Hero Submissions


A drifter, returned


Name: What do they call themselves?

Gender: Self-explanatory

Age: Child characters are fine too

Race: Mortals (which can encompass more than just baseline humans), Aliens, Gods, Demons, and intelligent machines all call this world home. The sky’s the limit, so do what you like.

Physical Appearance: What do they look like?

Personality: What do they act like? What are some of their good points and what are some of their flaws?

History: Where do they come from and what are they fighting for? How did they get so strong in the first place? What do they dream of doing and what made them pursue that dream?

Power level: Basically meaningless but a shorthand for showing how far we’ve come. Season 1 heroes and underlings have a 3 digit power level, villains have 4 and each transformation level hypothetically adds 2 digits and each season adds a digit to the base power level.

I.e. A starting hero has a PL of 600, after a level 1 transformation his PL hypothetically jumps to around 60,000. In season 2 that same hero starts with around 6000 and that same transformation jumps him up to around 600,000. Once we pass 12 digits you can just start putting question marks. And again, this doesn’t really mean anything, it’s just a story short hand and a chance to brag about how strong your new transformation has made you before you job like an asshole.

Travel powers: Because they're important enough to have, but shouldn't take up a slot. How does your character get around? Flight, teleportation, just really fast? Or do they have to drive around like most people?

Extra: extra details. From important personal items, to simple side details that didn’t fit anywhere else.


POWERS- Season 1: you get 2 powers to start off and an untapped slot to be filled when dramatically appropriate. If you’re making a villian, 3 powers and 2 untapped

CLARIFICATION- Powers are for the most part, specific attacks, abilities, or boosts like transformations, Not not general things like "wind control" or "energy beams" those are just part of the effects or visual appearance of the power, not the power itself

For example :

Power name (What you call it, make this something cool or at least ridiculous): Kamehameha

Appearance (What it looks like): A massive amount of blue energy that gathers in the hands before firing out as a huge beam, picking up dust and punching through clouds as it travels forward with tremendous force

Effect(what it actual does when it hits someone): Despite looking like an energy wave, the Kamehameha actually carries a physical force behind it, hitting like a single massive punch on impact and shattering bones and battering any target that isn't tough enough to withstand it

Slot 1

Power name: What should we call this flashy array of lights and fire?

Appearance: Is it a spiraling beam as thin as a finger? A barrage of thousands of blue bolts of fire? A single slash that cuts the very earth with its wave? If it’s a transformation, what changes? Is it a simple as a change of hair color or an overwhelming aura, or is your body coated in an armor that renders you unrecognizable? Be Descriptive! I’ll allow pictures for extreme changes but descriptions are heavily preferred.

Effect: What does it actually do when it hits someone? Does it only work on certain targets or under certain circumstances? If it’s a transformation, what does it do to the body? Is it just a strength increase or do they lose something in favor of speed or something else?

Slot 2

Power name:



Slot 3

Untapped Slot: Add this power when you need/ want to come up with something new, preferably when dramatically appropriate (i.e. the climax of a battle)
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Name: Silver "The Iron-Wraith" Shintetsu
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Race: Mortal
Physical Appearance:(In Attached Image Below)
Personality: Silver is Brave and never backs down from a fight. He has a self-sacrificing Nature, willing to be struck down in favor of his allies. However, Silver isn't an easy person to hit down. Bloody and Battered, Silver will find a way to stand back up with amazing endurance. Silver is a Natural-Born Leader, and knows who to let fight and who to protect when necessary. However, sometimes his feelings overcome his Judgement, and he makes Rash decisions. In a quick situation, Silver goes "Instincts first, Logic Later".


