Heroes Guild for Misfits ~ D&D Inspired RP


Pounce Ninja
Shura11 submitted a new role play. @Shura11, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Given Birth name


(Simply post your picture above the profile information. For extra large pictures please use the spoiler tab code)


alias, nicknames, tittles your Character might go by or be called


Please Refer to the average life spans under the race tabs


Pic one


If you want to be specific you can

Weapon of Choice:

You can fight with a tooth pick for all I care, just be mindful of your class and the level of tech. available.

Fatal Flaw:

What is your flaw/ quirk/ short coming that lead you to be an outcast. this can go against your class, or your race but it has to hinder/ challenge your ability to perform.

Example: A Warrior who passes out at the sight of blood. A sadistic healer. Obnoxious and short tempered Diplomat.


(Player have a total of 12 points to distribute among the stats. Max ranking is up to 5. After the points have been distributed do not forget to take Race bonuses into account.)

Strength: XXXXX

Dexterity: XXXXX

Intelligence: XXXXX

Charisma: XXXXX


Be creative


Can be as long or short as you'd like. however it must include how you found the guild


Special skill, talent, profession? a god that you worship? Special mount, armor your character uses. A favorite summon they like to use? Any kind of little detail for quick reference.

[center][size=6]Name* replace with actual name[/size]






[b]Weapon of Choice[/b]

[b]Fatal Flaw[/b]

Charisma: [/i]



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Abrial Gardaansh











Weapon of Choice


Fatal Flaw

Unable to tell a lie, nor leave a direct question unanswered


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 5

Intelligence: 2

Charisma: 3


Bri loves to mess with people, playing pranks and stealing their stuff, but he usually gives it back. If confronted on what he's done, he won't even attempt to lie, unless he has no intention of giving it back. Even then, he can barely lie, and is usually caught.


Bri was born into a wandering family of Halflings, and raised in the ways of the road. He learned to pick pockets and cut purses to supplement his family's meager income, and learned how to pick the locks to storerooms and cages. His mother, a fortune teller, passed away when Bri was 14 due to a plague that was spreading through the land. Bri's father, a gambler, would leave his family for days at a time, sometimes returning with coin, other times returning disheveled and bruised. So Bri and his sister, Violetta, who was shaman, would combine their skills to provide money and food. But Bri went a little too far when he attempted to steal from a Mage, and it was only due to his sister's prevention that he was allowed to live. As punishment though, the Mage cast a spell that forced Bri to always tell the truth. Unable to conceal his illicit activities from his targets, Bri self-exiled himself and began wandering on his own, swiping his meals and never staying in one place long enough to get caught. Eventually, he saw a poster advertising an Adventuring Guild for Outcasts (he was in the process of altering the Wanted posters). Interested, Bri decided that he would check it out and see what it offered.


Bri is good at picking pockets and locks, but has a bit of trouble in a real fight. He's best at sneaking around, making him suitable for exploring or setting up a distraction, but gets kind of scared in real battle.

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Daniel Rige Palania III


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Fa.Zheng.full.1635293.jpg.7212f0abfde35a981faee4aac2aa5595.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17735" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Fa.Zheng.full.1635293.jpg.7212f0abfde35a981faee4aac2aa5595.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


The Penniless Thief






Thief/Con Artist

Weapon of Choice:

Wrist Knife:

A wrist knife is very small and can easily be hidden in a sleeve or glove. It is mainly used by thieves to slice open purses. However if one can truly harness it's potential, it has the capability of assassinating enemies easily. It is extremely hard to understand and fully use so many thieves only use it for stealing. Even assassins cannot use such an equipment without years of training.

Fatal Flaw:

Daniel is easily intimidated and is quick to sell out his 'friends'. He is cowardly but cunning. Daniel also prefers to live on the edge yet will run away when his life is in peril. He also has a very bad habit of spending his money wildly. (Hence his title)


Strength: 0

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 5

Charisma: 5


Daniel is the perfect definition of a Con Artist. He is a very smooth talker. If he put his mind to it, he could convince you that the sky was green. You would have to look at the sky to remind yourself that the sky is in fact, blue! He's cunning, smart, and has a sense of humor. Daniel is a free, wild spirit. He does what he wants, when he wants. Daniel is also a coward and can be cruel. He wouldn't even blink if he was asked to sell his best friend so he could live.

Despite his many flaws, he loves to have friends. Daniel craves a friendship that cannot be broken. A bond that even he, with his cowardly ways, would not break. He has yet to find such a friendship but he is still searching.


Daniel's birth was in secret. His mother hid him from her parents as she was not yet married. However her parents discovered Daniel. She made a desperate decision. Instead of living with and caring for her baby boy, she chose a life of luxury with her parents, completely abandoning her son. She left him alone on the streets of her home city.

Daniel grew up as an orphan. He survived by stealing, scavenging, and begging. Despite his hardship, he did not curse his fate. He did not curse his mother, nor his grandparents. Daniel liked to think that if it was him, he probably would've done the same thing. As he grew older, people began to notice him. He was smart. He knew how to talk smoothly, seemingly self-taught. Daniel could con anyone out of money. It wasn't long before Daniel was on the run.

Leaving his home city, he roamed the land looking for jobs, people to con, money to gain and spend. Eventually he found the Adventuring Guild for Outcasts. He wasn't one for adventuring but it did look fun. Besides, he could always find some money. Who knows, maybe he could make a few friends.


Is extremely proficient with the Wrist Knife.



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Allen Soranik


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-6_7-13-14.jpeg.0aa86e77a12162abd41184b827f6e60d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17749" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-6_7-13-14.jpeg.0aa86e77a12162abd41184b827f6e60d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>









Weapon of Choice:

Two Revolvers, more reliable then other guns but finding ammo is a pain at times

Fatal Flaw:

For a gunslinger, loud noises are a common occurrence, they're just something you have to deal with. Allen however...can't. He hates loud noises and is scared of thunder. If he isn't wearing earplugs he'll be reluctant to fight/use his guns.


(If I recall Humans don't get a bonus right?)

