Help on a artifact, imput wanted [New Dawn in the North]


Ten Thousand Club
Ok, so the twin bladed diaklave that i am makeing and going to post is called a Souba (exalted name I haven't come up with yet). I am tring to figure out how to do the x2 damage. Would you roll double the amount of damage dice, do double the number of health levels delt, or some other option that i haven't thought of yet? This is after soak is applied of course. What do you guys think? Megan said just double damage done. Ohh, Flock I was wondering if i could use Hidden Leaves in the story discription of the Souba, if that is ok with you massa?
Kabuki said:
Ok, so the twin bladed diaklave that i am makeing and going to post is called a Souba (exalted name I haven't come up with yet). I am tring to figure out how to do the x2 damage. Would you roll double the amount of damage dice, do double the number of health levels delt, or some other option that i haven't thought of yet? This is after soak is applied of course. What do you guys think? Megan said just double damage done. Ohh, Flock I was wondering if i could use Hidden Leaves in the story discription of the Souba, if that is ok with you massa?
You can use Hidden Leaves, although he doesn't have one.  Then again, maybe he should...

I'd use the same mechanic Flickering Image Strike and the other Athletics-based damage Charms use: you double the number of damage dice rolled.  That means: calculate damage normally, subtract soak normally, then roll twice as many as you normally would.  At least I think that's how it works.  Anyway, that's the way it shouldwork, even if it doesn't.

If you're basing the stats off a daiklave, I'd say that adding the double-damage power would bump it up to level 3.   I haven't consulted Savant and Sorceror on this, but it's an educated guess.
Then again, you could also double the number of damage successes: figure damage normally, subtract soak normally, roll damage dice normally, then double the successes.

Which mechanic makes more sense?  Up to you.  In the end, you could end up with the same amount of damage: you get 3 dice and roll 2 successes, double it for 4, or you get 3 dice, double it for 6, then roll 4.  Can't quote you statistics on that, but it seems pretty even to me.
Then again' date=' you could also double the number of [i']damage successes[/i]: figure damage normally, subtract soak normally, roll damage dice normally, then double the successes.
I like this one better and was more of what I was thinking. Yeah i was gonna make it a 3 point artifact as well.
Ok, so three rough drafts later. Here is a idea for story and the weapon. Tell me what ya think. I will most likely be cutting the story down as well. Please don't mind the mispelling and typeos.

Walks Among Hidden Leaves, a No Moon Lunar of the Fox totem, knelt before Moons Ivory Finger Tips, a age old Full Moons, who had switched her totem from ape to tiger. There was no moon on this night, Luna was hidding her face, but the stars shown brightly. This encounter had been a surprise for Hidden Leaves, but Moons Ivory had planned it for sometime. As Hidden Leaves knelt, Moons Ivory pulled from elsewhere a gift for Hidden Leaves current deeds of bravery, skill, and cunning. He had saved her lands, at least for a short time from the attention of Yurgin Kaneko by besting his "negotiator", a fellow lunar in single combat and using a blood deat wisely.

What Moons Ivory held in her hands was a sword of pure moonsilver, sheathed in blackened leather. As she handed it to Hidden Leaves he bowed his head and raised his arms to recive his gift of respect. When the sword was placed into his hands he began to feel the connection of this weapon to himself. He stood and drew the sword form it's sheath. Observing the balde he gazed upon a twin bladed daiklave, blades curved in one direction that were only set a single inch apart. It was a traditional weapon called a Souba, though not commonly used. The blades design was such that if a blow struck the opponent that the injury would be two fold. Also, if the adversary survived the incounter, the slashes could not be stiched due to the proximity of the wounds,and would be more difficult to heal. Gleaming in the starlight Hidden Leaves understood the name of this blade, that was scrawed in old realm down the magnificent blade, "Lightning Splits upon the Tree".

Honored by this gift Hidden Leaves shethed his blade and knelt in one motion. He gave his thanks to Luna and Moons Ivory Finger Tips for the honor and gratitude.

I think that I switched teanses a couple of times and whatnot. Also, it has the exact same stats as a daiklave and does x2 health levels. So 2 sucess on a damage roll=4 health levels. Artifact lvl:3
Also i haven't decided to just call it a Souba Daiklaive or some crazy name like "Lightning Splits upon the Tree" that was just the first thing that came to me that sounded like it fit Hidden Leaves btw. Any good ideas for a good name would be welcomed as well.
"Lightning Splits Upon the Tree" = great idea.  Stick with that.

Mechanics are sound - although, had you thought of making it a reaper (slashing sword) daiklave instead a regular (straight sword) daiklave?  Just a thought.

I made stats for a katana by averaging out the stats of a straight sword, a slashing sword, and a two-handed sword.  Maybe some similat stat-combination will work better for "Lightning..." than an existing statline.

Incidentally, Moon's Ivory is a Changing Moon.  (shrugs) Y'know.  FYI.
Yeah I was guessing on her aspect. Yeah I was just looking at the stats and discription on a reaper daiklave, I'm gonna use that instead. thanks for the imput. Just need to tweek some stuff and i will be done.

So after fixing typos and changing Moons Ivory's aspect i think that i am rady to post this thing. Any last opinions?
So, what do you guys think about me posting any of Cirrus's artifacts that he has made? Either his Hand, Suit, or Essence harness. Ehhh, just a thought.
Do it.  Just be wicked literal - pretend you're explaining them to children.  Be REAL clear in your descriptions.
OK, the Abyssal that I am working on.... I have made a soulsteel dagger for him that is one point but would like to bump it up to two points. I added the ability to return to the owner at the end of the turn. The infinate jade charkrum is 2 points so i thought this fair. The character is not throw based just has one dot in it, but thought that this would be useful in a pinch.
ahh, void. If you recall josh hartnets character from the begging of sin city, that is the basis of my character. Day caste con-artist/lover/in your face assassin.
If it's a dagger infused w/ power of the Void, and it's level 2, I think you'd be justified in giving it the Void Sheath Technique* power and having it do piercing damage.

Statted it yet?  I'd like to see.

*You'll have to ask Jubal about this, since he's got my book, but I think the way it works is: storing it in the Void is a Simple Charm, costs 2 motes, but you can choose to end it [/i]reflexively, which summons the weapon to your hand.  This isn't as "fast" as the Solar version, Summoning the Loyal Steel, but makes more sense for Abyssals, I think.
yeah nothing special, looked at how they uped a short sword and a short diaklave.

Spd +1 Acc +4(+3 w/ soul steel bouns) +2L Def +0 Rate: 6

Thrown: Acc +3 +2L Range:15

I was looking for something interesting and useful for a character of that sort. He is not overly powerful in any way. so was tring to make something that would suit him that would be a utility item and such.
With those stats, I think you could make it piercing and give it the Void Sheath power and have it stay L2.  But you'd have to ask Jubal, as it's his game.

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