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Realistic or Modern Heroes and villains, two sides of the same coin.


One Thousand Club

Do you feel it, the clump building up in the back of your throat?
The jackal, the leader of the world's strongest superhero team has fallen, nobody could believe it, with his set of powers and intellect who could believe that he is dead.
With his speed and his foresight, how could he die from a damned gunshot.
He and his team were supposed to usher in a new age of heroes with their sidekicks and prodigies, and now the public seems to be split.
If the jackal can die from a gunshot, what makes any hero different from regular humans.
What if someone figured out the jackals' weakness, perhaps he figured out the weaknesses of everyone from the sentinels.
The jackals' funeral will be held in front of the heroes' hall, a building dedicated to the memories and trophies of the heroes. Many heroes from all over the world will attend, the public too.
The jackal has fallen, and maybe the age of heroes has fallen with it.

Alright, let's hope this one gets any traction, you guys will be playing the prodigies of the heroes.

There are four teams from which your mentor can be from. (they can be batman types where they fight alone, but let's not have too may of these)

-the sentinels: the justice league type, heroes who deal with planetary level threats. The most popular and most beloved team, some of them even have merch.

-the monster alliance: more unknown heroes, usually dealing with city level threats. They are composed of anti-heroes mainly. These guys are disliked by the law, and some of them are given a special order by other hero teams "take down on sight" or "ignore for your own safety"

-those of the Oracle: the oracle, the strongest magic user to ever live, the leader of a giant group of magic users all across the earth who act as a society of wizards. Their mission is to seek knowledge, help the heroes when needed, and protect the world from magical threats that regular heroes can't deal with.

-watchdogs: a group of heroes who deal with crooks, hidden society's and corrupt people in high places, they gather underground under New York and are led by a man who calls himself "the black knight" a charismatic yet slightly unhinged man who investigates theories of secret societies and conspiracies.

If you want to play a villain, tell me.
This sounds interesting. Do you have a plot to follow or will it be more character-driven?
Character sheet up boys, we have enough people to start, anyone seeing the thread is free to join it.
It’s been a bit since I’ve done a superhero RP. Sounds like a fun concept too, if you’ve still got space I’d love to join.

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