History: Silver is the son of "Erin", the strongest known Swordsman known to man. Silver inherits his fathers will, and carries on his legacy through his sword skills. His father trained him with a blade at the young age of 5, and just like his father, Silver intends on becoming the strongest swordsman in the world. His ninja-like reflexes and speed, combined with his sword skills make him an invisible cyclone of death. In which he was nicknamed; "The Iron-Wraith".
Power level: Silver, who has trained everyday and faced life-threatening missions has earned himself a Power level of 750, a cut above the average Hero.
Extra: *Silver loves noodles, and a quick bowl can make him feel refreshed for a fight 

          *Wields an Uchigatana made of Damascus Steel, Nicknamed "Ironwraith"

          *Like his Father, wields a separate Reserve of Magic Energy yet to be unlocked
POWERS- Season 1: you get 2 powers to start off and an untapped slot to be filled when dramatically appropriate. If you’re making a villain, 3 powers and 2 untapped


Travelling Powers: A Flying Cloud 
Slot 1
Power name: Sword Speed: Shiver
Appearance: With a single slash of the sword, Silver's one slash can turn into 10 slashes or more that cut the enemy with untraceable speed. This can also be used in Silver's movements, making some of his movements look like mere illusions. Faster than the normal eye and body can react.
Effect: When someone is hit with this move, they usually cannot see the strikes coming, and cannot defend themselves. 10 slashes from the attack can cut the opponent in 100 different places with deep cuts if they aren't smart enough to avoid it.
Slot 2
Power name: Blade Dance: Triple Rahkasha
Appearance: As time seems to distort itself, Silver appears as if he is holding 3 blades at the same time. One in his mouth, and another in his opposite hand. With such quick movements, two of the three swords are fake, but are constantly switched between the real one. With intense speed, all of them can have physical effect at the same moment. This move is simply a mirage, but is used to put pressure on the villains' defense while keeping them guessing. More-so, it gives a huge speed advantage to Silver in offense.
Effect: If an opponent is hit with this move, they can be slashed over 50 times within a fraction of a second, Silver switching and attacking with his swords at an inhuman speed is the reason for this intense attack.
Slot 3
Untapped Slot: Kyutoryu Zen

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Name: Tojo Hayato

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Race: Mortal(?)

Physical Appearance: 

Personality: Hayato is a man of few words. He only speaks when spoken to and comes off being the brooding and cold type of person. This is actually due to his inability to comprehend emotions and to act upon them, rendering him emotionless. While this makes him a very calm and stoic person, it also limits his ability to act properly in accordance to social norms and makes him very predictable. This is even reflected in his fighting, he has the skill but there is no spirit behind it. Something that unnerves even his Sensei and limits his development in the dojo.

History: Hayato has no recollection of his early childhood with the only thing he knows beong the fact that his Sensei, Ougi Kumamoto, found him when he was only 5 years old. A poor abandoned child by a mountain path, cold, starving and clutching an old photo. He was raised by his Sensei acting as a father of sorts and with the students of the Dojo acting as his siblings.

As he grew older, he showed promise as a practitioner of Jigen Haoh style of martial arts. A style that focuses on close combat and ki enhanced moves. But there is where he hits a snag. The Jigen Haoh style requires the user to channel his emotions into an attack while keeping it in control. Hayato had the control but not the emotions. A fact that unnerved his Sensei and his students who simply assumed that Hayato had really good control of his emotions when he simply... didn't know what they are.

This led to his Sensei to make a deal with a rival Dojo and have their trouble student travel the world with Hayato to teach him how to feel and express his emotions while he teaches her discipline. A match made in ironic heaven. But he does have an end goal: To find the woman in the photo he holds dear and maybe find his real family.

Power level: 700


- He carries a tsurugi he calls Ginga

- He also carries a stained and faded photo of his supposed mother. The face is blurred to the point of being unrecognizable.

- Has a fondness for vegetable tempura udon


POWERS- Season 1: you get 2 powers to start off and an untapped slot to be filled when dramatically appropriate. If you’re making a villian, 3 powers and 2 untapped

Traveling Powers: Has a motorcycle license.

Slot 1

Power name: Ginga Tatsumaki

Appearance: Hayato duplicates Ginga and holds both swords in a reverse grip before spinning around like the enemy like a razor sharp top.

Effect: Bombards the enemy with a flurry of cuts. Hayato invented this technique as a way to get around his lackluster mastery of Jigen Haoh techniques. 

