[Heroes of Thalia] Starting informations


Junior Member
Historical inspiration: Italian unification

Collocation: Southeastern Riverlands

Places of interest [to expand in regard to PC bios and player suggestions]:

Trimountain Duchy- capital Thaurium.

The Duke is assisted by a Council whose members represent all lands under his control. Theoretically, the Duke's power isn't absolute, but tension is mounting between rising claims of towns and cities and the absolutist tendencies of the late Dukes. A few First-Age ruins dot the landscape and the Duchy as a whole is experiencing a rise in manufactories as new roads are opened and old ones repaired. Lookshy military counselors train the local militia: related expenses created a growing chasm in the Duchy's coffers...

Domain of Rettitude - capital Citadel of Serenity Everlasting.

The Regent of the Domain calls himself 'Enlightened Father/Mother' and is elected by representative of all monasteries in the Domain. Is a theocratic-feudal domain, economically backwards, but with supernatural allies. The Domain preaches an Immaculate Faith heresy [summing up, chiefly, in considering itself independent from the Blessed Isle clergy]. Its monasteries, praeceptories and outposts can be found even outside its formal borders.

Kingdom of Kaymeiras - capital Old Town.

Absolute monarchy, the land is punctuated by many Guild outposts to mine its natural riches. Kaymera's army is the biggest in the region, but its heavy manteinance costs are paid for exclusively by the peasantry and burghers. Nobles are exempted, and this situation is fostering rising anger amongst the populace. Mecenatism of the noble class however calls a great many artists in the kingdom, and temples and palaces are heavily ornated.

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