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Fantasy Hero classes- roster


More toxic less flow
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Post then here, I've already posted a Hero character who will drop in at times to give lessons an such.

Your characters are allowed to be good with their power but I want everyone to give their characters room to grow. If you start out being able to level skyscrapers then I need to throw up bigger threats so try and keep a cap on it. Know I might ask you change edit or nerf some stuff if I feel it won't work or is troublesome.

Pm questions or ask them on the check. I will delete them if they show up here aha

Hero/support name: (If they have thought ahead)
(13--17 are student ages, age determines what year they are in but regardless they are in the same hero classes)

Appearance: (picture of any sort would be good but give a brief description anyway, things one can notice at a glance)

(If you have made/use something already or if you designed it in hopes a scholarship shall provide it)

Power: (name something and give a decent example of how it works)

(Who you are, where ya from, did HeroWatch find you or did you go to them?)
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Name: Joseph Gowind
Hero/support name: captain Soul Sword
Age: 26
Gender: male
6ft caucasian tanned skin green eyes short black hair. Decent in shape from a physical stand point,
(not overall jacked where one would assume steroids but in no way a slob)
Short beard unless shaved shorter.

Pirate themed which includes the jack sparrow dreadlocks. The hat (including the wig) and the costume is bulletproof and padded for protection with a polymer weave and more scientific shit Joe couldn’t explain. All he knows is it provides protection on a mid range to (lower tier) high range level.

Power: pirate projection
Joseph is able to create magic constructs of almost anything...
Swords, guns, ropes and chains, whole cannons even entire ships! But everything made costs energy and is pirate themed.
It’s believed the glowing green energy that forms for Joe is fueled by his “soul” and stamina. A reasonable deduction as it’s limited to piratey themes and renders him tired/dehydrated/in a state of malnutrition if overuse happens.

Born in a coastal town of Australia Joseph was raised with his mother’s pastime of fishing and hunting being a ldeal hobby. In fact the first construct of energy Joseph created was a boomerang. Over time Joe was influenced by drinking and money, piracy being a metaphor he loved and his ability was influenced by this. Creating swords or guns to win confrontations eventually a teenage Joe was contacted by a American agency that deals with superheroes... His ability was considered very powerful and he was sponsored to create content with the help of a team of people with different titles.

This venture failed, but on his own (and some friends made in BlueBay) joe was able to create his own following riding the current wave on social media which was sea shanties. This and his pirate themed heroic content made Captain Soul Sword a overnight sensation. After spending six years as a vigilante/criminal/HeroWatch creator he finally became popular enough to be considered a top tier super.
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Name: Clay Fitzroy
Hero/Support Name: N/A
Age: TBA (I'd like to know a bit more about the setting before deciding on this)

Gender: Male
Appearance: Clay stands around six feet tall, maybe a bit more. He has a stocky physique from years of playing sports, but still has a bit of softness due to his youth. This softness extends to his face which, his rosy cheeks having a bit of roundness to them. Despite his somewhat impoverished upbringing, his smile is bright white though he two front teeth have a slight gap giving him a bit of a unique grin.

Gear/costume: Clay's costume consists of a heavy suit of armor made up of scrap steel, the thickest parts of which measure around 1/4 of an inch. The armor covers him near completely, the plates shifting with his movements unnaturally, with no clanking or scraping. The helmet is perhaps the part of his costume that stands out the most with its tall profile and single slit. Around his waist, several lengths of steel chain are wrapped around and locked together to form a belt of sorts. Underneath his armor, Clay wears a simple combination of dark track pants and a long sleeve sweat wicking shirt.

