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Helping Hands

Walking through to where Anna was sitting, he settled in a chair beside her. Maybe she was wheelchair bound--for now--but at least she was feeling a lot better.

"How are you doing?" He asked, squeezing her shoulder, resisting the urge to kiss her whichever way he could. Because they didn't know each other yet, he was her doctor, not her boyfriend, and somewhere the lines were crossing.

And he looked back to see Maria, probably afraid of the sudden entrance.
Anna blew air into her ruby red colored nails. She had been painting them earlier, and now they were close to perfection.

Nail painting had been something she had done ever since she was a little girl. It was a way of calming her nerves and keeping her attention away from what she was worried about. Somehow, the world seemed easier to tackle with a fresh coat of nail polish.

"I'm better now that you're here," she admitted, admiring the waves. "Maria's been keeping me busy with her Spanish soap operas. What about you? You happy to see me?"
"Of course I'm happy to see you," he said, scooting a little closer, taking a second to admire her nails. They looked nice; they looked dangerous, like a Bon Jovi song. Maybe that could have been a hint to him, but he ignored it, for now.

Without a second's hesitation, he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm happy to see that you're a little more happy yourself." Maybe if he didn't make too much of it, then it would actually be an okay thing and not so weird. Especially as they sat on the balcony, as if they were a couple, overlooking the California coastline with the crystalline water lapping gently against the beach.
The kiss on the cheek was unexpected, but welcome. How long had she had a real kiss? How long had she been held in the arms of a loving man?

Too long.

"Jacques," she said, with an eager sigh. She knew that he hadn't come here just exclusively for his job; and though she was desperate for love, something about Jacques had her wanting to take things slow, to enjoy him while he was still here.

"Tell me about your dreams, Jacques. Tell me what keeps you alive." She asked.
His dreams? That question made him look over to her and wonder where that came from. Why did anyone care about his dreams? What kept him alive? How did one actually answer such an existential question?

"What keeps me alive?" he laughed, like it was joke. "Right now? Oxygen's keeping me alive, I guess." He kept with the laughter, but deep down, he didn't have a better answer. He didn't even want to tell her about his dreams. Because he didn't know. "What about you? What keeps you alive?"
Lighting a cigarette, Anna grinned and replied, "The hope that I'll find someone who loves me for me, flaws and all."

Taking in her smoke and exhaling, she added, "I've been hurt a lot, Jacques, but I still hope that one day a lovely man will put a ring on my finger. Almost happened once, but...I like my freedom too much."
His nose curled at the smoke, and he almost told her to stop, almost, but then she would just hide it from him after that. What did it matter?

"Well, I'm sure it'll happen one day," said Jacques. "If you let it, some nice guy will come by and let all your dreams come true."
"You think so?" Anna asked, putting out her cigarette. "How about you? What's your love life like? Sneaking around with the nurses perhaps?"

Jacques seemed like a clean cut guy. He seemed to be the sweet type you took home to meet your mother, and Anna surprisingly liked that for a change.
Hitting a sore spot with that one, Jacques shrugged it off ever so lightly, like it wasn't that big of a deal. She didn't know about him like he knew about her. Secrets were secrets. "No...nothing like that. I don't live as glamorous a life as you do, unfortunately."

Situating himself to be facing her more, his legs crossed and his hands clasped together, Jacwuds gave her something of a little smirk. "well, I mean, I guess since we're sorta...doing whatever this is, it's more the patient, not so much a nurse."
"Is it?" Anna asked, leaning towards him. "Because I find you fascinating."

There she went again, aiming for her next target. He was only supposed to be just another heart to steal.

"I shouldn't like you, but I can't help it. Is that wrong?"
"I don't think it's too wrong. That's just...how life goes sometimes," said Jacques, rolling his shoulders and wanting to scoot closer to her. Not that they needed the warmth with sun and wind on their faces. The fresh smell of the salty sea. "You find yourself drawn to the strangest people."

