Here kitty, kitty, kitty (Harlequin and Vel rp)


New Member
Okay so

Our little role-play right.

First off. Characters.

Nakhti is a fairly large male cat. His build is more big-boned than anything, certainly not to be mistaken for being fat. Nakhti's base color for his pelt seems to be black, as seeing it is the predominant color in his pelt. However, his pelt is also blotched and flecked with various shades of cream and browns. This results in a dichromatic nose in the coloration of black and white. Standing out against his pelt, Nakhti has soft eyes fading from yellow around the outer rim of the iris to a gentle green more towards the pupil. Nakhti wears it as a sort of trophy, but his left ear is nicked in several places where it was obviously bitten and torn at some point, most like in some sort of fight. His tail is also fairly short, being about half the length of the average cats tail from some sort of genetic mutation it seems. Now, despite being a feral cat since bitch, Nakhti has a fairly gentle personality. He will not; however, stand someone bursting into the area he has claimed as his own without his invitation. No, no, no, unless you want a feral cat throwing a fit it isn't exactly recommended. He is fairly outspoken about his thoughts as well, rarely quiet unless he is actually deep in thought about something. Nakhti is honestly quite laid-back in the end, preferring to scavenge the trash so that he can nap in the sun all day rather than venture out to find a fresh kill. Harlequin

Alex Fields; born with peculiar, cat-like deformities, in Springfield, Massachusetts to Lucia and Kenneth Fields. A pair of middle-class Americans who raised him lovingly until shortly after his fourth birthday, when they died in a car accident. Since then, he moved in with his aunt, who despised his appearance. And as such, she would not let him leave the house without a hat and his tail binded.

Some time after this hell, Alex met a girl. A girl who persuaded him to escape. And so.. he did.

Several months after escaping, Alex was taken in by an accepting family who had a couple of kids. The fed him, washed him, kept him out of trouble. It was until he was incidentally called their pet. Needless to say, that didn't set right with him. After this, he was found and taken in by the Xavier mansion. Here he stayed a good three years, just until his 18th birthday. Currently he resides where he can afford, often performing tasks for others.

His catlike traits include fur-like body hair, including the hair on his head. Where a normal person would have ears, he has catlike ears, which are just as sensitive as a cat's. He has a four foot long tail that is covered in fur, as well his feet are rather.. pawlike. However his hands are normal, save for the two inch retractable claws. On top of all of this, he has the ability to speak to felines.

His hair is dark brown, borderline black, and his eyes are an odd shade of hazel. As well, he's a bit on the short side, being only 5'7". TroubledNovelist

Nakhti was a loner in the sinister place known as the city of Oslo. The winters were cruel, temperatures dipping well below freezing. Most felines didn't make it through the winter, especially the young ones. Nakhti was one of the lucky ones though, having made it two seasons on his own, soon enough to be three seasons. It was tough, but not impossible. One just had to be smart and know his way around.

Nakhiti found him self currently padding along the borders of the area he had claimed for his own territory, mainly for the fact of a trash bin often filled with food being within the borders as well as a nice place to burrow in with old, discarded blankets in the winter. Whenever he happened upon a spot where he found his scent to be weak he would, as cats do, spray to mark his territory. Had to be sure no one would get the smart idea to intrude. It might interrupt his afternoon nap in the early June sunlight. He paused, curling his lips back slightly as he inhaled through his mouth slowly, detecting the scent of another creature, slightly feline it seemed, near the borders of



(( help me come up with a better title omfg I am really bad at titles ))
(( Oh okay just gonna talk here assuming this is the forum you meant-- )) 
(( Oh okay just gonna talk here assuming this is the forum you meant )) 
(( I actually really like this title. ))
(( of course it is fjsdklfjldsfjlsdf




i guess we can keep the title ))
(( I wanna change my profile picture but I dont know what to omfg ))
(( well alright



I cant decide if I want a signature or not actually.

I usually don't use a signature on forums anymore so ))
(( I did too--


i just did mine because fudge yes.

i censored myself omg--

jfpoidjoihgopdihg )) 
(( Also, are we talking the Oslo in Norway or a different Oslo? ))
(( I just leave them out entirely

Easy for me because I'm used to doing that.

Well there is only one Oslo I know of where it gets well under freezing (we are talking -40 being normal well below) so-- ))
(( well

i felt the need to make mine an adorable fudging kitten--

I didn't know as far as I knew it could have been a made-up Oslo--

Smart butt. LoljustkiddinghoneyIloveyou. ))
(( I just

I kinda stopped using them about a year ago


Meh not that important for me to spend time to come up with one.

snorts I would have added more if I had made up somewhere ))
(( Wowowowowowow this reply sucks ass-- ))

Go to Oslo, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. Alex missed the warmth. He missed his bed, he missed food, and most of all, he missed his milk. Mmm.. delicious whole milk. Stereotypical, probably, but hey, this cat boy loves his milk. And currently wandering in the Oslo city limits, well, it’s hard to find milk. Let alone get any when you literally have no money. And so, forced to scavenge like some animal, A.J. wandered along the outskirts of the territory. Not quite realising where he was, the cat boy climbed the limbs of a nearby tree in search of something to eat.