Power: Metallokinesis
Main Facet - Clay is able to manipulate various metals using his mind. His control over them reduces significantly the further away the metal is, and with how heavy the metal he's trying to manipulate. Clay is (currently) unable to lift a sedan, only being able to slid it slowly across the ground.
Secondary Facets - Clay uses his power to signifigantly decrease the felt weight of his armor, allowing him to wear a suit too heavy for a normal human. It has also made him more efficiant when it comes to working with metal, with a noticible increase in his capabilities when it comes to repairing or making things out of metal. Currently, Clay has been trying to construct various weapons or techniques to make up for his abilities lack of offensive power.
Auxiliary Facets - Clay is able to detect various metals at a distance, his ability to track these is very potent allowing him to separately conscious of mutliple different masses of metal at a time. Using this sixth sense, Clay is able to discern different types of metal (even being able to tell steel from iron, and alloys from the metals that make up the alloy) without even seeing the source.

Clay Fitzroy was born to Austin Fitzroy, a U.S Army Veteran turned automotive mechanic, and Ada Beckett, a school teacher. Though his family wasn't wealthy, Clay was put in multiple sports growing up including Football, Wrestling, and Track and Field. It was during a summer football camp in middle school that Clay first discovered his power. Clay had recently begun weightlifting after one of his coaches reccomended he start doing so.

That summer, his parents and coach signed him up for a football camp that included a strength and conditioning instructor. The Instructor, a hardass, pushed the players most of whom weren't yet in highschool to max out on their lifts. During a particularly hard lift, with the Instructor yelling at him to lock out and finish, Clay thought he might die. The bar seemed like it was about to crush him, he could barely breathe, and it seemed like he'd never be able to complete the lift. Then when he felt like all hope was lost, the weight suddenly lessened, and Clay was able to complete the lift. Despite this, Clay wasn't able to ever go that heavy for the rest of the camp, and the weights never got light like that again. For all his effort, Clay would begin to experience massive headaches and sickness, causing him to leave the camp early and go home. It'd be during the ride home that Clay would begin to notice that despite him closing his eyes and trying to shut out the world outside, he had a distinct sense of things around him. He could feel the lighter in his Dad's pocket, the pistons in the engine pumping, and the metal frame of the truck slowly rusting.

Nearly a week passed before his illness abated... (Need more lore!)

To Be Continued...

Name: Araquiel Andersen
Hero/support name:
Age: 17

Gender: Female
Appearance: Working on the art.

Gear/costume: Araquiel finds costumes kind of cheesy. She wears an olive parka when doing whatever hero stuff needs to be done.
(If you have made/use something already or if you designed it in hopes a scholarship shall provide it)

Nanite Manipulation
> Araquiel is able to control nanites that reside in her blood stream, altering herself or building smaller constructs, being able to control her constructs from a distance of up to about 50 metres. Her ability reduces as she loses blood, or is completely shut off if she's exposed to an EMP. Araquiel has to do a lot of studying when it comes to more complex constructs, as she can't come up with them on the fly.

Internal AI/Cybernetics
> Allows her to store information on her constructs. Also allows her to access an AI that works just about the same as a computer. She honestly looks like she's spacing out when she's using it. It's kind of goofy. Due to side effects of her surgery, she may lack emotional intelligence and come off as an asshole.

Born a NICU baby to a doctor mother and technology researcher father, she wasn't born with this power, but rather given it by her parents as they felt it would not only aid her recovery, but also allow her to gain an advantage in life. This included nanites that would reproduce naturally in her blood.
Araquiel was adopted by her aunt and uncle at age 3, not due to any tragedy, but simply because her parents felt she would be better cared for there, with a cousin in a similar boat as her. She never really was close with either set of parents, but she never had problems with them either. When she was 12, she underwent surgery (of questionable legality) to replace her frontal cortex with a cybernetic replica, allowing her to now control the nanites at will.
Hero name: Lady Baihu
Age: 17

Gender: Female
Appearance: Luna screenshot.png

Gear/costume: Nothing yet

Power: Metal Tiger
- the Tiger part of the name should be self-explanatory
- Metal because she is able to morph select body parts, as well as her whole body, into metal while her claws and teeth are stuck that way
- Can also manipulate the metal to form various weapons and equipment
- Requires a high iron diet
Background: TBA

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