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 4


Charisma: 3


Allen's a friendly man. He likes to talk and he's quite nimble. It's not hard to befriend him and his loyalty is something that is fairly hard to lose. He's someone you want to talk to when things go wrong, and your secrets are safe with him. Over the years he's been able to befriend many thought were jerks or just plain crooks. Because of this, Allen has one of the most widespread connections of anyone in the guild, he can send letters ahead of time to his friends to let them know someone is coming, which is crucial to resupplying weary adventurers


Allen's birth and childhood went by without much or really any major events. He grew up son of the local sheriff and because of this was trained, and found quite skilled in the use of firearms, particularly revolvers. He could hit from a mile away and make sure it hit you somewhere vital if he wanted it to be. However, there was one problem:

Allen hated loud noises, nobody knows why, but he cringed during storms and flinched during training. While this wasn't the end of the world, it meant he couldn't follow his father's path into law. His father was great, and that's what ended him

Eventually the multiple gangs of the town had had enough, they grouped together and went after his father and the rest of the sheriff's department. Allen is the only survivor. He ran for what felt like months (Which was actually only a few days.) until he found the guild. Maybe here he can break his problem with noises...and get those gangs back.


Skilled with a knife that he uses when his guns are out of ammo.



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Name: Damien Gray


Nickname The Heretic Paladin

Age 27

Race Human

Class Paladin

Weapon of Choice Longsword

Fatal Flaw Though he follows Pelor, god of light and strength, and does so with a fervent passion... He cannot seem to control his kleptomania. He steals, and often, which ends up angering his god, so Damien is almost always in a state of atonement so he doesn't lose his ability to cast spells. He is also an alcoholic, so it's fairly normal to see him wandering around either drunk or trying to get there. Pelor has never really been happy with him, and has revealed to Damien that he was starting to get tired of his antics.



Dexterity: 1



Personality Damien is a walking contradiction. He will often preach of being pious and righteous, then turn around to drink and steal. Under all of that he's a nice guy, and is always willing to help others, but his impulses often get the better of him.

Bio Damien was abandoned by his parents from a young age, and had to spend his days living on the street, trying to steal food to survive. He did alright for himself for a while, until one day he was caught by the town guard and sent before a trial. The judge offered him one of two choices, either pay for his crimes by being trained at the local Pelor temple, or be hanged. Obviously, he chose the first.

He spent his time learning the ways of the Paladin, and soon rose in skill and rank in the Temple, but old habits die hard. The Temple elders finally had enough of his thieving and drinking, and sent him off to the Heroes guild to see if they could break him of his destructive habits.

Extra Damien is extremely protective of his armor and weapons, and spends a lot of his time making sure they are in top condition. It's one of the few things that he's found to occupy his time that doesn't get him into trouble.


Lenny Astrum


(might change the pic later)



Blood Cleric







Weapon of Choice


Fatal Flaw

Sadist: Although Lenny likes to help people she also love to cause pain. It's not uncommon for her to use the most painful way possible in order to heal a person.


Strength: 1

Dexterity: 3

Intelligence: 3

Charisma: 5


Lenny is a bit of an enigma to most. She is warm and friendly, sometimes overly friendly depending of if you have something she wants. She likes to play hard to get and is fairly cut throat when crossed. Lenny is not one to be taken lightly in a fight and will fight dirty to win.Using everything from ground up spice leaved in someone eyes to a well placed dagger in the kidney shes not someone to cross. She takes pleasure in others pain and isn't afraid to draw out a fight, which sometimes gets her in trouble. But what do you except when you worship Torog, the god of torture and suffering. To the few she consider friends she is nicer to and won't cause them too much pain. She is loyal and grateful but also shows affection through hitting and punching but never anything too harmful.


Lenny has gone through many professions in her 'short' life span, however she always landed in the same role as healer due to her knowledge of healing herbs and magic. Lenny is one of the best around when it comes to healing and used her knowledge to get by in town but, her less than kind way of healing other would often get her in to trouble and kick out of town and other guilds. Some mistake her for an evil witch but she takes in all in stride. Lenny came upon the guild while seeking out some place to hide from some angry villagers. She offered her services as a healer in exchange for a place to live and the Guild desperately needed competent a healer.


Lenny is skilled with knives, throwing needles and various forms of poisons. She can also handle a bow and arrow fairly well

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Lisette Gildern


(please click for a better view)


"The Gentle Beast"







Weapon of Choice

European Sword

Fatal Flaw

Ever since she became civilized, Lisette no longer sees the need in mindless violence. She claims that she can not "rage out" anymore, instead preaching peace and calm before she even thinks about touching her sword.


Strength: 4

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 4

Charisma: 3


Whether it is because of her personality or upbringing, Lisette is very blunt and does not mince her words. She can also be rather short-tempered from time to time, however does not usually show it and will often calm herself down. Her manner of speech is very formal and she tries to act politely to everyone she meets, although she'd rather read or do puzzles than converse with others. However, although she is against her old ways and avoids violence, she does not like to be angered or pushed into acting out. She is also very self-conscious about continuously acting like a "lady" and is surprisingly naive.


A girl was born into a clan of primal and uncivilized people who survived by pillaging every isolated house, town, or village they could find. She revealed her violent potential at the young age of eleven, having killed two men who attempted to "steal her rabbit", which she hunted and killed herself. Because of this, she became one of the few girls to learn how to fight, though training was mostly learning how to swing a sword or axe as fast or as hard as she could.

At thirteen she participated in her first raid, and at fourteen she fought her last. Her clan did not realize so many soldiers would be stationed in a single town, and were almost slaughtered while the rest were captured and imprisoned. A noble family - the Gilderns - took pity on the feral child and figured they would give her a proper family, later naming her Lisette, after a deceased grandmother. The sudden culture shock was overwhelming to the girl and very hard to adapt to, but over the years she became much more educated and refined. She was taught how to read and write, as well as proper table manners and common etiquette. Lisette has long since lost her rage and thirst for battle, but has never stopped her training with a sword.

At nineteen, Lisette decided she wanted to learn more about the world and travel. After kissing her beloved family goodbye, she set off. However, it seemed like the world was not so eager to meet her, for instead she was labeled an outcast due to some remaining uncivilized tendencies. The girl was debating on whether to return home when she found a poster: "The Adventuring Guild for Outcasts" is read.


Before being adopted, Lisette was known for her Feral Might, which is where she charges her opponent and absorbs, rather than avoids, attacks. This is due to her hardening to physical punishment.

It is also said that Lisette's sword is supposed to emit a blue light that will heal the user's injuries, but since she has never used it she does not know if it is true.



Yiufric of Stratford


Crazy Yiuf






Fighter - Monk

Weapon of Choice:

Steel quarterstaff

Fatal Flaw:

Paranoid Schizophrenia


Strength: 5

Dexterity: 5

Intelligence: 1

Charisma: 1


Generally friendly, sometimes overly so, but at random times or in stressful situations, Yiufric suffers a psychotic break and lose control. Probably kicked out of the monastery for a completely unrelated reason.


