Helsing High School


Hell's Angel

Age: 14 to 18 age range

Grade: Goes by years so first year, second year, third year, fourth year.


Race: You can be any including human; race determines dorm(if human you will take the sun dorms while demons, vampires, werewolves and others alike will take the moon dorms)

Clique: You can be any clique or no clique; punk, rocker, emo, goth, preps, jocks, nerds, etc.

Origin: School is in Germany


Occupation: Do you have any outside jobs



Appearance: Real life, anime, or description. Whichever you prefer. Picture would be preferable though. 


Elisabetta(Roxy) Shadowmere




Second year














Elisabetta Shadowmere loves to listen to rock and metal music. She used to be extremely innocent before she joined the gang. She is tough and doesn't care about much. She hates Helsing High and wants to go home but knew that her father would send her back. She can be quiet and shy sometimes, depending on the situation. She can also be awkward around boys and doesn't know how to talk around them. She doesn't want to scare them away so she acts a little differently around them. At her old school, she was called a whore and people talked about how she slept with every guy in the school but it wasn't true. She almost had sex with one of her boyfriends but he was cruel toward her so she rejected him. He didn't care. He still tried to get with her so she broke up with him and spread all sorts of rumors about her. She can get depressed sometimes but doesn't let it get her down. She is also very determined.


Elisabetta Shadowmere was born in a poor family. Despite how poor her family was, they didn't let it bother them. They were rather close to each other. When Elisabetta was 7, however, her mother took ill. Her father would have stayed with her mother but he had to work twice as hard since she couldn't work anymore. Elisabetta's older brother took care of their mother as much as he could. They didn't have money for a hospital and could just barely pay for the apartment they lived in. Elisabetta has four older brothers and a younger sister. Her oldest brother is 12 years older than her, her second older brother is 10 years older than her. Her third older brother is 7 years older than her. Her fourth older brother is three years older than her. Her little sister is 2 years younger than her. She doesn't see her oldest brother often so most of the responsibility comes from her other brothers. She was raised in a very large family but they all seemed to get along. Anyways, when she was 9 her mother died. They were all heartbroken about her death. Especially Elisabetta. She locked herself in her room for days. Finally, she was back to her old self about a week later. She knew crying wouldn't bring her mom back. When she entered middle school, she met a group of cool friends that were in 8th grade. She soon found out that they in a gang and they asked her if she would like to join. She wasn't sure but they were very persuasive. She joined the gang and started to cause chaos wherever she went. By 8th grade, she became the leader of the gang and easily persuaded people to join. People were terrified of them and no gang messed with them. Not even the high school gangs. When she got to High School, she continued with the gang. They were all she had. Soon, her father found out about the gang and he started to question her. He found out because she had severely beaten a kid and she was caught by the police. She was brought home and her father was furious. Her brothers and sister watched him yell at her. She shrugged off his lecture like it was nothing. Finally, her dad was sick of it and sent her to Helsing High to learn how to behave. Her brothers tried to talk to him and tell him that there were better solutions than sending her to a boarding school but he wouldn't hear any of it.



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Name: Summer Lanette


Grade: second year


Clique: Emo


Orientation: Straight


Personality: Laid-back, depressed, always listening to music, easily impressed

Background: My grandfather was killed by a human vampire hunter and i vowed to end all human hunters but was sent to this school to deal with my anger and ended up falling for a human but i am pushing my feelings aside

Appearence:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be83e7ddc_emogirl.jpeg.2f114ecba02220268bd70c45dcaa5078.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10725" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be83e7ddc_emogirl.jpeg.2f114ecba02220268bd70c45dcaa5078.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Jazmyne Vorture

Age: 17

Grade: 3rd

Sex: Female

Race: Demon

Clique: NONE

Origin: Italy


Occupation: N/A

Personality: Jazmyne is a very private person who likes to deal with her problems on her own so she usually refuses help from other people even if they are friends. She has a mysterious way about her as she continues to read spell books that are written in an ancient language Jazmyne mastered; Jazmyne believes that everyone should have at least one reason to live because if not, they don't deserve to live because they couldn't see just the smallest blessings in front of them.