Slot 2

Power name: Jigen Haoh Ryu Kenpo: Hagan-Kiri

Appearance: Hayato channels his ki through Ginga, making the blade glow slightly before slashing forward in an arc. The ki extends the cutting range to about 5m.

Effect: The ki enhanced blade can cleave through boulders like a hot knife through butter. In theory anyway, given how Jigen Haoh techniques work, Hayato's blade has reduced power and range.

Slot 3

Untapped Slot: Jigen Haoh Ryu: Keiinken

  Reveal hidden contents

Name: Ohka Yukari

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Race: Mortal

Physical Appearance: 

Personality: Yukari is the polar opposite of Hayato. She's bubbly, sociable, easily excited and hot-blooded. She's also a bit of a martial arts nerd and would get excited upon seeing someone perform a technique's signature move. However, this means that Yukari can be a bit on the irritaring side, impatient, and usually acts before thinking things through. This is even reflected in how tends to get distracted easily while fighting.

History: Yukari had a relatively normal childhood. She was raised by a single mother who worked as a bartender in K City. She is the oldest with a younger brother and sister who are fraternal twins from another father. Despite that, the three of them are pretty close given that their mother sleeps the whole day and works the night shift at some upscale bar in the city's entertainment district. While the twins busied themselves with strange scientific experiments, Yukari picked up an interest in martial arts and spent hours watching matches and competitions, reading about the various schools from borrowed library books and saving up spare cash for posters. She even dreamed about being a famous martial artist one day and maybe start a Dojo all of her own. 

Her life goal slowly became closer to coming true one day when she heard that the world renowned Nishizumi Ryu was recruiting members to its Dojo after its split form the Ougi Dojo. She immediately leapt at this chance (after some begging to her mother) and signed up for the trials. After the harsh trials (and some minor interruptions from the Shisho of the Ougi Dojo), she was amazed to see that she managed to place in the top 30. Thus earning her a spot in the Dojo. Things were beginning to look up.... At least for the first 4 years.

Yukari found that she didn't have the necessary patience and control to learn the true Nishizumi Ryu techniques that don't require a bow. Then a solution presented itself in the form of a strange request from the Shisho of the Ougi Dojo. For someone to teach his adopted son/student how to learn feelings. That student in particular exhibited excellent control and discipline so they planned for Yukari to travel together with this student. She will teach him how to feel while he will teach her patience and control. A match made in ironic heaven indeed.  

Power level: 600


- Carries a yumi with her

- Has a phobia of leeches

- Has a fondness for katsudon


POWERS- Season 1: you get 2 powers to start off and an untapped slot to be filled when dramatically appropriate. If you’re making a villian, 3 powers and 2 untapped

Traveling Powers: Walking. 

Slot 1

Power name: Nishizumi Ryu Kempo: Kabura-ya

Appearance: A ki infused arrow that glows brightly at the tip. 

Effect: The arrow begins emitting a high pitched whistle in mid-flight once some distance away from the user and will emit a loud pop once it lands. Its effectively a decoy used to distract enemies while the user thinks of another plan. Due to its low ki needed to utilize the technique, it can be used repeatedly with little consequence.  

Slot 2

Power name: Nishizumi Ryu Kempo: Suzaku-ya

Appearance: An arrow shrouded in ki shaped like a bird of prey.

Effect: Once fired, the Suzaku-ya will home in on its target as long as they remain within the user's line of sight. Upon impact, the ki infused within the arrow will explode in a localized explosion of sorts. However, due to the rather large amount of ki needed to utilize the technique, Yukari is only able to use it 3 times before tiring herself out. A large amount of focus is needed too. 

Slot 3

Untapped Slot: Nishizumi Ryu Kempo: Nanna-senti Houken

Name: Ko Kurotsuki II

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Race: Mortal

Physical Appearance: Top is a white collar shirt with a black tie sporting a dark purple and black overcoat (unbuttoned) pants are black with a black belt and gold buckle and black dress shoes, skin color is black, eyes are drawn and tired with bags underneath, left eye color is brown right eye is black, hair is dark and curly, height 5'9",

Personality: Well mannered, hates children and childish behavior, wishes to become the head of the kurotsuki clan, doesn't like showing it but really misses his mother;who died because of a  training accdent he caused, trains and studies magic everyday. he can act bit stuck up and complains when things don't suit him. he works well alone but can coordinate with a team if he trusts them enough. 

