Story heroes of eitheria: Chapter 2: A family business


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 2: A family business
Joseph Ecklair focused on his next move, he shakily moved the pawn, and his son Sampton Ecklair moved his queen, winning the game. “Aw man!” the 18-year-old laughed at his father’s dramaticness. “I mean I'm just that good pops, so when do I pick up my brand new Grushnek 560.” Joseph put the pieces up grumbling about having to pay for his son’s new game thing-a-nabob “iont know, maybe after you go to the coding department to check on that code for Shipwrecker 5. Also tell him that there's no need to continually stress himself over those that won't work faster ” ship wrecker 5 was the newest installment of the ecklair family business gaming branch.

“Sure plus can we go out to eat pops, the triplets said they're free to come to eat with us.” Joseph only smirked stroking his non-existent beard about the question: sampton’s sisters were all a part of the business each owning a branch of the company: Sarah runs the candy branch, Selena runs the restaurant branch, and Sana runs the hotel branch. The ecklair family is well known across eitheria as a powerful, yet kind family; Joseph’s father started it off as a candy business, giving free candy to those less fortunate and he passed it on to his 2 children: Joseph and jabala ecklair. Jabala now is the president of Samsa: the human country, she is too busy taking care of country matters and international affairs to be taking care of her part of the family business, so she gave her half to Joseph till she can hold her part.

Sampton stood up to stretch and headed towards his father's office door “Alright I will,” he turned back to Joseph who went back to his paperwork “Which person am I going to talk to sir?” Joseph did not lift his head concentrating on reading the important papers, “Your uncle Gabimba, he's the jackal with the short nose, he's the head manager over the coding. His office doors have his daughters’ pictures on them. He'll know what you're talking about, son. I believe in you.” Sampton nodded again and went to the elevator to go down to the gaming floor. “Good morning Mr. ecklair.” a kind employee said, sampton looked up at him smiling “G-g-good morning palat, h-how’s your mom.” the boy blushed and turned his head to the side to avoid the other human-looking at his flustered face. “Good good she's still able to move around and complain about me not marrying my girlfriend yet, she wants those grandbabies.” They both chuckled with Sampton nodding, the young man felt sad knowing his feelings for palat wouldn't be returned, due to the other 18-year-old having a long-term relationship with his high-school sweetheart.

The elevator dinged and the two went their separate ways, sampton took a moment in the bathroom to recollect himself and put on a brave face. Sam walked out greeting passersby and knocked on the gabimba’s door. “Come in! Though be careful of the papers." Sampton sighed and opened the door. He saw a middle-aged man talking on the office phone frustratedly, “No, I don't want results in a month. I need them now. The boss is waiting for the testing of it and the code. Ama you have the results by this Friday or so help me if this game comes out like five nights at Freddy’s security breach.” he placed the phone down rather roughly and growled to himself “Yes who- oh! Mr. Sampton ecklair how are you today my friend.” he made room for Sam to sit on his chair, the jackal’s snout smiled and sat back down “Well my father sent me to ask about the code and how’s it going? Also, he told me to tell you sir to stop stressing over the game.”

The animal-man simply looked at the younger man and started to laugh, “Ohh my my, your father can simply tell when I'm stressed without seeing me for god knows how long.” he chuckled some more and gathered his things “The game-.” sampton smirked “why not tell me yourself uncle, I mean you guys have been best buds since youth, so I know you two ancients can talk about the game.” his uncle glowered playfully at the younger one. “I am 45, I am not ancient! And your father's 48.” “ He's still old.” They both laughed again heading up the stairs to the office.

Sampton opened his father's office door, not surprised to see his father's assistant trying to flirt with Joseph. Joseph was ignoring her advances by simply reading a new packet of paperwork. “Pops we’re back.'' Sampton sheltered his chuckle with a cough when Joseph shot up with a smile. Sam can tell his father was annoyed by the assistant when he went over to greet his long-term friend “Gambima how are you my friend.” The jackal took the hint and shook back his friend's hand. “Good good, thank you for being worried about my blood pressure, and that the progress is slow and aggravating but the blokes are getting it done!” they both chuckled, “sir I believe tomorrow we should have brunch, too” Joseph turned to the young assistant with a sigh, “sure I'll make sure one of my children will be there too. I know Selena is complaining about not getting enough father-daughter time.” the assistant covered her annoyed attributes with a smile “Great! I'll be sure to bring someone as well, see you then sir.'' Joseph nodded at her, happy to finally be rid of her. He looked back at the 2, “Let's go get some pizza and wings. I am starving. Plus thing we’ve been invited by your aunt to attend the resignation of the treaties in Coronolia following their red moon celebration. Heard the coronolian royals know how to party and how to produce a true feast.”

Sampton looked surprised at his father about being invited to such an honored and revered event. “Wait seriously!” The father gently patted his son “Yep, your aunt and I quote ‘I want to show my only nephew from you; you aromantistic freak, that my presidential terms will get your boy to think about becoming the second ecklair to be president then head of fathers old garage.’ end quote gam why is your wife so dang annoying.” gabimba shrugged smiling at the mention of his president wife, “I don't know she isn't as bad as she uses to be.” the males went to the parking lot, gabimba walked with the duo to their car “gonna pick up the quadruplets from their clubs and swing back and head to the pizzeria by yall.'' The jackal rubbed his snout, a sign he does when he has a headache.

“Okay pizzas on sampton tonight so don't be late bud.'' Sam looked at his father again “Wait really?” “Uh yeah really due to me already paying for your stupid consolbid.'' The boy looked very confused at the words his father spoke, “do you-” the father interrupted playfully smacking the back of his head, “I said what I said. See you soon pal.” the son and father duo sped off in their 4567 lamboruso enjoying the speed of it and heading to the pizzeria.``

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