undeveloped, and painful on the body. He can initiate this quickly, but without taking time to concentrate, all he would make is a random jagged metal bar. With care, he can mould the medal as he forms it.

Hector came from nothing, growing up in an impoverished household in a dying small town without prospects. An angry kid grew up into a violent adult, one most expected to land in prison sooner or later. His powers developed in his teen years, strengthening each year, and he landed a pretty comfortable construction job a few years after dropping out of school. His time in employment was doomed after a bar fight left his boss missing a few fingers.
The last time anyone in the town saw Hector Moses was when he caught the last bus out of there, to the nearest big city. He set out to make something of himself in any way possible, dreaming of a better life for his sister and mother. Before he left, they made him promise to stay on a good path. By night, he's the youngest bouncer at a sleazy club. By day, he's trying to work out the best way to use his abilities, and New Wardens seems like an opportunity he shouldn't miss... Or a waste of time.
Nikandros of Pallas - The Scion of War
Gender: Male
Height: 6'6"
Age: 24
Power Level: Alpha
Power Category: Mythical / Divine
Power Abilities: Alpha level Regeneration, Alpha level Strength, Alpha level Flight, Alpha level Speed, Spear & Shield
Description: Hidden away from the clamor of the mortal world by an ancient order, Nikandros (or just Nicky if you're his friend) grew up in quiet isolation, shielded from the chaos his lineage promised.

Until one fateful day, curiosity or destiny drove him to wander beyond the sacred boundaries of his cloistered sanctuary... And right into the thick of whatever wacky situation was currently unfolding.​
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Thomas 'Tom' Darter - The Titanium Man
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Age: 50
Power Level: Alpha.
Power Category: Superhuman, Genius, Tech Vigilante
Power Abilities:
Gamma level intelligence. Beta level enhanced physical abilities (strength, speed, reflexes) from cybernetic and genetic modification. Neural implant allowing for limited technopathy and sophisticated sensor array. Mastery of nearly every scientific and engineering discipline. Strong detective skills. Strong martial arts skills (particularly boxing). Various weapons, gadgets, tools and other technological implements.
Description: Thomas 'Tom' Darter is a cyborg, scientist, and outlaw vigilante, known as 'the Titanium Man.' A wanted man, Tom is an established vigilante who spends most of his time operating from the shadows, and using his wide technological expertise to monitor potential threats to humanity, and tackling them on. He has experience fighting all sorts of foes, such as everyday criminals, rogue governments, technology gone too far, extraterrestrial warlords, supernatural cults, and cosmic beings.
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Gender: Female, She/Her
Height: 5'4" (162cm)
Age: 19


Power Level: BETA
Power Abilities: I will save the world with the power of THE COSMIC HEART!
(The source of most of Kingsley's usefulness. It's a giant sword. It feels too heavy to hold to the majority of everyone else, but it's easy to wield by Kingsley herself. That being said, Kingsley isn't particularly strong. The sword itself is extremely sharp and cannot be used against Kingsley.)
--Sword Calling
--Magical Attunement
--Magical Girl Transformation!


Description: To play it simple, Kingsley... has a big heart. But not so much a big brain. She just wants to be a magical girl! So she saved up looooots of money to buy a funny sword from someone and make herself a little hero costume. Now, she goes around playing hero all the time... except, she's way in over her head. Slicing the villains into pieces only works so often, it seems... Oh, and, vigilantism is illegal. Who knew!
kw1, shengun _.jpg

• Name: Soren Reikland
• Gender: Male
• Age: 25
• Height: 6'0"
• Power Level: Alpha
• Power Category: Anomalous/Vigilante

• Power Abilities: Beta Superhuman Strength, Beta Superhuman Speed, Alpha Superhuman Perception, Beta Superhuman Durability, 'Critical Impact'
- Critical Impact is the unofficial term Soren uses to describe their ability to perceive and target the 'Critical Zones' of both living and non-living things. These small zones greatly multiply the damage received from one of his attacks before disappearing for a time, where upon a short duration must pass before another will allow itself on the same target. Experience has helped in detecting natural weak points in things, but these come with no strange multiplier.

Description: Ex-Scientist in the nameless bio-engineering team of a German medical company that specialized in supers, Soren used to work toward attempting to create a drug that could bring superhuman abilities to regular people in hopes of securing military funding. Failure after failure eventually led to drastic measures which spelt disaster, culminating in a meltdown that caused the lab to go up in flames and trap Soren inside a testing lab leaking all kinds of energy. When he came to the lab was rubble, and government figures had already cordoned the area. Soren managed to escape the site with their new abilities, and after a period of recovery took up vigilantism after discovering rumors of a horribly butchered knock off hitting the drug scene using old research that survived the catastrophe. Tracking the research down eventually led him to dealing with a buyer in New York City. Perhaps it was the drastic methods he used to keep the research buried that got him noticed, but regardless; Germany isn't alone in their drug trades and bad actors. If he can help keep the streets safe from people trying to profit off of his and other's mistakes, he'll do it.

• Notes: Has several pet crows due to keeping birdfeed on his balcony.

Artist_ @99pm_e on X.jpg

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✮ Name: Farfalla Cirmolo
✮ Gender:?!?!
✮ Age: ?!?!?
✮ Height: 4’6
✮ Power Level: Beta
✮ Power Category: Magical/Mystical

✮ Power Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Durability, Redundant Physiology, Body Regeneration (technically)

✮ Description: Farfalla by all rights is not a ‘person’. She was made her form by her Master, Salome, years before her body would gain the sentience she now named ‘Farfalla’. In all reality all of the ‘power’ Farfalla enjoys being born into is not strictly hers but an extension of her Master. While her master considers Farfalla’s existence a quirk of fate or a harmless error she herself considers her existence as human as any other.

Despite being near completely faithful to her master Salome, Farfalla grew bored of her existence in her dollhouse like home under lock and key leading to her developing, in her master’s words, ‘inconvenient and irrelevant desires’. After a period in which her master attempted to hijack her body until the desires settled Salome gave in to Farfalla’s persistent under the condition that Farfalla was to never forget that first and foremost her lady’s desires came first.

After years of exploration Farfalla came upon the concept of heroes and fell in love with the life they showed. Without any real understanding of how this country worked she began to classify things with her own coda becoming an utter menace to the local government falling into frequent vigilantism.

Despite being essentially a sleeper agent in play by Salome there is very little times Farfalla has been forced to abandon her own desires in service of Salome. Though the hijacking has begun to become a bit more frequent as Farfalla becomes more well known as her master’s hated foes seem to come out of the woodwork. Funnily enough several people have begun to call her Marionette for her quirky little body situation.

✮ Notes: Farfalla is the fourth doll of her master’s. She isn’t the smartest or the strongest but mearly has moniker of the most loyal doll.

Name: Chandrika Nair
Gender: Female [She/Her]
Age: 26
Height: 5'9"
Power Level: Alpha
Power Category: Superhuman/Mythical
Power Abilities:
- Alpha Superhuman Speed
- Alpha Superhuman Strength
- Beta Superhuman Flight
- Beta Superhuman Regeneration
- [Kali's Doubt] Mythical Fear/Intimidation Aura
- [Shiva's Mercy] Barrier Protection
- Chakram Recall
Description: A popular superhero primarily among India, Nepal, and Pakistan. Kailasa is adored in many ways from her confident and tough personality to her deep roots in Hinduism. She is fairly approachable and outgoing but oftentimes can be considered stubborn.
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