. Power level: 744

Extra: Wears pendant mom gave him, never goes ANYWHERE without it, wears white gloves because it makes him feel cool, loves Latin opera,
Power name: Curse of the Kurotsuki

Appearance: The darkness of his right eye

Effect: makes light based attacks do double attack to him,forbids him from using light magic, he cant recieve light based healing spells (necromancy healing is ok), doubles his dark magic in moonlight,  is always active.

Slot 2 
Power name: Vanterblack

Appearance: Black spots that spew pillers of black fire,

Effect: Burning, is able to tear though light based defenses, only works in his field of vision, can be set then spew fire at a time after. the spot dissapars after fire is spewd forth, can only summon 4 spots at a time. 

Slot 3 
Untapped Slot: Infinite Black Moon Apocalypse

Appearance: Turns both eyes red,if at night turns the sky red and moon black

Effect: gives him 20-20 vision and 359' view

MyStyle (2).jpg
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Name: Onryo Eisei (Assumed name, real name forgotten)

Gender: M

Age: 22, though he doesn’t look a day over 15 on account of being dead and all

Race: Ghost

Physical Appearance:


Personality: While Eisei doesn’t remember what he was like when he was alive, one could assume he was already kind of weird based on how he acts now. Outgoing, if a bit immature to start with, his experiences after death haven’t made him any better. Years of near total isolation have made him awkward and kind of clingy and his sense of humor can come off as wierdly fatalistic and morbid in the face of his normally sunny disposition. Despite his oddities however he is also genuinely kind and tries his best to help whoever he can whenever he can.


History: Eisei doesn’t remember how he died, only that he wasn’t alone when it happened. The boy who took to calling himself Onryo Eisei was only 15 when he shuffled off this mortal coil and, having never really done anything with his life outside of slack off, didn’t really know what to expect when he got to the other side. Fortunately for Eisei (though whether it’s good or bad fortune is a matter of opinion) he never actually made it to the other side, instead reforming somewhere in between this life and the next in a strange warped version of our reality beneath a sunless black sky and surrounded by building wreathed in an ethereal blue flame.


Eisei soon met the only other being to inhabit this plane, a strange woman in white who sorted motes of light into a hundred different holes in the sky. Though initially annoyed more than anything by his presence, she took some modicum of pity upon hearing his story. While she could offer him no answers as to his identity she could offer him a chance to go find some for himself in exchange for some help.


She explained that the world was entering a new era of conflict, and that without someone to oppose the coming shadows the afterlife would soon be flooded with new souls, and possibly more like him lost between the pages. So in exchange for letting him go back he would let her train him into a force against the coming darkness.


Seven years have passed since that day and only now has Eisei returned to world. Though desperate to learn as much as he can about his life before, he may not have much time to look before everything goes to hell.

Travel powers: Ghost Walk: Eisei is capable of limited teleportation that effectively lets him flash step at incredibly high speeds.

Power level: 750

Extra: Eisei’s powers mostly revolve around manipulating the mysterious “ghost fires” that exist in the world between worlds.  After years of training he’s learned how to summon them up from his own spirit as well as can use them to augment his physical capabilities.


POWERS- Season 1: you get 2 powers to start off and an untapped slot to be filled when dramatically appropriate. If you’re making a villian, 3 powers and 2 untapped

Slot 1

Power name: Kobudo-rei: Hiryoha

Appearance: Pressing his wrists together and opening his palms outward, Eisei conjures up a ball of otherworldly blue flame and then releases it with incredible speed.

Effect: The Hiryoha burns anything it can make physical contact with, seemingly without regard to what it’s made of. The ball exists as long a Eisei can focus on keeping it around, during which time he’s also capable of controlling in a limited capacity by directing it with wide hand motions. Once he stops focusing on it or directing it however it dissipates almost immediately.