Background: Being born in a family of strict and old fashioned family has caused Jazmyne to feel empty and alone but she held her head up as her family trained her to be ready with both the knowledge and power to become the head of the family. Her friends and family feared her because of her title so they pretended as if they cared about her but Jazmyne knew the truth, she despised everyone around and her and slowly began to make a plan to escape her 'prison' but because her parents found out what she was going to do, they sent her to Helsing High School so that she couldn't escape their plans for her future.


If you want me to change anything, I will:)
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Name: Jaxlyn (Aka: Jinx)

Age: 16

Grade: 2nd year

Sex: female

Race: Demon

Clique: mixture of emo, punk, and rocker.

Origin: France

Orientation: bi curious

Personality: She is a bright girl, very outgoing always happy. She listines to rock music and enjoys bright colors and dark music. She is an unperfect sweet demon child who is shy around girls. She has always acted more like a guy and enjoys being around them. She sometimes wonders if girls are really as cruel as people say but she is too scared to find out.

Background: She has lived amongst humans for many a lifetimes. She ranaway from her rich family so she could live a non pampered life. And now dreams of makeing her own family. She lives for the future and doesn't really talk about her past.

Appearance: deamon<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/images-9.jpeg.fe45a1e0c12a5270df192830d8ab46ce.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10729" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/images-9.jpeg.fe45a1e0c12a5270df192830d8ab46ce.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> human<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/images-10.jpeg.a0b3b2dce1f67572c914a924d4cb3440.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/images-10.jpeg.a0b3b2dce1f67572c914a924d4cb3440.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Bludika Volfknait


Grade: second year



Clique: Goth


Orientation: Bisexual


Personality: Shes thinks shes better that others shes know it all always trying to to control other peoples tell them what to do she have rage managment issues.

Background:Originaly from accient Oni clan she and her family moved to europe after Bludika couldn't control her anger and went into rampage leveling down small village near Fuji mountain.Her dad send her to "Hellsing High School" hoping she can learn control her emotions and learn new things about world as she is heir of Oni clan.

Appearance Human:

Appearance Demon:

Name: Ivan and Drake

Age: 18

Grade: Fourth year

Sex: Male

Race: Demons

Clique: Emos

Origin: England

Orientation: Ivan is bisexual while Drake is straight

Occupation: N/A

Personality: Ivan is very childish, flirtatious, and seems to have a "i-don't-give-a-f*ck" attitude. He is very popular in school because of his good looks. He is kind to the girls for the most part but in reality, he is very cold and is very much like his father. He can be abusive when he is angry. He is also very sarcastic toward others and no one can tell when he's serious. When it comes to his brother, though, he is like a different person. He loves his brother more than anyone else. He has trust issues so his brother is the only person he trusts.

Drake, on the other hand, is kind and caring to others. He is overprotective of his brother and constantly worries that his brother won't amount to anything since he has no plans for after high school. He remains overprotective of his brother though.

Background: Once upon a time, there was a couple that grew up together. They started to date in 8th grade and grew closer as they went into High School. Then, something happened. He turned aggressive and was abusive toward her. She stayed with him despite how her friends told her to break up with him. When she was 16, he raped her. She realized she wasn't ready to lose her virginity so she tried to stop him but he grew rougher and forced her to take it. She was impregnated with his child or I should say children. Yes. 9 months later she gave birth to twins. Because of her pregnancy, she had to drop out of school. During her pregnancy, her boyfriend disappeared. She didn't know what to do with two children that she didn't want. One day, her neighbor came over and saw that she had hung herself. He was so astonished at the sight of her. He heard crying of two babies. He went into a room and saw two infant children crying. He brought the children to a nearby orphanage where they remained.

The twins had always been different and because they were different, they were bullied by the other orphans. A couple of times, Ivan nearly killed one of the orphans but Drake had always stopped him. They were demons. The orphan mother was even scared of them. She didn't know what to do with the children since she knew no one would take them. When they entered high school, she enrolled them into Helsing High in hope to never see them again.