Kicked out of his monk-hood of Xom, god of chaos and debauchery (Hard to get kicked out of), Yiuf wandered along the coast until he reached a small town. He followed the voices in his head to the guild, and they were the only people to not throw him out... give it time.


Xom is a wild and unpredictable God of chaos, who seeks not worshippers but playthings with which to toy. Many choose to follow Xom in the hope of receiving fabulous rewards and mighty powers, but Xom is nothing if not capricious. Also, there is nothing a follower can do to influence Xom's mood. To worship Xom is to live riskily. In a good mood Xom may shower you with gifts, while at other times this capricious god could decide to "spice things up a little" and send you to your doom. If you prove yourself the stronger, so much the better; if not, well, there'll be other playthings...
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Cameron Nundeo


Nickname Blind Shot, Cammy the Collective

Age Age of 28 years

Race Pixie

Class Arcane Archer

Weapon of Choice A magical bow that extends from her fingers. However, her arrows come from a quiver. But they become charged with magical properties once come into contact with said bow.

Fatal Flaw Is extremely short sighted, only being able to see at a maximum of two feet in front of her face. She'll get up close and personal, a lot.






Personality Cameron is very intelligent, but is really hot headed and takes offense to being called shorty, or mentioning her poor vision. If she hears you, you will be shot with an arrow. Depending on her feelings towards you, it may be a sleeping arrow, or it may be a poison arrow. Not exactly 'Miss Under Control' under these circumstances, but nonetheless is cheery and a friendly pixie when she's not in an angry rage at you for the name calling.

Bio The first girl from her parents, she was burdened by her mother to grow up a lady. But she wanted to be like her two brothers, wrestling and stuff. But as she learned over the years that she couldn't see as far as others, she was refined to house and home. At 18, she was permitted to leave, and she just went around to the local bars and challenged the bigger pixies to brawls. It wasn't until she watched a human with a bow, hunting animals, did she want to practice the art of the marksman. Her magic abilities provided the bow, and she buys the arrows with money she gets from little jobs here and there. She spent 5 years trying to be as good a shot as the most skilled Archers, but with her vision the way it is...

And even though she's terrible at it, her Archery skill is still her best.

Extra Her sleeping arrow comes in handy when used to subdue enemies, or take out those who annoy her. Her natural charm tends to have the effect to where she'll be able to talk or lie out of situations where her bow can't help her. Oddly enough tho, it also causes some odd situations on it's own...


Uxi Mayuri




No nickname needed :3.


11 years old.




Gun slinger

Weapon of Choice:


Dual wield flint lock pistols. After one shot she must reload and takes a little bit of gun powder, which she keeps in sacks.

Fatal Flaw:

She is way to hot headed, usually overestimating herself and harming herself in the process. She also has an incurable blood lust and will do whatever it takes to 'quench' it.


Strength: 4

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 5

Charisma: 1


As Uxi may appear innocent and kind at first, but in the heat of battle her personality changes drastically. With the adrenaline of battle she becomes arrogant, cocky, highly violent and uncontrollable. In her battle state she will not listen and cannot focus on more than two things. When not in a skirmish however she is quiet, sweet, helpful and very innocent. Despite her age of 11 she is highly intelligent, unnaturally you would say and is insanely strong especially for her size.


After leaving her parents for a new adventure, she tried many guilds. However, more often than not, she would be kicked out quite quickly because of her uncontrollable personality. At this point Uxi decided a guild was not for her and she journeyed on her own. In her adventures she learned a massive amount, learning to live off the land and more practical things, like fixing and making weapons. In the beginning she chose the bow as her weapon, as that was the generic weapon of her family, however with experimentation she discover that fire arms were simpler and quenched her blood lust more.

After journeying for about a year she discovered a guild that would fit her 'different' personality better. A guild in which misfits like her were welcome, and upon finding out the information she quickly joined. She now serves the Guild loyally, or at least she thinks she does.


When in her battle state she does not form memories, only grudges.

Kaien Yoshirou







6‘ 1“


237 lbs





Weapon of Choice

[bastard Sword] Katana

Fatal Flaw

Gullible. Can usually be persuaded that something is right and just, unless it is obviously not [like murder]. Loves anything pretty: Shiny, Elaborate, Elegant, Beautiful. This can be from a decorated sword, to a fair skinned woman. Easily turned into Cannon Fodder.


Strength: 4

Dexterity: 4

Intelligence: 1

Charisma: 3


Volgor is a kind soul. He is mostly nice and likes to help. While mostly for the good he can be easily suaded to do the bidding of others. He doesn’t do it to be friends or to earn favor, he is just too trusting. He is very casually about most things. The only serious part of him pertains to his sword and its usage. Most women consider him sexy, masculine, and romantic. Her charms many women without realizing it and enjoys his drinking just as much. LOVES to adventure. Will literally accept any mission to go on travels.


Kaien was born to a noble Samurai. His whole entire life was dedicated learning the Bushido code and living by it. Even though he learned easily and was creative at times, there was always something loose in his head. He was too kind and not understanding of the situation before him.

When with Honorable men. Kaien could be just as honorable, but when a power seeking man with a silver tongue befriended him. it resulted in many unhonorable things. Kaien slayed many men branded as traitors and at long last when the man and Kaien met with the Emperor. He was none the wiser that it was a plot for assassination.

Kaien fought valiantly at the end to protect the Emperor and he even succeeded. But through Bushido and his doing, his dishonor was too great. Ritual suicide was the only rightful way to cleanse his soul and regain his honor. Enraged at the emperor, and everyone else, he could not understand. Honor, Dishonor. There was so much to live for. When one could choose between life and death, he would never choose death and from that day, he became a Ronin: a Dishonored Samurai.

Leaving his town and never turning back, he headed for a new life. One filled with wonder and excitement, and bright wondrous things like women and silver and gold and women. But after a drunken lust filled night left him with only the clothing on his back and his katana, he found himself at a a guild hall looking for work.

That was years ago though, damn man, why do you always have to tell this story when you get drunk. Its boring as fuuuuuuuuuuuck. Here have another ale and go get naked with some ladies.


The nickname “Volgor” comes from the fact that mister grabby hands always checks for boob sizes and the ladies, though lustful for his body, find him vulgar when he acts that way. Saddly, Kaien doesnt know what Vulgar means so he just uses it as a nickname. Volgor.

Kaien very rarely serious. But when he gets serious, he is a fierce Samurai. He has a life to live, and winning doesn’t always involve honor, and it sure as hell doesn’t mean dying.