Slot 2

Power name: Kobudo-rei: Seireikoken

Appearance: Eisei coats his hands in the same fire that makes up the Hiryoha and then lunges forward, making numerous open palm strikes, each swing of his arms leaving a long trail of flame as it travels that is just as dangerous as the strike itself.

Effect: Similarly to the Hiryoha, Seireikoken burns whatever it touches, however the flame it creates lingers for as long as Eisei persists with the attack, causing lingering damage as well as allowing eisei to create barriers that while not able to block projectiles can at least deny most enemy movement.

Slot 3

Untapped Slot: Kobudo-seirei: Shikoryo
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Name: Ezekiel Stark(This is his human name. Real name will be revealed in the rp.)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown(looks 17)

Race: Zephur(An alien race known for being peaceful rather than hostile.)

Physical Appearance:


(This is Ezekiel's human form.)

Personality: Ezekiel is quite skeptical and tends to worry more than the other heroes, but his worries are often very justified and understandable. He is a logical and smart person, often annoyed by the idea of not being able to understand someone or something at all. He tends to be quite serious, but he does joke around occasionally. Ezekiel is generally pleasant and easily exhibits kindness and thoughtfulness to others around him; he genuinely cares about everyone. 

History: Unlike most Zephurs, Ezekiel was born on Earth, since his parents moved there. He went to school like a normal kid did, Ezekiel became an A student. Ezekiel became interested in humans and Earth, which gave him the desire to protect Earth. His main goal is to be like his father, a former solider. Since he has his father's powers, his father is able to train him and show him special techniques.

(I know this is really short. Forgive me.)

Power level: 600

Travel powers: None

Extra: Ezekiel's entire body is elastic, which means he can stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract his whole body.


POWERS- Season 1: you get 2 powers to start off and an untapped slot to be filled when dramatically appropriate. If you’re making a villian, 3 powers and 2 untapped

Slot 1

Power name: Constriction

Appearance: Ezekiel stretches his arms so he can reach the opponent.

Effect: Ezekiel constructs his opponent so hard, the opponent starts to choke.

Slot 2

Power name: Hammer Time!

Appearance: Ezekiel's hands turns into hammers.

Effect:  The hammer hands are more powerful than Ezekiel's normal hands. It can send an opponent flying if he nails it perfectly.

Slot 3

Untapped Slot: Finale
Name: Bae Yoona

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race: Mortals

Ethnicity: South Korean

Physical Appearance: 

Art & character design credit to ctchrysler

Personality: +Outgoing - Yoona enjoys talking with and meeting new people. She isn't shy about making herself known.

+Honest - She tries her best to always be honest with those around her but even she knows when it's better to hide the truth.

+Optimistic - Perhaps to a fault, Yoona keeps a hopeful and bright outlook on life and all it's curve balls.

+Confident - She believes in her self and her abilities, rarely second guesses a decision.

+Resilient - She's a fighter and doesn't back down easily

+Good Natured - She always wants to do the right thing

+Charming - Or at least she likes to think so

+Adventurous - If it looks like a good time you can count her in

+Athletic - She's in good shape physically due to her love of sports, namely baseball and track

-Stubborn - She doesn't like to be told what to do and won't always listen to sound advice.

-Impulsive - As you might expect, she does a lot of things without thinking first.

-"I'm always right" - Yoona generally thinks she knows everything and that her opinions are correct

-Morally Black/White - There isn't much of a grey space for her, you're either right or you're wrong which can cause some interesting situations

-Lazy - She wont work too hard if she doesn't have to

-Vain - She's obsessed with her looks 

History: Yoona hails from Seoul, South Korea where her parents both work with the cosmetic business which explains why she's places so much emphasis on her looks. She has two younger siblings and a dog. A pretty normal existance by all standards. It wasn't until last year that things got rather... interesting.

Yoona got in a huge car wreck, ended up lying in the middle of the street with her left arm smashed. Before mortal paramedics could arrive, she was picked up by some aliens looking for a prime target to test out their new tech on. They outfitted her with a mechanical arm and dumped her body in front of a human hospital some days later. The entire medical staff were baffled by her new limb and called in government officials for more testing. The tech was unlike anything they had ever seen before. Test after test, diagnostic after diagnostic it quickly became clear to Yoona that those people were more interested in unlocking the capabilities of her freaky arm then they were with helping her. 

