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New Member
What would you suggest for my first roleplay? Create my own, or join someone (and if so, would anyone be willing to take a newbie)? (^.^)
Try both, see which is more fun. Do it again.
Goteki said:
What would you suggest for my first roleplay? Create my own, or join someone (and if so, would anyone be willing to take a newbie)? (^.^)
Most people (including myself) start off with joining a simple roleplay and working their way, until they are able to find out how to work a roleplay, at which point they create their own, or just go to the next step of roleplaying, Causal.

Unless you are one of those; jump off the deep end learners... Which in that case, go for it bro!
I see this pretty late...


I'm not new to roleplaying or writing stories, but I'd say do what you're most comfortable with.

If you're serious about creating a story and all though... well... then I'm not the biggest fan of the Simple RPs on here. Most of them seem to consist of lots of one-liners and really really short posts... It doesn't give you a lot to reply to.

But if you're new to all of it I can imagine that's kinda okay.

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