Not that he called her strange. In her own strange way, Anna was normal. From what she told him in the ICU, she had a normal upbringing, she just ended up moving into greater things. "Are you being honest with me? That you're actually interested? Or is this just...another sort of fling? I've been through enough in my life. I'd...like to end u with someone nice for...for the rest of my life."

This was probably what she meant about his dreams, and that he couldn't entirely answer her right when she asked until he wanted to be sure that things were going to be okay.
Jacques really was a good guy, wasn't he? That's what scared her. She didn't deserve such a nice guy. No, Anna had no business handling such a heart, such a soul.

But damn, did she want to.

"I'm tired of playing games. I want something real in my life for a change." Anna said, placing her hand on his.

And it was true. Anna was hungry for love, practically starving.

But was she capable of loving another human being? And would Jacques give her the chance?
At first, his hand merely twitched, but as he turned to look at her, he shifted it around, clutching her hand in his.

Something told him this wasn't going to be good--or easy--but it felt right for them. She seemed as on board as she could be. As much as he could trust an actress.

"I want something...like that, too." Jacques agreed. "I think we could help each other out. Emotionally, at least."
Emotions. Anna was so good at them. With the snap of a finger, she could sob, laugh joyfully, and scream with rage or fear, all under a minute. But letting herself be emotionally vulnerable seemed to be a different thing altogether.

It frightened her, and yet with Jacques, she had never felt so safe. How she longed to know what it was like to be fully known and unconditionally loved by someone; and how she wanted him to be that someone, even if she would grow bored of him by the next day. She hoped she didn't.

"Jacques, when was the last time you ever kissed a girl?" Anna whispered.
"It's....well, it hasn't been that long," he said, to be honest. It hadn't been that long since he had flings, or had a little rendezvous with ladies of the night. They were never passionate. They were just kisses, love pecks, nothing more. Nothing that was ever a seal or a commitment to anything significant or substantial. "But it's been a long while since I've been with someone and I've actually felt okay about it."

Staring over at her, wondering what she was implying, he smiled weakly. "Why do you ask?"
He was adorable, and yet, extremely attractive. It was as if there were no ounce of danger in him, just naive innocence in its purest form.

Would she corrupt that innocence? Maybe. Could she stop herself? Unfortunately not. The girl simply was too boy crazy and wild for her own damn good.

"Would you kiss me if I wanted you to?" Anna responded, going for it.
That was certainly one way to put it. Kiss her if he wanted her to. As if he could only do it on demand, because it would be so much more than that to him. Though he didn't let her know that. Instead, he simply gave her a smile and nodded. "Of course." They were already too far into this to back out now. He practically lived with her.

He wondered if he was giving into this too easily. It was probably nothing more than a fling at best, even if she promised it wouldn't be.
Anna pursed her lips and studied her new victim, except...was he really her victim? Or would he be the one to finally tie this care free spirit down? Perhaps he could teach her how to love.

"Kiss me then," she dared him, her expression dead serious.
A little smiled came on Jacques' face, and he hesitated for maybe half a second on whether he should or not. But throwing caution to the wind, he leaned forward and kissed her. It was quick, simple. He could still taste the cigarette on her lips, but for now that was alright.

When he pulled away, he looked down at her, where she was still healing, and then back up again. Maybe she had caught him in some sort of trap. But what would she want that for? What good was it to have one? She couldn't get any more money out of him that she didn't already have. She was a Hollywood actress...he was just a doctor. For whatever that was worth. "Like that?" he asked.
Kissing had always been Anna's favorite thing to do, and she had kissed many of men before. But somehow this kiss felt...different.

Sweet and short, lingering with just enough mystery to tease her lips. His own lips had tasted fresh, clean. Did she taste toothpaste? Mints? Who knows, but she wanted more.

"Yes," she replied, before leaning in and giving him her own kiss: passionate and fearless.
Her swooping in for a second kiss surprised him, but Jacques enjoyed every second of it, reaching out and touching her arm softly.

Barely did he want to let go, only to come up for air. And to look into her eyes before looking away. "Well..."he laughed to himself. "sorry if I'm disappointing."

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