She's coping pretty well post-accident, has a few triggers that will set her off but she's back to enjoying life and learning all the neat things her new arm can do.

Power level: 600

Travel powers: She drives an old beat up car, dreams of owning a motorcycle

Extra: Yoona's left arm (from mid forearm down) was replaced by a fully operational mechanical gauntlet. It gives her abilities and enhanced strength & speed.




Slot 1

Power name: Bust 'Em Up!

Appearance: Her mechanical arm glows bright blue, small waves of energy pulsing from it (enough to disturb light dirt/dust and ruffle clothing) as it charges up for a powerful punch.

Effect: When she hits an enemy the charged energy is expelled, knocking them a lot farther than they would normally go while also shocking them. The shock may render them unable to move for 2-3 seconds after impact. If she knocks an enemy up into the air they will also take fall damage upon landing.

Slot 2

Power name: Overdrive!

Appearance: The bright blue glow from her arm surrounds her body.

Effect: Greatly increases Yoona's movement speed and strength for a set amount of time.

Slot 3

Untapped Slot: Add this power when you need/ want to come up with something new, preferably when dramatically appropriate (i.e. the climax of a battle)
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Oliver Hedström

"sorry... my name's hard to pronounce..."



"I look like a male... right?"



"Technically I'm almost an adult... hahaha...."



"er... what an odd question..."

Physical Appearance:




"If there's someone in need, I'll help them... just like an actual hero"

Oliver is considered to be a kind guy, Past his awkwardness and slight cautiousness lies a kind hearted young man. It's like a tick in his brain whenever he see's someone in trouble, no matter who it is. Friend or foe.


"Er... I wouldn't say that..."

Don't be fooled by his Awkward and kind personality, Oliver isn't a stupid guy. Picking up patterns, utilizing his surroundings, and thinking out of the box is his specialty.


"Ah... well... er"

Oliver isn't the best at communicating, especially with other people. He often says something weird on accident, or embarrasses himself. He's quick to become flustered and startled.


"I-I won't give up!"

One of Oliver's more heroic and brave side, If he puts his mind to something then he'll stop at nothing to get it done. Beat him down again and again, but he'll continue to get back up.

~Closed off~

"I don't need your help!"

Oliver has trouble truly opening up to people. He has trouble getting close to someone knowing that one day he will eventually lose them. Basically this trait stems down to a fear of being betrayed. Oliver is quick to give someone help, but he has trouble receiving it.

"I'm Fine"

Oliver is good at hiding his feelings, especially when something is bothering him. He hates it when he makes someone worried about himself.


Oliver was the first born child of a somewhat poor but humble married couple. He had a good life for a few years, and he even got a younger brother and sister, twins in fact. Life was going well until Oliver's father grew ill, and after rather expensive treatment the families financial budget went into the negative, and Oliver's father passed away. Oliver's mother was heartbroken, and she became cold to the world. She became more bitter as time passed, and she blamed the death of her husband on her children. Surely if they weren't around she could have easily paid for her husbands treatment. In the middle of night, Oliver's mother left them. With no money, nothing. Just the clothes on the middle schooler and two toddler's backs. Normally when something like this happens the children are sent to a foster family, or to a relative, but that wasn't the case for Oliver. His own mother had left him, betrayed him and that left a nasty scar for the young boy. He trusted no one except for himself, and his siblings. Through thick and thin Oliver cared for his siblings, bounced around a low paying jobs, and tried his best to get a decent education. School wasn't much better for Oliver, he was an easy target for bullies, they knew he wouldn't fight back since if he was expelled then he'd lose his chance of giving his siblings a good life. So he took their beatings, threats, and anything else they could throw at him. He would go home covered in bruises, black eyes, and bloody nooses, but he still pressed on so that he could shed light upon his two younger siblings.

"I don't want to talk about it..."

Power level: 


"I-I'm just a normal human...."