With luck running out, Alex opted to just rest in that large tree, leg dangling and swinging off the edge of the limb. “I am.. an idiot.” He huffed, arm laying across his abdomen as his gaze wandered around the landscape.
(( Shhhhhhh

"missed the cold"

but Norway is pretty cold y'know--

Though it is more summer at the moment but you know--))

Nakhiti frowned, his gradient eyes falling on the human in the tree after a few moments of turning a bout and scenting the air. A human, it seemed, though giving off a distinct feline scent. Not like that of a cat owner, no, the scent was strong, as if the human was a cat. He let out a soft growl of disapproval at this strange creature before him. He didn't like it. Not at all. Humans were not supposed to smell like cats. At least he thought so. Then again he never was one to get close to the things.

He shook his head slightly, trying to get his thoughts back on track. What he wanted to know was why this creature that smelled so distinctly feline yet human that it was revolting. He flattened his ears slightly and arched his back a bit, deciding to call out to the strange beast, hoping he at least sounded big and threatening to the human even if they didn't understand.

"You, yes you up there. What do you think you are doing so close to
my territory. You better get out of here. I'll...I'll bite you and give you rabies!" The last part was a bluff. Nakhti knew he didn't have rabies. God no. He might be a feral cat but he certainly didn't have rabies. He just hoped it sounded threatening, even just a bit. Humans didn't like rabies, right? He didn't think they did anyway.
(( I meant warmth omfg wow-- still it's pretty cold there.

Gomenforshortnessomfg ))

After a few brief moments of resting to catch his breath, Alex’s eyes flung open at the sudden sound, causing him to flip out of the tree. Needless to say, being a feline person, he landed on all fours, with a quite shocked expression on his face. “What... who in the...” He stood up slowly, tail swaying idly behind him as he glanced around. “Who’s there?” Of course he didn’t quite recognise that it was a cat at first. Thus adding to his confusion. Rabies, huh? Well, it's a good thing I've already got it. With that he held up his hands and twitched his head a bit, growling in a slightly retarded’ way. “Rawr, rabies...
(( Shhhhoney ))

This only made the cat heave a sigh. The creature could understand him, yes, but it seemed they weren't the smartest. "Oh yes. You obviously have rabies. Your case is certainly worse than mine." The feline's meow was sarcastic, his tail flicking slightly in irritation. "You're case seems to be retardation though, not rabies. Can't even tell it is a cat talking to you and then that act." Slowly, Nakhti relaxed a bit, sitting down and licking his paw absently as he watched the human. Strange creature. Potentially dangerous. Not
the brightest. Would be easy to escape if needed. Thus, he saw no reason to waste energy staying in such an offensive stance when there was no immediate threat.
(( Butbut-- ))

Such actions warranted an eyeroll from the cat-boy. “Retardation? Really?” With a slight scoff, Alex stepped over to the cat, crouching in front of him. “Jeez, you’re a pretty big cat.” Way to state the obvious, Alex. With his head tilted to the side slightly, he let his tail sway a bit behind him. “Not the nicest, but you’re pretty... interesting. I can understand cats, you know. Part of my ‘ability’, if you wanna call it that.” Chuckling slightly, he shifted a bit. “What are you doing all the way out here, though?”
(( Shhhhhh ))

Nakhti's tail tip flicked slightly in irritation as he shuffled back a bit, putting distance between himself and the other creature. "You ain't no normal human is for sure." Nakhti spat the words, his ears swiveling slightly. "And you know, retardation must be the right diagnosis. Anyone would be able to tell I'm a feral cat. What a stupid question. And stupid actions to match. Coming so close to me. I really should bite you."
“Nah, you don’t really seem like the biting type...” He shrugged a bit, reaching and pointing a finger to the other feline. “You seem more the kind to act tough and mean pretty much nothing by it.” He snickered, retracting his finger a bit quickly. “Feral, though... that’s interesting, really.” Letting his legs out from under him, he flopped down on his rear, being careful not to jam his tail. “My name’s Alex, by the way.”
"You're in my territory you know. I should run you out like I do everyone else...Alex." He sniffed slightly, drawing his lips back in a slight snarl. More as a threat than anything. "I see no reason to be friendly with you. You would probably cause problems in the end. I think it would be best if you went on your way. I don't need any others thinking it is okay to invade my territory."
“Whoa, dude, chill out. I am not trying to steal your territory. All I’m really doing is trying to enjoy a vacation here.” The young man’s hands flew up in defense, and he leaned back a bit away from the cat. “Or, well.. sort of. I totally didn’t even realize this was your territory, to be honest. And I’m certainly not gonna destroy it or invade it or whatever...”
"You're already invadin' my territory though..." Nakhti grumbled, pawing at the ground in irritation. "And you're getting your weird scent all over the place like that just rolling around or whatever." He heaved a deep breath, becoming exasperated at the thought of having to toss out more cats than usual. It would interrupt his afternoon naps in the warm sun.

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