Name: Aurora & Skyver Ramsden

Age: 17

Grade: third year

Sex: Aurora: female, Skyver: male

Race: Human/Demon

Clique: Aurora: Hipster, Skyver: Rocker

Origin: Denmark

Orientation: Aurora: Straight, Skyver: straight

Occupation: nope

Personality: Aurora is a keep to herself kind of girl. She doesn't really open up to people unless she really knows them. Once she gets to know you she is really outgoing and down to earth. At first sight she comes off as bitchy but she is really sweet and kind hearted. She trusts to easily and wears her heart on her sleeve. Her twin brother Skyver, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He doesn't care what anyone thinks and he does take anyone's crap. He'll tell you like it is and doesn't care if you like it or not. He used to be kind until he had his heart broken, now he just keeps a wall up and doesn't let anyone in.

Background: Aurora and Skyver are half human half demon twins that were born into a rich family in Denmark. Their mother was human who died while giving birth to the twins. Their family was so disgusted with the fact that their mother fell in love with a demon that they banned the demon father from ever seeing Aurora and Skyver. The family thought by doing this they could raise the children as just being human. And it worked. They started making Aurora into a Debutante and Skyver into a eligible bachelor. They were enrolled into the academy for the rich, which Aurora excelled in as Skyver did not. The children had no idea about what they actually were and that made everything great till the children hit twelve. At school one day Aurora was sitting reading her book when an older kid came and knocked it out of her hand. He grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her up yelling in her face about her telling on him. Aurora was frightened. Skyver seen what was happening and became furious. Sprinting across the court yard he balled his hand into a fist and punched the kid in the face. But it wasn't any ordinary punch he had fire coming from his hand. Burning the kids face as he made the blow. Shocked, Skyver grabbed Aurora and ran from the school. From then on out the twins started to develop strange powers, These strange powers started to raise questions in the school and the community. The family took the twins out of school and decided to home school them. This raised questions from the twins and the family had no choice but to tell them everything even expressing that they thought that hiding them from the world would protect them and the family's reputation. But its didn't it raised suspicion and the family had no choice but to find them a place to go. It had become unsafe for the twins to stay in Denmark. So the family started on a search to find a place where they could send the twins. Then they found Helsings High School. They packed up Aurora and Skyver and sent them off. Once Aurora and Skyver got to Helsing High they agreed that they wanted a fresh start and to be true to themselves. They both threw out everything they learned as a kid and became everything they wanted to be. Aurora and Skyver threw away all their preppy clothes and changed to their own style. They never got to express themselves back in Denmark, They were always told what to do and what to wear. They always wanted to be themselves but never got the chance to. They were told who to be. And they were finally free. Both have an unusual mark on them that mark that they half bloods.

Appearance: Aurora <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/anime-black-dangerous-evil-girl-Favim_com-313600.jpg.4fa64e58e618eea01c2a4bb784ebf4f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10869" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/anime-black-dangerous-evil-girl-Favim_com-313600.jpg.4fa64e58e618eea01c2a4bb784ebf4f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skyver <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Orihara-Izaya-anime-guys-34114908-450-450.jpg.415f8609c8777f011736c7a781fa23d0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10870" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Orihara-Izaya-anime-guys-34114908-450-450.jpg.415f8609c8777f011736c7a781fa23d0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Jacob Sparks


Grade: Third Year

Race: Demon

Clique: None

Orgin: Australian

Orientation: Straight


Personality: Laid-back , Wise , Calm , He secretly has a nice side but rarely shows it he thinks it's a sign of weakness , He can very nonchalant at times

Background: Jacob was one of the most , vicious demon in Demon World because his anger was like throwing wood on fire . At the edge of 7 Jacob was alone his mother killed by a rogue demon Hus father was never around , So he decided to adapt on his own making a name for himself the red eyed demon he enrolled in the academy shortly after hid close experience with death at the age 14 ( Secret will reveal as the story goes )


Sent from my Prism II using Tapatalk<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/uploadfromtaptalk1387993486036.jpg.7971afc6a99d7a0973758fe184ce104b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10877" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/uploadfromtaptalk1387993486036.jpg.7971afc6a99d7a0973758fe184ce104b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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