Travel powers: 

Walking, buses, any free transport.

"I do what I can to get around"


Oliver has major trust issues

He would do anything to protect his younger siblings



As of right now Oliver has no idea that he has these powers, so to everyone else he's just a regular mortal who can take a beating.

Slot 1

Power name: 

Pridwen's roar


A round, slightly transparent shield that forms on Oliver's left arm. on the front it depicts a lions face in mid roar. When either Oliver or his shield is hit, the shield starts go glow. The more he's been hit the brighter it glows until he releases it's stored energy which results in a loud roar and a large amount of force from the face of the shield.


Pridwen's roar is like a giant shove, it throws anything in front of it back, even immobilizing an opponent if the were hit by its full force.

Slot 2

Power name:

Pridwen's fist


Similar to his first power, but instead of concentrating stored power into his shield Oliver instead sends it to his free hand to deliver a devastating punch. It can break through concrete walls, but it also badly injury the user.


Depending on how much power Oliver has stored up in his body this attack could either be a somewhat strong push that will want a foe flying back a couple of feet, and a monstrous blow that could end a battle in one move. 

Slot 3

Untapped Slot: 

Oliver's end all be all power, while he has no idea that it resides inside his body, it can only be triggered when Oliver is on death's doorstep or when he has a large influx of emotion. When released this hidden power is extremely powerful.
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Name: James Uzi (hero name is arsenal)

Gender: male

Age: 18

Race: human

Physical Appearance:

out of costumeimg-thing.jpg

In costumeTF_Mil_M01.png

He stands at 6'1"

Personality: James is one of those people who tried and failed to join the military, he gets extremely sore when anyone brings that up. He is outgoing and nice but prefers not to speak much when armored up. He is loyal to a fault. He is also a helpless romance something that comes to bite him in the ass as it makes him easy to manipulate.

He also tends to work as a mercenary sometimes and will work no matter the cost untill his contract if fulfilled.

History: James was born in a good sized coastal town but a disease went through and killed a good amount of people but james lived and was adopted into a upperclass family who's son was not as lucky. When he was a kid he dreamed of joining the military to help his country and protect his loved ones. He was denied service due to a chance of him having been sick with that disease as a kid. His dreams crushed he trained and snuck into a military base in an attempt to loot some military armor and weapons so he could go and be a mercenary instead. Unfortunately he was found by who he thought was a young girl... Then got his ass kicked but during that fight he discovered his power. Now with his partner he dreams of becoming a hero that will be remembered throughout the ages. His main power is to be able to make weapons right from thin air as long as they are not extremly complicated.

Power level: 720

Travel powers: drives but owns an armored car.

Extra: he is a good cook and he is talented in hacking and working computers and is currently working trying to make an AI... With little success so far.


Slot 1


Appearance: I Scatter several canisters around a given area and they quickly give off a greenish gas. Any type of spark or heat inside the clouds will cause them to ignite setting a large area ablaze with thermite a sticky chemical that can burn through steel plates. It turns the area effected into a huge red firestorm.

Effect: this will light anything inside the target area on fire with sticky thermite. This will kill most humans almost instantly and even render most machines inside destroyed

Slot 2

Power name: Bullet Storm

Appearance: I summon a weapon and unload the fire rate being enough to fill the area of effect with smoke and streaks of light seem to fill the space between me and the target

Effect: I the area of my,choosing becomes filled with gunfire or whatever I have in my hands at the moment, it can somehow effect targets it normally wouldnt have any effect on.

Slot 3

Untapped Slot: Add this power when you need/ want to come up with something new, preferably when dramatically appropriate (i.e. the climax of a battle)
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Name: Kotori Arimine

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Race: Genetically modified human.

Physical Appearance: 


Personality: Hypercurious, hyperactive, hyperintelligent just.. Hyper. Kotori's brain tends to always be running a gear above everyone else's. She grasps new concepts with ease and reacts quickly but its difficult for her to focus on one thing for too long and she demands near constant stimulation. Kotori's is fascinated with new and unfamiliar things and loves to discover how things work or operate but she rarely gets attached for very long. Kotori has the most trouble understanding other people though, she hasn't been very well socialised due to her upbringing so while she's extremely outgoing and curious about others she has zero tact and can easily annoy or unnerve people without really meaning too.

