Story Heroes of eitheria book 1: proluge


a happy traveling fox
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Prologue: 456 yrs ago

War, on one side 12 countries fighting for freedom and peace, on the other half; 12 more fighting to stay in control and power over those countries. In the end, all countries realized they were in a deadlock. So the newly appointed queen of Coronolia made the arrangements to have the negotiation in the human country, in the newly established capital Halega. Many leaders, generals, and priestial leaders had all gathered at one large table with one half of the table sitting with each other were those who wanted freedom: the coronations, elves, goblins, humans, the different nations of the supernaturals, and many other lesser that the greabopolotians deemed below them like the rockian sapatatns

The greabopolotians include the vampires, who lavishly lived off the backs of enslaved werewolves, unicorns who gave them the ability to have a veil so their able to be in the sunlight, himaklyva: home of all mythical beasts who had taken by force the land of the elves, the newly named coronolians who were genetically made by the powerful kitsunes in labs who developed their sort of government once dropped off into the colonies that the himakia’s took from the jacklegs. The avians ruled over the humans treating them like slaves and benefiting and suppressing the rockians by having them use their rock bodies to mine for precious jewels and minerals to trade with the other nations under the law of the communist command nations. The alantians took by force the goblin, arachnoids, and cyclopean nations by water and used them as servants and maids to do their on-land bidding and use sharkans, and the different types of anthropomorphic sea mammals that were in the oceanic nation.

They all argued their points with each nation's peacekeeper taking their time to fully negotiate the terms of peace, trade, and rights that each enslaved colony wrote out to professionally present to those that had oppressed them for thousands of years. In which the royals of the monarchies begrudgingly read thoroughly and gave it off to their scribes to write of it in their books. After all the documents were ready and set; and mysterious smoke rolled in followed by an equally mysterious being slowly walking to the table floating himself up on top of the meeting; taking off his hood he gave a simple smile. “Hello my lovelies, about time I can fully give this prophecy out, now that you all aren't fighting like angry toddlers anymore.” they all looked at each other with much confusion

“Praytell traveler, where have ye come from.” the king of the goblins asked to play with the traveler’s smoke only to get gently smacked by his queen who was glaring at him. “That my little friend is none of your concern. This prophecy has to be taken with the utmost concern and preparation.'' The man created a mist that formed 10 heroes. “5 initial heroes will rise out of the earth at an event that will determine the world's fate. At that event an evil force will arrive wanting to destroy the world's leaders” he showed a vision of the witch arriving and a crowd of people; within the crowd, five were colored green: a blocky-looking man who had been in front of a shorter male with a crown, next to them was a boy with glasses and curly hair. A few ways away a grown man was looking around with a terrified look on his face. Next, he showed someone else with a crown though instead of being short with long hair; she was tall and had cheek-length hair. “These are of the first of the heroes, the other five will be revealed with trials as the first journey and meeting them along the way.” he turned to go but quickly blocked an attack from the first coronation queen who was frantically being pulled back by her twin brother “ogalia gre gok bolsa/ Roxana please”

The traveler only gave a warm smile “What do you need my-” she held her newly forged sword to his throat, the mysterious being gave the newly appointed queen a look and smile “How do we know you are not a spy that was sent here by one of these ridiculous nobles to try and killed the newfound order of humanize/ third eitherian leaders.” he simply pushed the sword away sighing “believe me, my love; why would I be a spy? I would have already revealed who sent me, which darlins would have sent this world back into chaos. Believe it or not; the ones you saw, my queen, are going to be in your bloodline."He lifted the sword, “ and this beauty will be passed down to the tall female. Pass the story around or suffer the consequence of not doing that.

“If we may our dear traveler pretail, what are you?” the mysterious being turned to look at the himakyia dictator. The traveler smirked and turned back around “I may not be who I was during that time, reincarnation is soon going to be one of them. Pay close attention to details it may be someone you may never suspect hehe.” He disappeared into a dark shadow in a different corner of the building. “The leaders discussed the events that transpired in front of them and decided to listen to the words of the prophet and began to pass it on to those that are kin and their kin passed it to the public and their kins kin, and yada yada you both should get it”. King figaro Evergreen of Coronolia closed the storybook and looked at his wife, Queen Alejandra Evergreen who glared at how he ended the story told to their 6-year-old twins Princess Roxanna and Blitz Evergreen ``Harma, really” The mage shrugged slowly getting up to stretch “daddy momma, what if the ones in the crowns are more than likely living in coronal or even the Elvian royalty!” Blitz excitedly spoke and Roxy looked at her brother“ Don't be stupid bwitzy it could be anyone that’s gonna be reincarnated into a hero how epic is that.” Alejandra kissed both of their heads ``good night my little rambunctious twins may the farpantuas be forever in your favor come along Hamado, I want a night out on the town like you promised.” her husband rolled his eyes and came anyway closing the door.

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