His katana is a masterwork Katana. I dont mean that as it does more damage than a standard katana, it simply means it superb and not just anyone or anything can come along and break it. It was his great grandfather's hand crafted Katana. Handed down from generation to generation.

Lastly, his Charisma stat i more about his looks than anything else. Damn is he sexy.

Name: Kiara D'Estopina



Nickname: Ki D'e

Age: 24

Race: Elf

Class: Chevalier

Weapon of Choice: A long, heavy sword crafted from a meteor (yes I stole this from Avatar) *see appearance picture*

Fatal Flaw: She's VERY allergic to animal fur


(Player have a total of 12 points to distribute among the stats. Max ranking is up to 5. After the points have been distributed do not forget to take Race bonuses into account.)

Strength: 4 (-1)

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 4 (+1)

Charisma: 3

Personality: Very calm. There is a soothing sense about her that makes many around her at ease...well, when she's not in combat, that is. When she is fighting, though her expression remains relaxed, there's something almost sinister in her eyes...like she enjoys cutting into the throats of her enemies. She gets extremely embarrassed when she goes into a fit of sneezes because her wolf mount, Lulu. Though she is calm, she isn't necessarily sweet all the time. She is very difficult to get any sort of reaction from for anything, whether it's good or bad. She is slightly selfish, but if she finds a person who she really cares about, she will stop at nothing to protect them.

Bio: Kiara grew up in a roomy manor with her father and four older brothers. She had mostly everything a girl could want...except for her parents love. Her mother had died due to complications with her birth, and her father was always avoiding his daughter and training endlessly to make his sons warriors as he was. For years, all Kiara could think about was getting her father to notice her. She made many attempts to capture his attention, but her efforts failed. He didn't want anything to do with her.

One day, when Kiara was sitting by her bedroom window and watching her brothers and father in the courtyard, as she always did, she heard a terrible scream. Upon turning around, she saw a horrible sight. Men on dark horses, wearing completely black armor and waving blazing torches in the air. The next thing Kiara knew, her house was in flames and collapsing around her. She bolted for the door and reached out to touch the handle, and screamed when the scalding metal touched her hand. She pulled back as smoke began to rise, coughing and choking. She pressed up against the window woozily, and before blacking out, she could see her father staring directly at her...and then running into the forest.

When she woke up, she was in the forest. How she got there, she didn't know. Surprisingly, she was unhurt (besides the blistering burn on her palm). Sitting up, she looked around. There was no sign of anyone...

And then she saw it.

A pair of bright, blue eyes staring at her. It was a giant, white-haired wolf, baring it's teeth at the girl. Immediately, Kiara shrieked, which just made the beast howl back. And then, the sneezing began. Over and over she sneezed, violently and uncontrollably. The wolf tilted it's head, its expression going from defensive to confused...and then to amused. It watched the girl for a moment before nudging her with its head. She looked up, eyes watering, and suddenly wasn't scared anymore.

From that moment on, Kiara and Lulu were always together. Many years passed, and Kiara taught herself how to ride Lulu and fight from upon her back. Though she had to wear a cloth over her mouth and nose so she wouldn't be overwhelmed by sneezing, the two made a great team. There was nothing in the world she cared more about than Lulu. And despite these good times of being with her wolf, her mind never strayed from this thought;

"I will find him. He's out there, I know he is." she would growl. "And when I find him, he will recognize me right away...I will have my sword to his throat...and I will say, 'Hello, father. Do I have your attention, now?'

One day, as Lulu was sniffing around and trying to find things to eat, she came across one of the members of the guild, scaring the absolute hell out of him. The rest is history.

Extra: She has a scar across the palm of her hand. It would heal, but she doesn't let it. If it starts to get better, she cuts it open. Her favorite way to kill an enemy is having Lulu pouncing them so she can drive her sword into their throat.

To soothe her allergies, whenever she is around Lulu (which is always) she has a cloth over her nose and mouth, so she is often mistaken for a thief or bandit.
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Baal Cindersnare










Weapon of Choice:


Fatal Flaws:

Illiterate: Baal does not know how to read or write, which causes quite a few problems when he tries to recall any of his alchemical recipes.

Obsessive: Baal is likely to act irrationally or even lose his mind if he is not given alone time to work on his potions.


Strength: 4(+2)

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 5

Charisma: 2(-2)


Like most Dwarves, Baal is loud, boisterous and enjoys a good drink. He is friendly to everyone, though sometimes his behavior can become a bit impish and annoying.


Baal lived in the underground like most of the Dwarves, except that he usually kept to himself while he went about his experiments, though more often than not his experiments would simply fizzle and fail, so he was usually left to his own devices. That was, until, he came accidentally invented a potion of immense power, though due to his inability to write anything down, he promptly had forgotten all about how to create the mixture, but simply a glimpse of its power was enough to make Baal become obsessed with its rediscovery. From then on, instead of his creations doing nothing, they would normally cause catastrophic reactions, which seared and burned Baal's skin, though instead of making his workplace safer, he instead armored himself in thick steel so that he would better be able to withstand his experiments. Though the Dwarves that he resided with grew very worried of his obsession, and so deemed him too dangerous to live around and so declared that he must be cast out. Exiled from the underground, Baal tries to seek refuge and companionship on the surface, though perhaps more importantly he is looking for supplies to continue his research. Nobody on the surface has ever seen Baal's face, as he has vowed not to take off his armor until he has recovered his beloved potion, though many would be glad not to lay eye's on Baals face, as it is most likely swollen and disgusting.



Shae’ra Cortana Moonsilver




„Shae” , „Silv” , „Cort”, "The Queen"






Druid, Animal Shapeshifter

Weapon of Choice:

A long staff with one end being blunt, and the other having a blade attached to it.


Fatal Flaw:

Has a innate fear of animals of all kinds and sizes. This is sure to render her in a battle where she has the slightest chance of seeing herself in an animal form(mirrors or reflecting water streams or puddles/lakes), and makes it complicated for her to learn the forms of other animals as she has to study it before she can turn into them. Her current availble forms have been learned by studying an animal in captivity, but held in an appropriate, large environment.


Strength: 3(-1)

Dexterity: 4

Intelligence: 3(+1)

Charisma: 2


She is brave, cunning and intelligent, but rather silent and keeps to herself. She doesn't like being laughed at or being the center of someone's jokes, a situation she would probably retaliate with brute force. When resolving an issue, she likes to start with the diplomatic solution, but considering her temper is pretty short, she quickly finds herself solving the problem through combat.She thinks that due to her elven lineage she is mostly superior to the rest, dominating the entire room with her confidence and grace. Although she is afraid of animals, she keeps it to herself and makes huge willpower efforts to control her reactions around them when someone is watching, while otherwise freaking out.