History: What do two incredibly brilliant scientist who want to have a child together do when they can't conceive naturally? They make a child, literally. Using research from secret government projects they had worked on Kotori's parents combined human and cat DNA to create an artificial lifeform with the intelligence of a human and the enhanced reflexes and sense of a cat. The result was Kotori and from the start it was clear her parents had bitten off more than they could chew. Kotori seemed to have boundless energy and curiousity and had inherited her the brilliance of her parents. Her early years were spent exploring every inch of their house and labs and being homeschooled at an alarming rate, with extra focus given to the sciences, but it was never enough to distract the precocious child from the lure of the outside world. Kotori's existence had to be kept a secret, see the government's who had bankrolled the initial research behind the girl's birth would be extremely surprised and interested to know those efforts had paid off, they'd also probably consider Kotori their property and kidnap her for further research so from birth her parents had no choice but to keep her hidden away.

Not wanting to scare her Kotori's parents never mentioned this to their precocious child but as a result their excuses as to why she couldn't go outside increasingly fell on death ears. One days Kotori simply had enough and ran away, snatching some supplies and equipment from their labs and hitting the open roads. Since then she's wandered aimlessly, dodging attempts by her parents or people they hired to catch her and investigating anything that peaks her curiosity.

Power level: 150

Travel powers: 2x pneumatic survival tool: Invented by Kotori to help her traverse difficult terrain, the pneumatic survival tool is sort of a cross between a combat knife and grappling gun. It can be used as a normal knife but can also be fired from its sheath with a burst of pressurised gas and is attached to a thin but strong cable. The blade of the knife can split apart to form a sort of hook shape and can be retracted or swung on to quickly move or change direction. 

Extra: Kotori's gloves, guns and knives where all designed and produced by her, using stuff she stole from her parents as a base, the gloves conceal control mechanisms for her pneumatic survival tools (detailed above) so they can be aimed freely. 

There are magnet holsters on her back for her two guns that automatically activate when Kotori drops her guns, allowing her to rapidly switch between ranged and melee combat.


POWERS- Season 1: you get 2 powers to start off and an untapped slot to be filled when dramatically appropriate. If you’re making a villian, 3 powers and 2 untapped

CLARIFICATION- Powers are for the most part, specific attacks, abilities, or boosts like transformations, Not not general things like "wind control" or "energy beams" those are just part of the effects or visual appearance of the power, not the power itself

For example :

Power name (What you call it, make this something cool or at least ridiculous): Kamehameha

Appearance (What it looks like): A massive amount of blue energy that gathers in the hands before firing out as a huge beam, picking up dust and punching through clouds as it travels forward with tremendous force

Effect(what it actual does when it hits someone): Despite looking like an energy wave, the Kamehameha actually carries a physical force behind it, hitting like a single massive punch on impact and shattering bones and battering any target that isn't tough enough to withstand it

Slot 1

Power name: Steam assisted knife attack MK 1

Appearance: Kotori snags an opponent with one of her knives and retracts the cable, pulling her opponent towards her or herself towards the opponent. When in range Kotori uses her other knife to make a slashing attack, using the pneumatic firing system to propel it forwards and increase its strength. 

Effect: It's just a normal attack, although the damage is boosted by the momentum behind it and the power of the pneumatic launching system making it fairly effective. The grappling part of the attack means its in some ways a ranged attack. 

Slot 2

Power name: Chimera bomb.

Appearance: An ungodly, custom made landmine made by Kotori herself, she throws it or sets it as a trap and detonates it with a mechanism on her belt. 

Effect: The chimera bomb detonates, releasing a conventional explosion, an electromagnetic pulse and a could of acidic gas that can slowly dissolve bone and metal. Hence the name. The bomb is quite unwieldy so Kotori only ever carries one at a time, she can make more but it requires access to a certain amount of infrastructure most cities can provide what she needs.

Slot 3

Untapped Slot: 

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