Here is a fun one Yall


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts

Please answer as detailed and as serious as you possible can. This will be helpful as well as a fun discussion for the lot of you.

What is your favorite themes or types of roleplays? For Example, if you have recurring themes that draw you in like I do for things involving cats. If there is a certain plot that just rips at your seams.

I want to know all your secret desires....

Hmmm... Intrigue immediately, well, intrigues me. I love anything rife with mysteries, puzzles, and/or secrets for me to find out both as a player and as a character.
That actually seems like fun. It would be cool to come up with fun puzzles and things but I would have to be an observer and not participate
I'm a fan of intrigue, personally. I like plots that challenge the traditional expectations of the players and make them seriously consider the consequences of their actions. I also enjoy world-building, and I love to see how the things that I've done have affected the lives of other people in the setting that I'm roleplaying in. I dislike being out of control, forced down a seemingly linear path, or left with no agency over my own decisions.

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