Ever since she was a little child she would play out in the woods near the city her family lived in, Freypond. One thing she could never stand were the animals living in it. Wolves, bears, the occasional owl, deers and such. They creeped her out ever since one of the villagers had been eaten alive by a pack of wolves went feral. Her parents even forbade her from ever going back in the woods, but as the spoiled child she was, she did it anyway.

Being high-born was not everything it was cut out to be. Shae hated dressing up in those fancy clothes and going on parade walks with her mother and father. The pomposity disgusted her, and as she grew up, she became more and more tired and of these events. Soon her parents started looking for a suitable husband for Cortana, a fact that scared Shae'ra to death. Not long past before Shae'ra was betrothed to the son of the most wealthiest elf merchant in the city, Hyeral. Preparations for the marriage had begun but Shae'ra, being the independable woman she usually is, planned her escape. She would avoid the wedding and flee into the woods.

At that point, she didn't care about anything, not even her fear of animals could defer her from the path she had chosen for herself. She was not going to be married away like some simpleton country girl, having nothing else to do, spending her life sewing and listening to the orders of a prick of a man she hadn't even met. At the cover of night, she took whatever supplies she could find and a dagger, leaving behind her hometown and fleeing into the forest. Not one minute after entering the sanctuary of the trees that a roaring screech was heard. A dragon had appeared. Within seconds, her entire village was like a lit torch, screams of terror and despair echoing from afar, unfortunately reaching her ears. Warm tears blazed her cheeks as she collapsed to her feet, staring helplessly at the flames' dance of destruction. Soon the dragon had vanished, and the once beautiful city was now all but burnt to the ground.

Shae ventured deeper into the forest, hoping that some wild animal would come and end her miserable existence. She now had nowhere to go anymore, noone she knew that could help her. She was but a lost sheep, forever banished from her herd, and the sheperds who were her parents. Dead, the lot of them. The root of a tree would become the cause of her tripping and falling to the ground, her face still drowned in the tears that were overflowing. As she stood there, pathetically, something approached her. Something big. A bear, perhaps? She did not know, for she didn't want to see what would bring about her end.

But the Gods seemed to have something more in store for her. For indeed, it was a bear that approached, but the more the beast came closer, the more it started looking like another one of her kind. Slowly it would lift up from it's feet and start walking bipedly. The fur would come off, leaving pale, smooth skin to be seen. Ears would stretch out from their round shape to a more pointed one. The elf's name was Raphiel. He was a druid, a shape-shifter. Seeing Cortana's current shape and finding out her story, he took her in and trained her to become a druid herself. To understand the animals. Although she never got past her fear, which paradoxally, grew even bigger as she saw how really dangerous animals could be, she grew to understand them, learning to take the form of some Raphiel had around his cottage in the woods.

After being traied for decades, Cortana finally left her master's cottage and ventured out to see the world for her own. She would eventually hear of a so called Guild of Heroes. The though of being a Hero seemed appealing to her, fitting her noble status. She knew now, that being the last of her line, she would have to do something grand with her life, and this so called Guild had promise. And so she journeyed West, and enrolled herself to the Guild, promising herself she would be the very best she could be.


Shae'ra can turn into a bear, a wolf, a cat, a horse, and a rabbit. She can also cast minor healing spells, and has extensive combat trainning with her bladed staff. She can also cast a few stunning spells, summoning roots from the ground to trap her enemies, but she can only cast the spells she knows in human form. She is unable to perform any magic while in the shape of an animal.

Worships the Goddess Andrast'Ela , Goddess of royalty and finesse, protector of the High-Born, also considered the Paragon of beauty, desire and luxurious living. Also the Goddess of conflicts, bickering and self-esteem.
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Human Appearance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/One_is_watching_by_Culpeo_Fox.jpg.1a0d968ff633797d1ad7a32fc4f71a87.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17894" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/One_is_watching_by_Culpeo_Fox.jpg.1a0d968ff633797d1ad7a32fc4f71a87.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Canine Appearance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/otomo_wolf_by_koutanagamori.jpg.688e849567c0e4c715e309599f6f526c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17896" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/otomo_wolf_by_koutanagamori.jpg.688e849567c0e4c715e309599f6f526c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Patches" - He hates this name. Considering it is considered something you would name your pet.




Human. Technically speaking.



Weapon of Choice

Bow/Crossbow/Gun - A hybrid weapon of his own design.

Fatal Flaw

As will be explained in his bio, Lester has been cursed. Under this curse, he is stuck in the body of a dog "for eternity". He is unknowing of any antidote at this time. This is also hindering to him in the fact that his eyesight isn't nearly as good as it was as a human. Making his accuracy less than average at best. Along with his eyesight being degraded, Lester also has all of the regular urges that a dog does. The only things that he has retained are as follows: The ability to stand upright, like a human. The ability to speak. (Although, he has issues with certain syllables considering he has doggy lips.) The ability to make facial expressions. Lastly, he has retained his human mind. The human mind and the dog mind are in constant conflict however.





Charisma: 3


This is basically him in a nutshell. Unusually grumpy, for being such a cute little dog.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Eyepatch__plz__by_Culpeo_Fox.jpg.9d8aed5a26944d7c83fff6e79483b0a5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Eyepatch__plz__by_Culpeo_Fox.jpg.9d8aed5a26944d7c83fff6e79483b0a5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


To be honest, he doesn't talk much about his past. Nor is there anything that fantastically exciting that has happened. Long story short: First key event - He lost his left eye falling in the woods as a child. He's not a fan of alchemy or any kind of magic, so he has refrained from getting an artificial replacement. Second key event - He ended up cheating on a girl he was dating. The girl happened to be a witch and cursed him for being a "Dog". Literally turning him into one. He's been stuck this way for about five years now.

Five years ago, marking the point at which he joined this guild. He doesn't particularly like them too much, mainly because he's just grumpy. But hey, who wouldn't be if they were in the same situation? He sees them all as family though, seeing as they were the only ones to take him in. He's grateful for this and repays them as best as a furry little pup can.


He HATES being called "cute", "fluffy", "puppy", and anything of the sort. His guild members know this and usually exploit it.



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Rayna Pendragon



differences from the picture: Her black hair goes to her waist, she has emerald green eyes.


The Dark Assassin







Weapon of Choice

Her favorite are her daggers but she is also very proficient with a bow.

Fatal Flaw

Her temper, Rayna has a sharp tongue and can get herself into trouble by always saying what she thinks no matter what the consequences. How this can be a fatal flaw is that an Assassin is supposed to be vigilant, calm, collected and unemotional, letting your anger get the best of you can make you extremely less efficient.


IStrength: 3

Dexterity: 5


Charisma: 3


Rayna is a very enigmatic character. By her exterior you can tell if you cross her she will stop at nothing to defeat you. Rayna is a smooth talker and is used to getting her way. She is a very formidable foe and is one of the best assassins of her age, being only 5'1'' and weighing only 107 pounds she is very silent on her missions and doesn't leave until the target is taken care of. On the inside Rayna actually has a very good heart. She can see the best in people but tones it out because she is good at what she does. If she met the right one Rayna would love someone as fierce as she fights.


Not much to tell about her past, her parents died when she was young which left her on her own without any family. She was found in the woods by the man who turned out to be the leader of a guild of assassin's. He raised her from a young age in the art of combat mostly with daggers and bows. When Rayna turned 20 she decided it was time for her to set out on her own for a while, the man who raised her understood her need for adventure. This is where Rayna's story starts.


Rayna has a tribal tattoo that goes from her shoulder to elbow. It is the mark of the guild of assassins she had been taken into. She also has a tattoo of a dagger on her left hip and her tongue pierced.
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Nick Name:

Kaden the Fiery Eyes








One handed swords and short blades with a shield to protect him and break enemy defenses

Fatal Flaw:

Doesn't listen to orders real well and will usually disobey an order and has a very low patience threshold. If anyone makes fun of him, he will fight them no matter if they are his allies or not.


Strength: 3

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 5



Very solitary and keeps to himself and doesn't like being ordered around by other people that think they are better than him. Has a hard time trusting other people and won't talk to anyone until they prove themselves.


Working with metal since he was a small kid. Kaden's father and grandfather had been blacksmiths since his grandfather was a little kid. He was taught by his father and grandfather to make anything from metal including things from hammers to mainly battle armor and weapons for the army and royal guard. They were held in high regard and after his father and grandfather died from old age, he took over their trade and is still making very good weapons and armour since then. Was enlisted into the army and became one of the few weapon smiths to make weapons for the royal guard but was kicked out for fighting with some guards when he disobeyed and order given by them. Kaden found the guild when he heard some weapon smiths talk about how there was a guild looking for a weapon smith and they needed one bad but he just kept that in the back of his head until know


Has some tattoos on his arms from when he was in the armory for the royal guard.

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Del Treeu




He hasn't had much of a nickname in cause to his short name, he's been called tree, as a tease based on his last name, and his 'friends' call him El, but that would be caused by their laziness to even say an extra letter.

He was called Spirit once, but that is a name that has not been repeated in a long time,






'Useless Magic Martial Artist'' (For lack of a better class

Weapon of Choice

His fists, augmented with magic to balance his complete lack of strength. The magic allows his attacks to be extremely strong and channel elements into them (Which makes them good for knocking people out, although he would have to get close enough to do so)

Fatal Flaw

He's cursed with debilitating strength, a curse caused by a treasure he had been gifted, a curse that he cannot remove, causing his skin to become sensitive to the point a tap on the shoulder causes pain (Or other feelings) ripple through his entire body. He can barely swing his arm or lift 15 pounds. Making him despite his relatively extreme magical power more or less useless, he can't attack much in a row, and a ten year old could outrun him. And the only way to get his strength back, and make him extremely powerful .Well, would be to be feeling extreme pain, near death, although even then it's not easy, as under extreme pain, fighting is hard..Which leads to some interesting things in his personality.

He's extremely fragile, and can be broken (In the sense of being unable to fight)/knocked out in a few hits. Although an upside to the curse (Or the point, and you could say everything else is a side effect) is that his bones are extremely strong, so he doesn't normally suffer broken bones.


Strength: -4 (4 when his strength comes back. and only temporarily, dropping down to a full -5 in the recovery state afterwards))

Dexterity: -2 (Again, 4 when his strength comes back and the spell is lifted)

Intelligence: 5 (Drops down to 2 when the spell is lifted at the knowledge he curse bestowed is removed)

Charisma: 4


Mild Mannered? He's pretty tame, all he seems to want is to be helpful to those around him and to fix his curse.

Although obviously, nobody's that nice and simple, And..Well. Based off his insane levels of sensitivity, and the fact that extreme pain causes him to be free of his curse (At the cost of extreme pain)

He partakes (If you can say through meditation and Training voluntarily) Voluntary Masochism in an attempt to combat the sensitivity, and of course, after that it'' that simple, no psychopathic killing tendencies or lies of deceit, just a friendly and helpful masochist. Don't look to far into it though, it's really that simple (Wink)


At one point a merchant, living a normal life (at a young age albeit) until a close 'friend' Gave him a gift.

Always talking about his wishes for adventure and learning. His friend gifted him with a ring, a ring of knowledge and power he said.

A lie, of course the ring was cursed, although he was given the knowledge of adventure and the ability to fight with extreme prowess.

But with a downside of..Well, You've already read it. A curse that even once the ring was removed stuck to his body, only able to be removed by passing it on to someone else.

And with that he closed his shop, and left to find a cure, picking up a few things along the way, and having of an adventure of his own, and you could say that the curse actually gave him what he wanted. the most.

Finding the guild was a stroke of luck, after a particular nasty battle with some 'brigands' on the road in which he was left extremely cut up and almost crying like a orphaned puppy (Although not till' later would he admit that they where tears of Happiness and pleasure from the excruciating pain.) He was come across by a band of travelers who were nice enough to patch him up and send him to the guild, where he was fairly quickly accepted despite his weakness (After proving himself in some basic abilities). And since then he's been their, being helpful and friendly, only on one occasion he had been under extreme enough pain that he took down quite a few lethal opponents before collapsing in a cold sweat of tears and bleeding out from a fair amount of cuts. And not waking up for a few days, and that has been his life, he's primary used as bait these days given how little use he is in real combat and the fact that no matter what wounds he seems to sustain he takes them happily.

(Yea, Simple, Not very good, but I think It's okay?)


He Thoroughly enjoys cooking as his former profession was a merchant running a small bakery. And at lack of body strength, he makes up for it by being competent in general chores, making him..Well, not entirely useless, he's also as you can see, rather intelligent, although not encyclopedic in his knowledge and lacking a good bit of common sense (Although due to his circumstances he has to think rather uncommonly).

Also, were talking like, brainwash masochism. He meditated And trained his mind intensely.

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Name:Roswell Fordred



Nickname:2 of a kind




Weapon of Choice:Staff

Fatal Flaw:Split Personality (I'll explain it later at the Personality)


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 5


Personality:Roswell has a split personality it changes in day and night,his day personality is where he is calm,kind,and carefree and helps people who have trouble while his night personality is where he is hotheaded,arrogant,and determined he's much like a leader in this personality and he always yells when he win,he's also intelligent only in day but in night he is thinking about winning without a plan or a strategy. (his night personality looks like he is evil but its not)

Bio:He's just a normal druid who lived in a big tree house that he built with his summons he lives alone because his parents had a guild and is always busy, he want to join a guild but he has problems with his night personality,anyways he found the guild while picking growing plants in the night at the stables (this is the only time he controlled his night personality)and he joined the guild without hesitation.

Extra:His 2 summons at the picture, the left resembles his day personality while the right is his night personality.

Aldryek Cadaren




The Pincushion Archer







Weapon of Choice

Composite bow and a small dagger

Fatal Flaw

Can't target well. Every time he tries to hit someone, he always ends up hitting a well-guarded or nonlethal part of the body, if he's lucky to hit them. It's often to see Aldryek using dozens of arrows to kill a single target.


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 3

Charisma: 5


Aldryek is a upbeat guy. Even in some direst situations, he has a good view in life. The only time when he's(rather) grumpy is in the mornings, but nothing that a good breakfast doesn't cure. He has a charisma that only some of the best bards in the guild can surpass.


Aldryek was a Child of the Wind. The Children of the Wind are a group of incredibly skilled archers and hunters. It is said that they are blessed by Noran, goddess of the wind, and patron of the archers and hunters, and that they are always favored by her. But Aldryek was a different case.

Aldryek was found in a forest at the age of one. Abandoned by his parents, he was welcomed into the group as one of the trainees. However, he didn’t have any skill with the bow, the trademark of the Children of the Wind. Somehow, during his training, he never hit his targets, or hit it in the wrong place. Every time, or he tripped, or the bow broke, or the wind carried the arrow elsewhere. The leaders of the group saw Aldryek as a threat. They believed that Noran cursed the boy, and if he kept walking among the Children, their mythical favor with the goddess would end. So, at the age of 13, he was sent with another Child, for what he always refers as his "Day Zero".

He was sent to a simple hunting mission with another member of the group, but the real purpose of the mission was a much grimmer one: Aldryek were sent to be killed, the leaders of the Children ordered that for the sake of the group, and to ”release” the boy from his curse.. He was guided to a thick part of the forest, and when Aldryek got distracted, the other hunter pointed his bow at him. Just when the hunter was going to end Aldryek's life, a great tiger pounced on the hunter, mauling him. Aldryek, when he noticed the beast, hid under a tree, scared and helpless, unarmed and unskilled. The tiger searched for him too, after killing and feasting upon the fallen Child to no success, and wandered somewhere else, resuming his hunt. Aldryek realized what his “mission” was, and equipping the bow and quiver of the fallen hunter, fled the forest, running away from he once called home, and from those he once called family.

He kept wandering cities and forests, and when he wasn't lucky enough to kill something, he was at taverns, getting food from patrons and adventurers, telling stories of his legendary skill in missing targets. In rare times he got help from another archer, but they quickly dismissed him, telling that “he makes his targets look like pincushions. He needs more than 10 arrows to kill a single rabbit!” The nickname of “Pincushion Archer” stuck, and he wandered brandishing the shameful title as if it was a prize. When asked, he always says “Well, it doesn’t matter how much arrows you need to kill something, as long as you kill it!” with a good laugh. He developed an incredible charisma by talking and learning with bards and rogues, and he kept on living from tavern to tavern, and from forest to forest, always with a smile on his face. He then stumbled on the Guild of Misfits, and with reluctance, he joined it, remembering his dark past. With some time living with them, he realized that there was his true place.


He always uses the Composite bow that he got from the hunter, and uses a pendant from the goddess Noran.



Alexa Bates


Shortish red hair, blue eyes, freckles, extremely baby-faced


Alex, Lexa, Lexi, Lex, or just Bates


Almost 16




Fighter, I guess??

Weapon of Choice:

Gun (or self -- like punching and kicking and stuff)

Fatal Flaw:

Doesn't like to fight unless absolutely neccessary; tends to avoid blows rather than give them, also is extremely underestimated due to her appearance


(Player have a total of 12 points to distribute among the stats. Max ranking is up to 5. After the points have been distributed do not forget to take Race bonuses into account.)

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 4

Intelligence: 3

Charisma: 3


She has always been smart, though few people tend to notice and are quick to underestimate her, she is quick-witted, which is quite useful when in danger, she happens to be extremely adventurous, which often lands her in deep trouble, usually getting kidnapped, a tiny bit reckless, though not by much; only when she needs to be, she's exasperatingly brave, as she never turns down a fight, though she is kind-hearted and caring of others, and also deeply stubborn, which also doesn't help her stay out of trouble.


Orphaned as a baby, she grew up in an orphanage with many other children, most of which teased her relentlessly. Eventually, she was adopted by a couple, a gruff man and a kind-hearted woman. The man drank frequently, and one day, during one of many beatings, ended up killing his wife. This he blamed Alexa for, and abused her for a long while. One day, while hiding out in the woods one day from him, she was discovered by a very intelligent stray dog, who took to following her everywhere. She named the dog 'Snow' for his white fur, and he was the girl's only comfort. Eventually, the man was discovered for his crimes and was arrested, thus sending Alexa back to the orphanage. After the incident, no one wanted to adopt her for fear of 'problems', and at 13 she left her hometown to seek a better life, bringing Snow with her. While wandering, she discovered the guild, as no one else would take her, seeing her young appearance


Would like to be a reporter, has a dog named Snow, I don't know what else
Quazal Dualscar


Nickname: Science Wizard

Age: 95

Race: Elf

Class: Wizard

Weapon of Choice: Needlewands

Fatal Flaw: other than being rude and obnoxious weirdly does not believe in magic or that what he is doing is magic rather calls it science and refuses all mention of magic as a result it makes him hard to deal with and when asked about magic he will get on a rant waste time and not do any science until e explains its importance


Strength: 3 - 1

Dexterity: 4

Intelligence: 4 + 1

Charisma: 1


Somewhat rude and obnoxious gets angry at the mention of magic (or just more rude and obnoxious) acts like the noble he is and hates most that are not of noble blood


Is part of a noble family which increased his chance of being accepted to a academy of magic, though not for long. After being kicked out of his magic academy for believing that magic is fake and is actually just complicated science(or for being rude and obnoxious), though he still liked the idea. He tried to find a place that would accept him (though no one did) until he found the guild and though he didn't seem to like them and most of the members didn't really like him they were the only place to accept him so he stayed with them


Is a high ranking noble yet has several enemies

Doesn't prefer any type of magic/ science over the other he just tends to find scientific names and reasons for them

Though he claims to hate commoners he often spends time with them and might even enjoy them
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Nendrin Lewiston


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.98d548f054f3ec857a4ccf7d53a3e251.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18357" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.98d548f054f3ec857a4ccf7d53a3e251.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>









Weapon of Choice:

Two daggers

And a long bow

Fatal Flaw:

Nendrin a scared of animals


Strength: 4

Dexterity: 4

Intelligence: 3

Charisma: 1


He's serious at first, but once your his friend he will be more of a fun guy, as in the way of always trying to be funny, talkative, always wants to help out. When he's high he because impatient, hungry, and flirty (if he considers you good looking)


(Work in progress)


Nendrin smokes weed. The only way that Nendrin can gain followers and go run into a corner and cry.



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Name: Lysander Harrow








Mage/ Evoker

School: Evocation (manipulating energy)

Weapon of Choice:

None at the moment.

Fatal Flaw:

Often gets a different outcome from expected when doing a spell.


Strength: 3


Intelligence: 4


Personality: Lysander loves music it is what let him sane his whole life. Lysander is very hot headed and doesn't respect authority figures who are female (will be explained). Along with his love for music Lysander is a great liar(or so he thinks) hence his nickname.

Bio: As a child Lysander had it rough. His mom died giving birth to him which cause his dad to spiral into depression. At first his dad was okay until he began to uncontrollably drink. This caused his father to go mad and his father began to blame him for his mothers death, and then the beatings started. Lysanders dad would beat him with anything from his fists to whip. The beatings continued until one day his father threatened to kill him. Lysander mustered up the courage to run away. He ran, and, ran, and never looked back. This caused his fear of men, along with the anxiety he has around them. Lysander was homeless for 3 years until he found a spell book. After practicing and using the spells he decided it was time to join the guild, plus he was starving.


Lysander loves music and reading and also enjoys being alone.
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Alice Tenner




Short-term Shaman






Spirit Shaman

Weapon of Choice:

Alice uses a small dagger that some call the Short Blade. It's only ten inches long, including the hilt, and is used to make sacrifices, call upon the spirits, and other various things. She doesn't normally fight with this dagger, but if pressed to fight with it, you can bet you she will. Of course, she's not very good at that kind of combat.. she'd probably end up stabbing herself before anyone else...


Fatal Flaw:

Alice is very... forgetful. She knows many spells, incantations, and techniques that require meditation, thinking, and... memorization. All of this can plague her mind and cause stress. Therefor... she forgets some things. It could be anything from forgetting to put a certain plant in a healing concoction, causing it to be a working explosive, to forgetting a whole line of an incantation to raise some warrior spirits and end up raising a farmer that can't do anything.

Her forgetfulness doesn't just stop at her magic and Shamanism. She also forgets other things, like her shoes, or to brush her hair (though rare), and other things of that nature.


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 4

Charisma: 4


Ms. Tenner is a very sweet woman on a good day. She likes to help others on these days, as she is very caring and thoughtful, and takes pride in her healing arts and her defensive arts. She may even go out of her way to save the day once in a while... but then there are her bad days.

On her bad days, that's when she is least forgetful, because in her anger, she tends to have a hyper-memory. This doesn't mean that she doesn't still forget, because she will, just that it's less likely to happen. These are the days when she is angry, or sad. Perhaps someone said something nasty to her, or someone that she was close to died. Either way, she is grumpy and doesn't want to put up with people on these days.

If you would ever be able to help her calm down on her bad days, or try and make them good, you may just be higher up on her "help" list, which she keeps privately in her head, in case certain people ever need anything. However, there is also a counter to this. if someone does her wrong, she privately keeps a "Don't help" list... for the same reason.


From birth, Alice always knew that she was a Shaman. Growing up she heard the voices of the spirits, calling to her, and sometimes just talking to her. To some people, it would be very bothersome and cause for therapy, but she knew it was happening for a reason.

It was in her teenage years that she began to really practice the arts of her Shamanism. The first ritual she did was in her bedroom, drawing archaic Shamanic symbols on her floor, and providing blood in a circle to raise a spirit. They talked for a while about the spirit world, and the spirit grew to like her. Over the next couple of years, he began to tell her secrets of how to raise the spirits more effectively, because after a while, it took a lot of blood.

She took in everything that he told her, writing it all down in case she ever forgot for some reason, and they met every once in a while after that. A while after that, she began to compile books and scrolls of the Shaman arts from around the world, saving every penny she ever earned to buy these things - as well as other relics for her rituals.

After a while she became very powerful... and then the accident happened. She was walking in a forest near where she lived, looking for herbs to do a summoning ritual to strengthen her current powers when a tree fell all of a sudden. The massive tree struck her in the head, causing her to fall back. The tree landed on her foot, breaking it, and when someone found her in the forest, unconscious, they patched her up and told her what they figured had happened.

She remembered absolutely nothing. Complete amnesia.

Then it began to come back to her in little bits and pieces. Eventually she remembered where she lived, years later, and when she went to her home, found it in ram shackles and almost falling apart. The looked through her belongings to see if maybe something there could jog her memory, and some of it did, but most of it didn't. She had to relearn everything that she had previously known, and even after learning it would often times forget it.


Alice worships no god. She simply believes in spirits and Death. She believes in Heaven and Hell, and nothing more than that, but she can't explain it.

She has many trinkets and bobbles, but most of them are used for rituals. She has voodoo dolls and other such extremities, as well as runes, runestones, a special stylus for drawing runes and other such things.

She has many gems, too, but those are strictly for rituals. Some of them are cursed, and some of them are blessed. To keep from forgetting these, she has put them in individual bags, and wrote down what they are for and what they do. If anyone got a hold of the cursed ones... well... bad things.

>> I didn't know how to do the whole Spoiler thing.. sorry. >.< <<


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